Chapter 39

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Chapter 39- Joe POV

'Coz I'm happy! Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof.' Me and Maddy were on the way to London. We were in my car and having so much fun singing along to the radio. Maddy was going to see her friends and I was going to pop into Gleam and check my PO Box.

'It's that one Joe.'

'I'll pull up here.' I pulled up outside Maddy's friends house. She leant into the back and got her big bag of presents.

'Bye bye.'

'Have a nice time love.' Her face got closer to me. Oh my god she was going to kiss me? She kept coming closer slowly until I started to move my head towards hers. Our lips touched.

'Bye Joe!' She got out the car and walked up to the front door. I watched her knock, I didn't want to leave her incase they weren't back from school yet. The front door swung open and a short girl with purply ready hair grabbed Maddy and pulled her into a hug. Maddy turned back to wave. I saw the girls, who I guessed was Esme, face light up.

She came running down the driveway whilst Maddy stood at the door laughing. She pulled the door open.

'Omg you're Maddy's boyfriend aren't you?! You're Joe?' I smiled to myself about how sweet the girl was. Also, that meant Maddy had told her friends about me which means I mean something to Maddy.

'Yes I'm Joe! I'm guessing you're Esme?'

'Yes. Oh my god Maddy hasn't stopped talking about you!'


'Yes, Joe this, Joe that. Guess what Joe did today!' I smiled at Esme, she was just as Maddy described.

'Well it's nice to meet you Esme.'

'Come on in Joe!' Maddy was walking down the drive and at the door stood a tall blonde girl and a blonde boy.

'Es! Leave Joe alone! Come on, back inside!'

'Maddy your boyfriend is GORGEOUSSSSS! Oh let me snog your face off!' Me and Maddy looked at each other then burst out laughing.

'Come on Esme, leave him alone!'

'Have you two had sex yet?' Her face was serious and her voice was a whisper, it just made me laugh even more.

'Esme, inside! Joe's got somewhere he needs to be!'

'Fine! See you when you pick Maddy up.'

'Bye Esme. It was nice to meet you.' Esme walked off. Maddy laughed.

'Sorry about that Joe!'

'Is she always that hyper?'

'Yep, she's got a really bad obsession with Harry!' We both turned around and looked at the front door. Esme, what I guessed was Maisie and what I guessed was Harry were standing there watching us.

'Go on, you go back to your friends. I'll see you later.'

'Bye Maddy. Text me when you want picking up.'

'Will do, bye!' Maddy walked back up to the front door. I gave her a wave and drove off.

When I was dropping Maddy off, I just had a weird feeling that I couldn't describe. I suddenly realised what the horrible feeling was.

I felt like a dad who was dropping their teenage daughter off at a party. Trust me, it's a strange and horrible feeling.


852 reads wow! Thank you so much everyone.

Also thank you so much to everyone who's tweeted me saying they like the story or given me ideas of how to improve it or where to go next etc etc.

My Twitter is @sugg_sunday.

I've thought of a really good idea today so I can't wait to put that in this story!

Thanks again sugglets Xxx

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