Chapter 19

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Chapter 19 - Joe POV

'Are you sure you mean that? Do you really love her?' Caspar looked at me, as childish as he was, Caspar was a good mate. I could tell him anything. I was planning to tell Caspar about Maddy on Tuesday but there just wasn't the right moment.

'I do! Caspar, I get butterflies just thinking about her, when do boys even get butterflies?'

'True, it's just you've known her for like a week, you've seen her like twice.'

'But we've spoken everyday this week for hours! I think about her all the time.'

'Are you sure you're not just grieving over Sasha again?'

'Not possible, I'm well over sas. Don't even compare Sasha to Mads, there is no comparison.'

'But it hasn't been that long since you broke up Joe.'

'She cheated on me Caspar! Oh course I'm over her.'

'You broke up because she cheated, she didn't have feelings for you anymore but we all knew you loved her! Look at how much of a state you were in when you broke up.' Caspar was harsh with his words but he was clever. He always knew what was best and he's always been very open. Even if you don't like what he's saying, you have to remember he's right.

'You'd be upset if Gaby cheated on you!'

'I know Joe! I wouldn't pretend to be over her though. I know you want me to tell you how happy I am that you've met someone knew, I know that's what you want to hear but I'm not going to sit here and lie to you! You're my best mate, I'm not watching you get your heartbroken again.'

'Maddy isn't like that!'

'Isn't that what you said about Sasha?' I looked down, Caspar was right, as usual. 'I'll get another round of drinks.'

As I waited for Caspar to come back, I decided to text Maddy and tweet as I hadn't done for a while.

Me: hey mads, u ok? How's the party? Xx

@Joe_Sugg: out with my main man @CasparLee nice to see you mate #jaspar

Jaspar was an old ship name given to me and Caspar. Like there was Malfie (Marcus and Alfie), Troyler (Troy and Tyler) and more. We never used it anymore but it was still there.

Caspar returned with the drinks and we started discussing the youtube gossip.

Maddy POV

'And I'll be right by your side til 3005!' We all danced and sang along to the music. We had all had a good drink but none of us were completely drunk, not yet anyway!

'Want another drink babes?'

'Yeah sure, stay here Mais I'll get them babe.'

'Kk thanks.'

I walked into the kitchen and saw Liam sitting on his own with his head in his hands. The kitchen was a lot quieter as the speakers were in the living room and there was no one in the kitchen.

'You alright Liam?' He looked straight up, he was really pale and looked upset.

'Yeah, fine.'

'I know you're not..'

'What do you care?' I went over to where he was sitting and gave him a hug.

'Come on, let's go home. I'll come back with you then we can come back and get the others later?'

'No, you have a good time, enjoy yourself. I'm not stopping you.' I noticed how pale he was and how big his eyes were. He was shaking loads and kept stuttering. He had obviously taken something.

'What've you taken Liam?'


'I'm not stupid Liam, I have taken drugs before.'

'I don't know what it was.'

'Ok let's get you home.'

As Liam drove along the dark lanes, I started to realise how stupid I was. He's on high on drugs and had been drinking yet I've encouraged him to drive?

'Liam pull over.' He ignored me and kept driving, head banging along to the radio.

'Liam, now! Pull over.' He looked at me.


'Over there?' It was on the other side of the road but it was late and there was no one around. Liam nodded and turned to drive into the parking space.

He started driving across the road.

Suddenly a big red bus came zooming round the corner.


It was too late, the driver couldn't stop, we couldn't move, we just had to sit there and let it hit us. There was nothing we could do about it.

I felt the sensation of the car door digging into my side, the feeling of the glass from the window hitting me in the face. Blood spurted out as the glass hit. But there was still nothing I could do about it.

All I could here was crashing, smashing and ear piercing screams. And then everything went black and silent.

It wasn't just black and silent, it was nothing. Nothing except blacking out.


Wow 106 reads! The number has nearly doubled since yesterday!!

I now have twitter, I had it before, but that was my personal twitter. Now you can follow me @sugg_sunday

Please tweet/message me ANY ideas/suggestions/feedback you have towards this story, I've been really motivated recently and it's half term next week so I will keep updating!

Again, I hope you're all enjoying it! Please leave a cheeky comment :-)


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