Chapter 27

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Chapter 27 - Maddy POV

'No Maddy, I've already found her.' My heart started beating really fast, what was he on about? I knew he didn't have a girlfriend.

'Well she's a lucky girl.' I was really annoyed, Joe had led me on. I decided to just make comments instead of starting an argument.

'No, I'm a lucky boy.' I just looked down at the menu. I knew I'd order my usual Chicken Katsu Curry but I didn't want to look at Joe.

'What you having Maddy?'

'Chicken Katsu Curry.' I didn't look at him and I didn't put any emotion into my voice.

'Yeah, I think I'm going to as well.' I didn't really care. He had completely led me on.

'That's nice.'

'Maddy have I done something wrong?'

'I don't know, you tell me?'


'You've led me on Joe.'

'What the fuck?'

'You talking about how you've already found this girl and how you're a lucky boy blah blah. I thought you loved me.'

'I do.' I looked up until his eyes met mine. We held eye contact for a while.

'Can I take your order?' I sighed, interrupted once again.

'Two Chicken Katsu Curry's and two Cokes please.'

Under the table I had Joe's christmas present. I had bought him some nice aftershave, a Jack Wills jumper, some chocolates and a new digital camera. He had not stopped complaining about his 'vlogging' camera so I thought I'd buy him a new one. It was one the person in the shop highly recommended. I didn't care about the price, my parents were loaded from their company. I had so much money on my card, it will last for ages and I get more every month.

We were both halfway through our food. It was pretty awkward as we hadn't said anything yet.

'I saw Marcus and Niomi when I was shopping. I told them to look out for you.'

'I wouldn't have recognised them anyway.'

'That's what they said about you! I can't believe you haven't watched Marcus Butler's videos before. You haven't lived!'

'Maybe you could show me some later?'

'Maybe, I need to edit my video, I promised one every Sunday.'

'Can't you just do a live video? You won't have to edit?'

'I didn't actually think of that, yeah I could do. Would you do it with me?'

'Ok.' I smiled at Joe, he looked really glad.

@Joe_Sugg: Change of plan guys, no #SuggSunday today BUT I'm doing a younow show at 8pm with a very special guest! X

'Oo very special guest am I.'

'Yes, very very very special.'

'Good.' I winked at Joe and he laughed.

We finished our meals and he demanded to pay the bill again. He made me feel so bad.

It's not fair that he has to pay for me all the time, I don't even know if he can afford it.

'Whats the time Mads?'

'Nearly 7.'

'Shit! I promised I'd do a live show at 8!'

'And you still can?!'

'Come on Maddy! It's rush hour as well!'

I didn't know what Joe was so worried about but he practically made me run to his car. We still had a hour before his live show.

'Where's the rest of the bags? Like the ones for Darcey and Louise etc?'

'In the boot, can't have you seeing your present. I'll grab them later.'

I really hoped Joe hadn't spent a lot on me, I didn't deserve it.

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