Chapter 92

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'You don't have to do this, you can cancel.'

'No, I want to see him.' I said determinedly as my two best friends helped me decide which shoes to wear for my dinner out with Joe.

'Do you want me to wait outside the restaurant in the car? Just incase you need a quick escape?' Maisie asked whilst applying more lipstick.

'What, with bloody binoculars?' I laughed.

'No, fuck that. We can just get a table behind you two.'

'Esme, I was joking! As if Joe wouldn't recognise the two of you, he knows who you are!'

'I'm sure he won't mind though!'

'You're both staying home! I appreciate the support but it's Joe, it'll be fine!'

'Just ring me if you need a quick escape though, I'll be straight there.' Maisie promised me.

Conveniently, my phone vibrated on the bed behind me with a message from Joe saying he's outside whenever I'm ready.

'He could of come to the door, a text isn't very romantic.' Esme shrugged.

'Give him a break! We've been together months, it's not a first date.'

'It doesn't matter, Mads. He should treat every second with you like it's a first date!' Maisie said.

'You two judging Joe when you both suck d.ick for a glass of wine!' I laughed, making the girls both laugh hysterically.

'Get it right Mads, we'd do it for a glass of orange!'

'Disgusting! How do I look?' I asked, standing up and looking in the mirror.


'Bangable.' Laughed Esme.

'Yes, I'd bang you.' Maisie agreed.

'Thanks girls, have a good night!' I said, giving them both a kiss and leaving the room to go meet Joe. I was struggling to walk in the heels Esme had leant me but I knew they looked good.

I spotted Joe's car on the road as soon as I opened the front door and watched his face light up when he saw me. He jumped out, walking round to open the car door for me, look amazing in a navy suit.

'You look amazing.' He said after woof-whilsting at me, making us both laugh.

'You don't look so bad yourself.' I smiled.

'Woooo!' I heard someone shout from above us, not even needing to look up to know my friends were leering out their windows. I stuck my middle finger up at them, causing them to laugh and Esme to stick her tongue out.

'I knew I'd be attacked if I knocked on the door.' He smiled awkwardly.

'You're smarter than you look!' I laughed, lightening the mood slightly.

'I made reservations at a fancy restaurant Conor recommended, I wanted the best for you.' He said, in a way that made me wonder if it was a question, as soon as we were both in the car.

'Anything is fine.' I smiled. 

Low-key, I hated fancy restaurants. I'd been dragged along to just one too many by my parents for business related stuff. I could never pronounce anything on the menu and everything just tasted too expensive. You couldn't leave anything either so tough if you don't want that crust on your bread, it costs more than the average person's mortgage.

'We've got a reservation under Sugg.' Joe politely told the person standing by the door when we entered.

'Right this way.' She smiled.

I expected the restaurant to be fancy and it did not disappoint. The lights were dimmed and candles dotted around the place instead. Everyone was so dressed up in fancy clothes, it felt almost uncomfortable.

'How have you been?' Joe asked me as we both sat down.

'It feels weird asking you that, wrong even.. Sorry.' He apologised.

'No, it's fine. I'm okay, are you?'

'Yeah I missed you though.. Sorry.' He apologised again.

'Don't apologise Joe, you better of missed me.' I laughed, lifting the mood like I had done in the car.

'How's school?'

'Boring.. How's YouTube?'

'Alright, I got a gaming video up this week so I'm doing alright.'

'Yeah.. I watched it.' I admitted.

'You did?' He asked, his face lighting up.

'Of course, I watch all your videos. I'm sorry for saying you're immature for making them the other day, you didn't deserve that and I didn't mean it.'

'It's fine.' He said quickly, obviously hurt by my comment.

Something about this dinner felt so wrong and I knew it wasn't the company. Joe was one of the only things I'd done right in my life, one of the only good choices I've made. Maybe it was the awkward note we ended on though or the fact I know he went out clubbing with those goddamn twins. Maybe it was even this fancy-arse restaurant. I didn't know, but whatever it was, was unsettling.

'Can I get you two any drinks?' The waitress asked.

'The most expensive bottle of champagne you have, I don't care about the cost. I want 4, please.' I said, knowing this feeling of uncomfort wouldn't disappear until I made it disappear. 

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