Chapter 36

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Chapter 36 - Joe POV

I ran out of bed and ran downstairs. Zoe and Alfie were lying on the sofa together editing their videos.

'Zoe! Maddy's coming home! She's on her way!'


'Maddy's on the plane. She's coming home!'

'And you're just gonna let her back in, just like that?'

'What do you mean?'

'She just disappeared like that, left you heartbroken. You're gonna let her come running back like nothing happened?'

'She needed a break.'

'And is that your opinion or hers?' I thought for a minute.

'Her opinion, my fault.'

'No it wasn't Joe!'

'I pushed her away.'

'Aw, poor little Maddy.'

'Why do you two hate her so much?'

'She's a spoilt brat! You can't see it now, but when you break up, you will. She takes everything for granted, including you Joe. Look at her leading you on then running back to Rome because you pushed her away. You've done everything you can for that girl and it's still not enough. You're stupid Joe, we both knew she was trouble when we first met her at the airport. All the things she said to us.'

'She didn't mean it Zoe.'

'She'll break your heart.'

'She's not like that!'

'That's exactly what you said when you first started dating Sasha. We all warned you she was trouble. She couldn't keep her eyes off other men even when she was with you for gods sake!'

'Just because Sasha broke my heart, doesn't mean every girl I go out with will. Maddy means more to me then you could ever imagine. I don't think you too know what love is.'

'Joe we're both in love, you're not! You can't fall in love with someone within two weeks! You're just a kid.'

'I'll prove you wrong. You wouldn't know love if it fucking slapped you round the face.'

'Trust me, I know love better than you ever will.'

'What about Wilf? He used you then cheated on you. You were in love with him, weren't you?!'

'And you were in love with Sasha, weren't you.'

'Sasha has nothing to do with this, we broke up months ago.'

'You do what you want then Joe, just don't come running back to me when she breaks your heart.'

'You know what? You are the shittest sister ever. I'm going to see mum, she can give me some proper advice.'

'You do that!' I grabbed my car keys and drove off towards my mums house. It was only half 4 so I still had a while to go until I had to go to the airport.

I knocked on the door. Mum answer almost straight away.

'Joe darling! You didn't tell me you where coming over!'

'Sorry, I just didn't know who else to turn to.'

'No it's fine darling, come on in!' I went in and inhaled the smell of my mums house. It always smelt amazing.

'Want a cup of tea?'

'Yes please.' I sighed.

'Come sit down. How about we open a tin of biccies.' I opened my mouth to talk, but I just started crying instead. It had been a long time since I had cried, yet I seemed to be doing it a lot in the last few days.

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