Chapter 67

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Chapter 67 - Joe POV

Me and Maddy were curled up on the sofa watching a film with a blanket over us. I looked over at Maddy, she looked half asleep. She gave me a soft smile.

It wasn't long before there the doorbell rang. Maddy jumped up like an excited puppy.

'I'll get it!! I'll get it!' She ran over the the front door, I followed.

'MEGAN!!!' She was clinging onto someone at the door as if her life depended on it. I laughed and smiled at Maddy's cuteness.

'Come on love, at least let her get through the door first!' I heard them both laugh before Maddy climbed down.

'I've missed you so much Megs!'

'I've missed you two Mads!' I rolled my eyes and laughed. What had I let myself in for?!

'This is Joe, Joe Megan blah blah.' I kissed Megan on the cheek.

'Nice to finally meet you Megan!'

'I'm not trying to be rude but I have no idea who you are Joe but it's nice to meet you anyway!'

'Maddy, you didn't even tell her who I was?!' I jokily put my hand on my heart. Both the girls laughed.

'This is Joe, my boyfriend!'

'Wow! I never though you'd have a serious relationship!' Maddy laughed but I could tell that comment hurt her a bit. I just fake laughed as well. It was clear Megan didn't know about Jack or half the stuff Maddy had been through.

'I'll show you your bedroom Megs! There's no one else in at the moment but Joe's sister and her boyfriend live here as well but they're really nice. Marcus also lives here but he's never here so yeah.' I picked up Megan's suitcase and wheeled it behind me whilst following them to the bedroom.


'How are you then? How's school?'

'Same old, you haven't really missed much Mads.'

'Is Mr Green still working there?' We both laughed.

'Yes, unfortunately! He keeps commenting on how peaceful it is without you!'

'Ha, what a twat?' I followed the girls into the office that we had made into Megan's bedroom. I didn't know whether to sit with them or leave them to chat.

'Megan here's your suitcase.' I wheeled it in behind me. She smiled warmly at me.

'Thanks Joe.' I nodded respectively.

'Do you want anything Megan, a drink or some food or anything?'

'No I'm alright thanks.'

'Maddy do you want anything love?' Maddy looked up from her phone.

'No thanks.' I smiled at my girlfriend.

'Right I'm going to go edit my video, you know where I am if you need me love.' Maddy smiled as I left the room.

Maddy POV

I walked as Joe left the room and pulled the door over.

'I can't believe you're finally here!'

'I know! School has sucked without you!'

'My new school sucks too, I have a few friends but I've only been in for a week.'

'Does Joe go to your school?'

'No! He's 22! He's a roof thatcher and a YouTuber.'

'22? That explains a lot.'

'What do you mean?'

'Well he's clearly very protective over you but he would be as he's older.' I nodded.

'Yeah, he really cares about me.' Megan let out a huge yawn which made me feel bad.

'Are you tired?'

'Yeah, I was awake the whole plane journey!'

'Why don't you get some sleep and we can catch up later?'

'Are you sure Mads?'

'Of course I am!' She smiled and opened her suitcase up. I left the room and went into the living room. Joe was sitting on the sofa with his laptop. He had his headphones on and was nodding his head in time to the music.

I let out a small laugh which caused Joe to turn around and smile at me.

'You ok love?'

'I'm perfect.'

'I know you are.' I smiled and shook my head.

'You're so cheesy Joseph.' We laughed for a moment.

'Are you going to come sit down next to me or what?' I laughed again and made my way over to the sofa.

'Where's Megan?'

'She was jet lagged so she's just having a sleep.'

'We have to go to dinner in a bit though.'

'I'll make sure she's awake don't worry.' I snuggled up to Joe. He put his laptop down on the floor and turned around to face me so we could hug properly. He lifted his head down to mine and moved his lips closer. I put my hands through his arms and held his back whilst his soft lips touched mine. It felt so good.

We didn't pull away until we were both dizzy and out of breath. We put our foreheads together and panted for a minute, just staring into each other's eyes.

'I love you.' We both said it at exactly the same time. I smiled and watched as Joe smiled back.

'I can't put into words how much I am in love with you. There's not enough words to describe it Maddy.'

'You don't need to, I already know.' Joe smiled at me again. We just looked into each other's eyes for a bit longer. There was no need for talking, we just kept looking at each other.

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