Chapter 8

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Chapter 8- Maddy POV

We were in the car, radio on, music blaring. Singing and dancing along, just the 3 of us. The music was so loud, I couldn't even hear myself think. These are the kind of days I live for, days with my two favourite people. My old sister, Gabriella and her boyfriend Jack. Little did she know me and Jack were together. He had my heart. We would just drive for hours doing nothing, just driving through America to clear our minds.
'Go faster!' Gabby pushed her foot onto the peddle, we were going so fast I couldn't keep up. Suddenly there was an ear bursting scream and the car was spinning. Then fall, the awful fall. You couldn't see it, just felt the falling. I saw Gabbys face red with blood, Jack lying unconsciously. They were gone.

'AHHHHHHHH!' I screamed as I sat up instantly, sweating buckets and crying my eyes out. It was a dream, no it wasn't it actually happened. It just hit me, they weren't coming back. My door swung up.
'Maddy?! Are you alright?!' I tried to get my breathing back to normal but I was crying too much. 'It's alright Maddy, it was a dream, calm down.' Joe had heard me scream and came running? He sat down next to me on my bed and started rubbing my back.
'They're gone Joe.' I sobbed harder as I spoke. Joe pulled me into his arms.
'Shh, it's alright. You're safe Maddy.' I did feel safe, I felt happy, I was in his arms, everything felt right.

I cried into Joe for at least half a hour, he rubbed my back and tried to calm me down. Once I had stopped crying, I felt tired again. The clock read 4:23am. Wow! Joe had got up at 3am just to calm me down!
'I'm really sorry about that..' I felt embarrassed, I never cry. I don't let people in either, I'm never telling Joe why I was crying, you let people in and they fuck you over.
'It's fine, I promise.'
'You're so kind Joe.'
'I know it's hard to move so suddenly and have to settle into this brand new life with people you don't know. I know it's even harder to just leave your whole life behind you.' I smiled at him, I didn't want to talk about my past. I hadn't told anyway. I refused to open up to my parents, my friends, all the stupid counsellors my parents made me see, the teachers. No one needed to know.

I yawned loudly, I tried to cover it up but it didn't work. I didn't want Joe to leave.
'I'll leave you to sleep Maddy, you know where I am.' He smiled and kissed my forehead like he had earlier. I grabbed his hand.
'I don't think that's a good idea..'
'Please, I haven't spent the night alone in over 3 years, that's the only reason why I had a nightmare.' Joe tried not to look shocked, I knew he probably thought I was a slut.
'Okay.' He smiled and climbed under the covers.
'Goodnight Joe.'

Joe's POV

I looked at the clock, 3:15am. I thought about something I had seen on tumblr that very day, 'if you're still awake at 4am then you're either in love or lonely and I don't know which ones worse'. I was in love. In love with a girl I met today. A girl I've kissed once, seen twice and thought about an uncountable amount of times. Worst thing? She's my sisters boyfriends cousin.

I lay there picturing her lying asleep peacefully in her bed. Zoe texted me in the car saying she was an ungrateful rude bitch but it appears she's changed her opinion.

She's way too young for me, she must be about 17. I'm 23 for gods sake. 6 years older..

I felt my eyes begin to shut, the room became unfamiliar like it did every night before I fell asleep. I turned over and got comfy when suddenly I heard a deafening scream.
'Zoe!' I thought to myself instantly, forgetting Maddy was even in the house. I pushed the door open and ran into Zoe's room, she was asleep in Alfie's arms looking peaceful. Alfie was also asleep. I was confused for a moment, I thought I had imaged the scream but then I remembered something.
'Oh shit, Maddy!' I slammed Zoe's door and ran into Maddy's room. She was sitting up in bed crying and panicking. She was out of breathe, sweaty, her hair was sticking up, she had big dark circles under her eyes from the jet lag and she had no makeup on yet she still managed to look like the most beautiful girl on the earth.

I let her cry into me as I rubbed her back attempting to calm her down. I kept telling her it was just a dream. Zoe gets bad panic attacks so I'm quite used to calming people down anyway.

Maddy cried for a good half a hour. I knew she had just had a bad dream and she would be alright by morning.
'I'm really sorry about that..' Why's she apologising? I only done what any decent person would do..for the girl they loved.
'It's fine, I promise.' I didn't really feel like moaning at her for apologising so I just let her.
'You're so kind Joe.' My tummy felt like there was a million butterflies flying around, I haven't felt like this ever. All she said is I'm kind.
'I know it's hard to move so suddenly and have to settle into this brand new life with people you don't know. I know it's even harder to just leave your whole life behind you.' I said this from heart, I would know, it's very very hard.

Once Maddy had calmed down, she yawned loudly. I kissed her on the forehead and went to go to bed. She grabbed my hand.
'Stay.' I looked into her eyes and saw the desperation, she didn't want me to leave and I didn't want to either. I couldn't, what if Zoe, Alfie or even worse, my dad walked in? What if they went into my room and panicked when I wasn't there.
'I don't think it's a good idea..'
'Please, I haven't slept alone in over 3 years, that's the only reason I had a nightmare.' I saw it in her eyes, she couldn't bare it. I was quick shocked at that but I couldn't judge. My mind flicked back to when Alfie said 'she's sleeps with a new boy every night'. I reluctancy got into her bed with a big smile on my face. I loved being with her but I didn't want to just be another boy she slept with and I didn't want to take advantage, she meant a lot to me.
'Goodnight Joe.'

And we lay there, in silence. Not an awkward silence, it was the kind of perfect silence that meant everything.

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