Chapter 33

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Chapter 33 - Joe POV

'I just want to be there for her, you know?'

'Yeah Joe, I know. Sometimes space is needed though, it has only been a week..'

The girls were both upstairs. Zoe was asleep and I was guessing that Maddy went back to sleep. Me and Alfie were downstairs having a beer.

'I just love her so much. I just hate not knowing how to act around her.'

'A lot has happened in the last week. I mean look she's been in a car crash, found out her sister was sexually abused by her uncle and then found out her sister committed suicide, she's also met all these new people, started at a new school and tried to fit it with new people. It's a lot to take in Joe. You do need to give her a chance.' I sighed.

'Are you sure you're not grieving over Sasha again.'

'Don't you start aswell! I had enough off Caspar the other night. I am 200% over Sasha and I have been for months.' Alfie just shrugged.

'I'm going to bed mate, seeing as it's nearly 2am.' I couldn't believe it was nearly 2am, me and Alfie gossiped like school girls.

'I think I'm going to be sleeping on the sofa tonight.'

'What the fuck Joe?! It's your room and your bed?'

'I don't want to wake her up.'

'You know what Joe, you give in and let her have everything she wants. Give her the life she's used to and buy her everything but don't come running to me and Zoe when she dumps you and breaks your heart!'

'How could you even? I love her, I'm trying to give her the life she deserves!'

'That spoilt bitch deserves nothing! Can you not see what she's doing to you?! You're a fucking mess Joe.'

'Thanks, best mate. Absolute dickhead.'

Alfie stormed off to bed. I decided to just get really drunk. I was so fed up.

Maddy POV

Beep, beep, beep, beep.

Once again, I woke up to an empty bed. Joe was nowhere to be seen. I sat up and stretched, time to go to Rome!

I pulled myself out of bed and did my makeup. I put all of it back into my makeup bag once I was then, I then put my makeup bag into my handbag and grabbed my suitcase.

I got dressed and sprayed perfume on myself before packing it away. I walked down the stairs as quietly as I could. Being careful not to wake Zoe, Alfie, Joe or Graham. I guessed Joe had just slept in the spare room.

I walked past the living room and had quite a fright as I saw Joe lying on the sofa. There was beer bottles all around him and on the floor. He was quite clearly off his face.

I pushed my freshly painted lips onto his cheek and left a big red mark. I then walked out and opened the front door.

I put my headphones in and got the satnav up on my phone. I listened to my music as I walked towards the station. Who knows when I'll return? Maybe never. The typical England student life just wasn't for me.


I didn't actually plan this part of the story, it was a last minute plot twist! I did plan pretty much the rest of the story though.

Could you guys do me a massive favour and check out ?
You'll probably want a reason for me asking this.. Well apart from her being a lovely person and a big help to this story, what name is better than NamelessBanana? Let's be honest?

She wrote a lovely Harry Styles fanfiction:

She'll also promote your story for you! Just visit @untoldstories09 on Twitter!

So a massive thank you to NamelessBanana for promoting this story on Twitter!

One more thing, does any make or know anybody than can make a cover? I could do it myself, but that means waiting until I buy myself a new laptop charger.. :-(

Thank you everyone for reading, again, I hope you are liking the story.

My twitter is @sugg_sunday if you have any questions, ideas or feedback. I have time to listen to everyone!


It's now time for me to go to sleep as it's 12:15am *yawns*

Have a lovely day everybody, I love you all <3

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