Chapter 79

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' What?' I asked my ghostly looking boyfriend.

'Joe!' I almost shouted when he didn't reply.

'There's a problem Maddy.' He took my hands into his.

'What' s the problem?' Panic was filling my body as I waited for his reply.

'I'm still sober.' He smiled as I hit him on the shoulder.

'Joe! I thought something bad had happened!'

'It has! I'm 20 metres from my bedroom and I don't need to worry about trying to find my way home yet I'm still able to stand up.'

'How terrible.' I joked and frowned at him.

'But now you say it, the only way I want to end tonight is drunk.' I added.

'Well, you're officially 18 so I don't see why not.' He smiled.

'So what will it be birthday girl?' He asked as we stood next to the drinks table.

'Surprise me.' I teased.

It hurt. Everything hurt.

The moment I opened my eyes, I felt it.

'How are you feeling?' I heard Joe shout from beside me.

'Shhhh.' I hushed him, making him laugh quietly.

'Did a double Decker bus run over my head or something?' I asked. I used to be a heavy drinker but hasn't drunk much since I'd moved to England.

'Well, if you call Caspar Lee doing karaoke a double Decker bus running over your head, then yes.' He laughed and moved closer to me in the bed.

'I didn't embarrass myself too much, did I?'

'Well, you were jumping off the furniture and flapping your arms pretending to fly.'

'Oh my God.' I laughed and covered my face with my hands.

'Don't worry, most people were too drunk to realise.'

'Well you remember and how many did you have last night?!'

'Not even nearly as much as you.'

'I can't believe this!' I laughed and put my head in my hand in shame.

'I got you some pain killers and water.' Joe said and pointed to my bedside table. 'I know you'd need them.'

I thanked him and swallowed the medicine. It didn't go down the first time, I almost choked on it and had no choice but to spit it out onto the duvet. Joe had left the room as he promised Zoe he'd clear up the flat but as I'm still 'the birthday girl', my duties are to stay in bed.

I pulled my phone from the side and pressed the round button, resulting in the screen almost binding my freshly opened eyes. I had a few happy birthday sorry it's late kind of messages from people I barely know, why bother? A few people had tagged me in tweets and Facebook posts thanking me for the great night. God, don't thank me, thank Joe and Zoe. I just turned up. Thank God nobody had put any terrible drunken photos of me online, that is defo the worst post party fear.

I knew I should contact my mum seeing as I hadn't spoken to her in so long. I knew she was trying to put it off as much as I was, but I wasn't going to delay the awkward phone call any longer. Sometimes I feel like I'm the adult and she's my child.

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