Chapter 86

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I'd had such a productive day writing essays and running errands for the flat. Normal 16-18 year old's will tell you that A-levels are tough and by normal, I mean the ones who were actually at their school for the full 2 years and didn't start the course 7 months before their exams. Luckily, most of the stuff in the courses, I'd already covered when I was in America but it was still tough to catch up and even tougher to keep up.

Joe and I had texted throughout the day, him sending shopping list requests and telling me how much he misses me. I never realise how much I rely on Joe until days like this when I'm sat in the flat on my own, wondering what to do with the day. We're so lazy when we're together though, lying in bed until midday and ordering pizza whilst watching crappy TV and anything we can find on Netflix. We don't really go on dates like other couples do but when you spend all day together, the last thing you think about is a trip to the cinema.

'Can we go out tonight? xx' I bravely texted him, deciding I did want to go somewhere. When I look back at Joe and I's memories, the most I've got is the odd party together where we've both got too drunk or something bad has happened. I want more happy memories with Joe that aren't laughing in bed over stuff like Snapchat face swap.

'What do you mean? Clubbing?' He replied a few minutes later.

'No, unless you want to. I mean like a date, just us - we haven't been out together in ages x'

'We went to Nando's last week? Xx' I sighed at his response, wondering why he was being so difficult.

'I know Joe but I want to go on a proper date like somewhere exciting like normal couples do!'

'Oh right! What have you got in mind? Xxxx'

'Surprise me :) xx' I said, knowing I'd probably regret it as Joe has some of the craziest ideas sometimes.

'Hmm, okay!'

A hour later, I heard the front door open so I rushed to the hall in hope of it being Joe. 

'Oh, hi Maddy.' Alfie greeted me as I awkwardly ran down the hallway towards him.

'I thought you were Joe, sorry.' I laughed.

'I can be Joe if you want.' Alfie laughed before pushing his face back to recreate Joe's infamous million chin face, sending us both into fits of laugher.

'Good look, Alf.'

'I'm glad I bumped into you actually, I haven't seen you in a while. Let's go sit down.'

'You haven't seen me in a while because you pissed off abroad and left me in the gloom and rain of England!'

'You know we would of invited you if you didn't have school! Zoe and I are talking about going back in summer as it's so nice, you and Joe should totally come.'

'We'll see.' I smiled, thinking about the idea of a holiday with Joe. Vidcon was coming up and we were going to that one together but it won't be a holiday as Joe will be so busy. I could just see us now sat in the hot sun with a beautiful view.

'It'll be good, Suggs on tour!' He laughed.

'But I'm not a Sugg and neither are you.' I reminded him, also laughing.

'I'm a Sugg at heart and you will be a Sugg one day.' He smiled before leaving the room. A Sugg one day?

I began to think about marrying Joe and walking down the aisle in a big, white dress but I couldn't decide how I felt about it. The wedding would be a small one, full of Joe's friends. I would walk down the aisle alone, with Zoe and possibly Megan as my bridesmaids. It began to hit me that I could never have a wedding, I have nobody to walk me down the aisle, God I'd rather walk alone than with my Dad. I have no friends to have a Hen party with, it would just be Joe's female friends attending. 

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