Chapter 96

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'I never realised how many black t-shirts you have.' Maddy laughed whilst folding our clothes up into the suitcase.

'They're always useful.' I replied, not looking up from my laptop.

'We're only going to be in California for a few days, how many do you want to bring?'

'Pack 3 black and 2 white, I know you like to sleep in them.' 

'Yeah, so cliche. Wearing Joe Sugg's t-shirt to bed, every girl's dream!' She laughed, folding another.

'Well, you're the only one who gets to fulfil that dream.' I winked.

'Say swear.' She challenged.

'Since when did you talk like a chav?' I laughed, switching from Twitter to YouTube on my laptop and reading some of my latest comments. 

'I think my viewers might just like you more than me! They've been demanding a collab for so long and Twitter pretty much blew up when I tweeted asking for questions.' 

'Well, they've finally got their wish.'

'Do you think they'll be disappointed? 

'At what?' She asked, sitting down on the bed.

'The shitty video, I hate doing Q&A's.'

'How can they be disappointed when I'm in the video?' She asked, lightly laughing.

'True. Let's make a deal, if anyone is disappointed then we give them a sextape instead!' I laughed.

'No. No sextapes!' 

I don't get why she was so against sextapes, I mean, I was only joking by bringing it up but she probably has already made at least 5 from when she lived in America. Of course I couldn't mention it though, I had vowed to myself to never use her past against her again because it isn't fair.

'Are you looking forward to Vidcon?' She asked, lying down so she was leant against me. I put my arm around her and adjusted myself so we were closer together.

'Yeah, I am. Vidcon is always one of the best ones.' I replied, kissing the top of her head.

'Who are we flying with?'

'Zoe, Alfie, Marcus, Niomi, Louise er, Jim, Tanya, possibly Caspar. I can't remember. We're on our own flying back though, I have one last meet up so we're on the next flight to everyone else but it's good because they're all leaving in the morning but we don't have to until the evening.'

'That's good.' She replied.

'Are you planning to visit any of your family when we're out there?' I asked, riskily. Making sure my voice was soft and unjudging.

'I'm not sure. I mean, my parents will be busy, my brother is travelling the world with his girlfriend according to her Instagram and my younger sister has probably forgotten who I am.' She laughed fakely.

It was amazing to see how much this girl had changed in the few months she'd been in England. At first, she could barely even mention any of her family without getting harmfully upset but now she can openly admit her feelings towards them whilst lying in bed. 

'They still love you.' I reassured her, earning a small grunting noise back.

'Just not as much as I do.' 

'Cheesy.' She said, looking up at me and screwing her nose up.

'Speaking of cheesy, I have something to show you. I was going to wait until we came back but you need to see it now.' I said, sitting up and causing her to move off me.

'What is it?' She questioned, scowling slightly.

'Alfie and Marcus have got together and went to some meetings and they've decided to stop renting this flat. Marcus and Niomi are moving in together and Zoe and Alfie are moving to Brighton when we come back.'

'Where are we going to live then?' She questioned, looking confused.

'That's the thing, I've been searching a lot for London apartments in this area but I just didn't like any of them, until I found this one.'

I got up the page on my laptop of the apartment I'd found and showed it to her, her face lighting up in the process.

'I didn't like it at first but then once I closed it, I couldn't stop thinking about it. I thought you'd like it, the breakfast bar, the indoor jacuzzi, the balcony. I've reserved it but I can cancel it if you don't like it, of course.'

'Joe, it's perfect!' She said, like something out of a movie.

'You really like it?' I questioned, desperately.

'Yes! I love it. Thank you, thank you!' She said, climbing on top of me and kissing me more passionately than she ever had done before, filling me with nothing but goodness and making me sure that nobody else could ever make me this happy.

A/N - I had a dream about Joe last night!! He was my boyfriend and I was still at school at in my dream and we had this school dance and I was really upset about having to go alone because Joe was busy but then he turned up and surprised me! Haha, I wish! :( 

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