Chapter 20

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Chapter 20 - Joe POV

'What?! Zoe calm down! I can't understand you?' Zoe was having a panic attack down the phone. 'Zoe, where's Alfie?'

'Alf alf al Alfie?' I heard the phone being past over.

'Hi Joe.' Alfie's voice was full of sadness and worry.

'Alfie! What's happened mate? Why's Zoe so upset?'

'It's Maddy.' I swear in the moment my heart stopped.

'Wwwhat about Mmmmaddy?' I didn't even think I wanted to know.

'Last night she was involved in a car accident. We've just been called by the hospital, Zoe's having a panic attack but we're going over straight after she's calmed down?' My heart was beating so fast, I was sweating, my hands were shaking. I grabbed my car keys and got into my car.

'What hospital, I'm on my way.'

Alfie explained what hospital it was and I started driving straight away. I went as quick as I could, not caring about the speed limits or traffic lights. I just needed to get to Maddy.

I did the 2 and a half hour journey in about a hour. It was 7am on a Saturday morning so thankfully there was barely any traffic.

I rushed into the hospital and went to main reception.

'I'm looking for Maddy Taylor, she was in a car accident last night.' My voice trembled as we spoke.

'Yes, what relation are you to her?'

'I'm her boyfriend..'

'Miss Sugg and Mr Deyes are already in their, do you know these two people?'

'Yes! Zoe Sugg is my sister, I'm Joe Sugg and Alfie Deyes is her boyfriend, he's Maddy's cousin and Zoe's boyfriend.'

'Ok, room 6, down the corridor, turn left, 3rd door on the right.'

'Thank you.' I ran off in the directions the nurse told me. I reached a door with the number 6 on.

I felt nervous as I pushed the door open.

Beep, beep, beep, beep.

I heart the heart monitor as I went in. I was too scared to even look up as I knew I couldn't handle seeing Maddy hurt.

'Joe?' I recognised Zoe's voice and slowly looked up at her. Her and Alfie were sitting on the two chairs at the side of the room, holding hands.

I slowly looked round to the bed, Maddy was looking beautiful asleep on the bed. She had a big bandage around her head and something attached to her hand.

'Is she ok?..'

'Yeah, just sleeping. No major injuries.' I smiled at Alfie.

'How long will she be asleep for?'

'She's been asleep since we got here 45 minutes ago, but she's not unconscious or in a coma so it will take as long as she needs.'

'Okay, thanks Alf.'

I sat on the chair next to her bed as Alfie and Zoe sat on the other chairs. The room was filled with silence, just the soft sound of the heartbeat machine. No noise was needed, the tension and worry spoke for itself.

I just sat quietly and watched Maddy's chest go in and out. It broke my heart seeing her like this.

I pulled my phone out and replied to my dads text. He was asking where we all were, I just said I'd ring him later.

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