Chapter 63

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Chapter 63 - Joe POV

I must of nodded off in the chair as I was suddenly woken by Zoe and Alfie walking in. I jumped up.

'Morning Joe.' Zoe smiled sweetly. I looked at my watch, it was nearly 11am. I yawned and stretched.

'Happy New Year Joe.' Alfie nodded respectfully at me.

'Thanks Alf, not so happy though, is it.' I nodded towards Maddy. Zoe was sitting next to her and leaning over to talk to Maddy.

'Things will get better now Joe. This will all be forgotten about in a few days.'

'I hope so.' Alfie smiled.

'Please can you two come back home, we can't cope without you.'

'We'll think about it Joe. You've got to understand though.'

'For fuck sake Zoe, he actually is your dad!'

'I know but I don't want to go back there.' I shook my head and gave up.

'Why don't you go home, have a shower and change your clothes Joe?' I shook my head at my sister.

'I'm not going anywhere.'

'Come on Joe, you can't sit here forever.'

'I want to be here when she wakes up.'

'We'll call you as soon as we hear anything, ok?'

'She'll need me. I want to be here.'

'Please Joe, for my sake. You stink of beer and sweat.'

'What do you expect, I went to a party last night.'

'Come on Joe, you've got to go change mate.' I realised they were right and sighed.

'Fine but at least one of you must be in this room at all times and you call me straight away if you hear anything.'

'Of course we will. Don't expect much though.' I nodded and kissed Maddy on the forehead before heading out of the hospital and climbing into my car and driving home.

??'s POV
'Yes, there's defiantly photos of her in bed with other boys that I can try to get hold off.'

'That would be great, it would really sell this story. It's already brilliant that she's going out with that YouTube boy, tons more publicity.' I laughed down the phone.

'Well I doubt they're still be going out after Joe sees this news article on her.' The news reported laughed.

'Very true. Anyway, I'll crack on with writing this article, we'll put it in Monday's papers as tomorrow's will be filled with New Year crap. Try and get hold of the photos and just email them over. You'll receive your payment within 4 days.'

'That's great, thanks man. Bye.' I hung up the phone, sat back in my chair and smiled. I just needed to find the pictures, no problem at all.


Ooooo! Who do you think it is selling Maddy's secret to the newspapers?!

Leave a comment and guess!! (Hint: I mentioned them earlier in the story :) )

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