Chapter 40

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Chapter 40 - Maddy POV

I gave Joe a wave as he drove off.

'Maddy your boyfriend is hoooot!'

'Esme, hands off! You have Harry.' Harry pulled a shocked face, me and Maisie laughed really loudly.

'Where's Liam?'

'Living room.' We went into Maisie's house and shut the door over. Liam was sitting on the sofa looking at his phone.

'Hi Liam..' I didn't really know what to say. It was the first time I saw him since the crash.

'Hey Maddy, are you okay?'

'Yeah, I'm fine! Are you?'

'I'm fine. Are you sure, you haven't been in school?'

'My boyfriend wouldn't let me.' I laughed.

'Well it's nice to see you, I'm so glad you're ok. I was really worried.'

'It was my fault Liam, I encouraged you to drive.'

'I could have said no.'

'You were high! You didn't even know what you were talking about, let alone say no.'

'Is your boyfriend angry at me?'

'No, not at all! Let's just be glad that we're both okay.'

'Thanks Maddy.'

'Have the police spoken to you yet?'

'No, do you think they'll get involved?'

'Well I thought they would but if neither of us have been spoken to then maybe not?'

'Anyone for drinks?!' Maisie and Esme walked in with a tray of shots.

'Come on then!' I loved alcohol, I loved drinking and getting drunk and it was the day before Christmas Eve so why not?

I took shot after shot after shot. I just kept going.


I opened my eyes and realised how badly my head hurt. It was dark outside and everyone was asleep.

I looked at the empty bottles and glasses on the floor. Everyone was lying off the sofas and on the floor.

I realised the ringing noise was my phone, not in my head. I looked down and saw Joe's name on the screen.


'Maddy, I've rang you like 20 times.'

'Sorry fell asleep.'

'Have you been drinking?'


'Oh Maddy.'

'Can you come pick me up,my head hurts.'

'Of course I can, I'll be there in 10 minutes.'


There was wrapping paper everywhere from where we had given each other our presents. I had got an eyeshadow set, bath set, perfume, chocolate, a teddy and a phone case from my friends. I put them all into the bag I had brought my presents in.

It was 7pm? I arrived here at like 3pm. We must have fallen asleep at like 5.

I grabbed some paper and wrote a note for them to wake up to.

'I've gone home. Thank you for my presents, I love them all. Have fun being hungover and happy Christmas. Love Maddy x'

There was a loud knock at the door. I pulled myself up again and answered it, Joe was standing there.


'Oh Maddy. How you feeling?'


'Stay here, I'll go see if there's any paracetamol in the bathroom.' Joe ran up the stairs. I sat down on the chair in the hall, I couldn't even stand up.

Joe came running down with two tablets in his hand. He went through to the kitchen and got some water. I swallowed them in one go.

'Come on you.' Joe picked me up bridal style. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

'My head hurts Joe.'

'I know baby, come on. Let's go get in the car.'

He put me into my seat and pulled my seatbelt over me. I put my head back and shut my eyes as he put my bags into the boot.

We were halfway down the motorway when I felt too hot. We still had a hour until we got home.

'Can you open the window?'

'Its freezing Maddy.'

'Please, I'm too hot.'

'Fine, just open it a bit.' I opened it and loads of wind rushed into my face.

'No Joe, close it. Too cold.'

'Ok.' I clenched my face up and shut my eyes. I hoped to fall asleep.

Once again, I woke up from my sleep. We were now on a country lane.

'How far?'

'20 minutes babe.'

'Joe I don't feel well.'

'I know, just try and relax.'

'No I'm going to be..' I was cut off as I gagged and a load of sick came up. It landed on Joe's car floor.

'Oh no.'

'I'm so sorry Joe.'

'It's fine, I'll pull over, hang on.' Joe pulled over onto the grass. 'Open the door Maddy!'

I pushed the car door open and vomited again, all over the grass. Joe rubbed my back from his seat as I leaned over.

'I've got some plastic bags in my boot, hang on.' He got out the car and went to the boot. 'I'll put this down here for when we're driving again.'

'I'm so sorry about your car, I'll clean it up when we get home.'

'It's fine Maddy, I don't care about it, just as long as you're alright.'

When I stopped being sick, we started driving again. I felt so bad about Joe's car but I would make sure that I'm the one clearing it up.

'Remind me to stop Zoe coming into my car until I've cleaned it, she has a massive phobia of sick and she'll just have a panic attack.'

'Ok. You're so kind Joseph.'

'Don't call me Joseph, I'm not in the mood.' He didn't say it as a joke but at the same time he didn't seem angry. He just sounded serious.

'Sorry.' He didn't reply. Just kept his eyes on the road. I had really done it this time.

Sooo..I'm so close to 1000 reads!!!! I promised that when I got 1000, I'd post a picture of myself on Twitter. I'm now just 80 reads away! So if you want to see what I look like, get reading ;)

Could you all do me a favour and follow @SuggZozeebo on Twitter? She is so lovely, so funny and just a really nice girl. I'm so lucky that whilst writing this story, I've got to talk to so many fans of Joe!

I've also had so many good comments about this story on Twitter! So thank you EVERYBODYYYY for that!!!

HOPEFULLY when I write the next chapter, I'll be writing thank you for 1000 reads! Hopefully!!

Thank you again everyone for reading it! It is nice to see something you've worked so hard at, paying off. It isn't easy to write a story so it is a really good feeling when someone says they like it.

My Twitter is @sugg_sunday. Have a nice day <3

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