Chapter 48

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Chapter 48 - Joe POV

I recognised this dream from somewhere before. The house I was standing on was slowly burning away, there was barely anything left. I watched the distance as a woman with no face and a really tall man stood there laughing at me. I screamed and cried for help but they just stood there laughing. Their own son was trapped in a burning house and all they could do was laugh..

'JOE! JOE!' I forced my eyes open. Maddy was standing above me shaking me and shouting my name. I realised how much I was sweating.

'Joe, what happened?'

'I don't know Maddy.'

'You were shouting help me and you're meant to be my mum and stuff like that in your sleep?'

'I just had a bad dream.' Maddy sighed and sat down on our bed.

'Tell me about it.'

'I can't.'

'Joe, don't push me away.' I sighed, where was I meant to start. I grabbed Maddy's hand.

'It was just a memory like in a dream. A memory I don't want to remember.'

'What do you mean?'

'I was in a house fire when I was really young. I still have scars and burns.'


'My parents didn't save me, they just left me to burn.'

'Graham and Tracy?!' I sighed. How was I meant to tell her, I hadn't even told my own sister yet.

'No Maddy.' She gasped.

'Tell me.'

'I was adopted after the fire, I was really young.'

'Does Zoe know?'

'Nope, Graham and Trace think I don't know. We've never talked about it.'

'Joe, I'm so sorry.' I sighed again.

'I think it's time to tell Zoe. I've been having dreams about it since I can remember. To this day, I'm still terrified.'

'I'm behind you whatever you chose to do.'

'Should I go tell Zoe now?'

'They're in London at their apartment Joe. I woke up really early this morning as they were just leaving.'

'Did they say when they'd be back?'

'29th.' I sighed and put my hand through my hair.

'I'm gonna go have a shower.'

Maddy POV

@Maddy_Taylor: don't even know how to feel anymore

As soon as I pressed tweet, it felt like I already had thousands of people asking what was wrong.

I've always dreamed of fame, being well known and people recognising me but now people know who I am, I'm starting to realise that I don't actually want this life.

One step wrong and the whole YouTube fanbase would know, even worse, the whole world.

But I suppose it's when you get get you want, you realise you have everything to lose.

If only life was like a YouTube video, you could pause, play, fast forward or rewind. Even cut out the bad bits and refilm them.

But nothing's ever that simple.

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