Chapter 54

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Chapter 54 - Joe POV

Everyone was still shocked, we sat eating in silence. No-one knew what to say, my ex girlfriend had just turned up and told me she still loved me, what else was left to say?

Maddy looked straight across the table, she didn't talk or look at me. I didn't know whether she'd be annoyed or happy. I don't know why she'd be annoyed but then again, why would she be happy? It wasn't my fault that Sasha came and she knows that.

I noticed Maddy's drink was beginning to get empty, I had to order drinks for her as she's still under 18.

'Do you want another drink Maddy?' I whispered it to her but everyone still heard, not that I really cared. She turned around and smiled at me, not a fake smile, a genuine eyes lighting up smile.

'Can I just have a coke please?'

'Of course you can.'

'Actually, shall we pop outside and get some air for a minute?' Everyone else on the table had gone into discussion about what pudding they were getting.

'Yeah, if you want.' We both stood up.

'We're just going to get some air.' Everyone just smiled and nodded. Maddy grabbed my hand and led me outside.

'You alright baby?'

'I'm fine Joe! Are you?'

'Yeah, I am. I'm so sorry about Sasha.'

'It wasn't your fault Joe, she should have known better than to try humiliate you in public. You handed it so well, I'm so proud of you Joe.'

'I love you Maddy.'

'I love you too Joe. By the way, Megan texted me, she's coming over on the 5th, I hope that's not too short notice?'

'It'll probably be fine, you're back to school on the 9th though, do you know how long she's staying for?'

'Yeah, her flight leaves early Sunday morning on the 8th.'

'Ok, I'll just check with Zoe when we get back but I'm sure it will be ok, we don't really get visitors so I can't think of anything that will be in the way.'

'Thanks Joe, I can't wait for you to meet her!'

'I can't wait to meet her either! I hope I'm not going to be the third wheel all weekend though!'

'Of course not! She's only staying with us to avoid hotel costs, she's doing dance all day Saturday.'

'Maybe we can all go out for dinner or something Friday?'

'That would be lovely, I'm sure. Megan's 18 already so she can drink and drive and everything.'

'Ok, I need to talk to Zoe and dad when we get home, what do you think I should do?'

'Well it's nearly 4pm and he won't be back until 6 so you should talk to Zoe before he gets home and find out what Zoe wants to do.'

'I just don't want to ruin her night, she's got Tanya and Jim over and I don't want her telling them about it really.'

'How come all the YouTubers are here today though?'

'Alfie invited them to cheer Zoe up, I didn't know until we arrived though.'

'So they'll probably be coming back with us?'

'No, they're all going home after.'

'Ok, let's sort this out when we get home then.'

'Yeah ok.' I went to turn back into the restaurant, Maddy grabbed my arm.

'Joe, wait.'

'What's up?'

'I'm so sorry about earlier, I didn't mean it, I want to stay with you once I've finished school, honestly. Hopefully we can buy a place together and get married or something?'

'Wow Maddy! We've been together for a week and you're already talking about marriage and buying a house! Let's just take everyday as it comes yeah.'

'It feels like so much longer though.'

'I know it does. It'll go by quickly, you'll be finishing school before you know it!'

'I know! It's so scary to think I've got like 6 months left!'

'Do you know what you want to do after school?'

'Well in America I was thinking about going to university but I don't really know.'

'Why don't we look at universities in England together?'

'What about your roof thatching job?'

'Well I finish my apprenticeship in a few months and the company is all over the country so it won't be hard finding a job. I make a lot from YouTube and I've saved a lot anyway.'

'I think we should go back in and talk about this later.' We both laughed, the middle of the high street wasn't the right place to discuss our future.

'Come on then.' I put my arm around her, went back into Nandos and sat back down.

'Do you want pudding Mads?'

'Hmm I don't know, how about we share one?'

'Yeah ok, I eat all the puddings here so you pick.' She picked out the chocolate fudge cake. I felt so special at how I could share stuff with her and not mind. Normally my food is my food but whenever Maddy's considered, it's out food.


I'm so sorry I've been so bad at updating! I've been really busy this week with going back to school and trying to stay organised and everything! I just haven't been that into this story recently and I'm actually getting quite bored with it!

I have some good news (maybe good), I have a new laptop charger on it's way!! This is good because I've written my whole story on my iPhone and it's got to the stage where I can't be bothered anymore so hopefully when I get my new laptop charger I'll be updating a bit more and the chapters will be long. However, I don't know when I will have my charger because i ordered it on Thursday and it got shipped on Friday so it should be here tomorrow (Monday) but it's being sent to my friends house and she doesn't think they'll be anyone in so hopefully they'll leave it on the door step but if it needs signing for then she'll have to go collect it from the post office (blah blah blah). Basically, even if they leave it outside her house tomorrow, I won't have it until Tuesday because she'll give it to me at school and she's very forgetful so let's just hope she remembers!

Anyway, sorry for boring you all with that, I am going to do a 5K special, I know a lot of people wait until 10K but I will do a 5K one. We are very close to 5K so let's hope that happens this week!

Also, I know there's no chance she'll read this but a very big well done to the lovely Zoella for reaching 4 million subscribers this morning!

Anyway, it's Sunday night so I need to wash my hair and get ready for school tomorrow, weekends over :(. Hope everyone has a lovely day at school, just remember, school is what you make of it, open your eyes, breathe in the fresh air and you might even surprise yourself and enjoy it! It does go really quick so make the most of everyday!


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