Chapter 30

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Chapter 30 - Maddy POV

'Stop it Joe! Just behave yourself!' Joe was running with the trolley then jumping onto it. He was driving me mad!

'Lighten up Maddy, let's have some fun!' I wasn't a killjoy, I just didn't want to get kicked out.

'Joe look you nearly hit the woman! I'm so sorry about that Madame.'

'Oh don't worry darling, my husband is the same! He's always messing around with our kids!'

'I've got no children yet, don't even want to imagine what he's like with kids, he can't even behave on his own!' The lady laughed and walked off. I looked round, Joe was leaning on the trolley smiling at me.


'Just nice seeing you talk to strangers, I know you're not the most confident person.' I smiled at Joe. 'Also, the fact you said no kids YET..' Joe winked at me, I smiled and rolled my eyes.

'Come on you.' We walked towards the bread.

'OH MY GOD ITS JOE SUGG!' We turned around and saw two young girls with their hands over their mouths.

'Hiya girls! How are you?' I smiled at how good Joe was with his fans.

'Oh my god! That's Maddy, the one who was on the live show last night Megan!' I felt sadness inside me as I heard one of the girls calling the other one Megan, it reminded me of my old best friend in America.

'Nice to meet you girls!' I faked a smile.

'Can we get a picture?'

'Of course!'

'Here I'll take it.' I put my hand out to get her phone.

'Um I was kind of hoping you would be in it as well?'

'Erm ok..' I wasn't really too happy about being in a picture but I couldn't let Joe's fans down.

'Lets get mum to take it!' One of them sprinted off to get their mum. Joe chatted away to his fan, I leant on the trolley, I felt so upset about Megan. I really missed her.

The girl quickly returned with an older woman. I put my arm around one of the girls, Joe was in the middle of both of them. I faked a smile so they could have a picture.

'Thank you so much!'

'That's ok darling, have a nice day.' They ran off excitedly. Joe smiled at me.

'I love meeting fans.' I didn't answer, just went off and picked some bread up. I mentally made sure it was the one I had seen in the kitchen.

'We've got cereal to get next Maddy, do you eat cereal?' I just shook my head and walked off towards the cereal. Joe followed with the trolley. I stopped in the cereal isle because I didn't know what cereal they got.

Joe came up behind me and put his arm around me.

'You okay Maddy?' I just shook my head. I turned around and put my head into Joe's chest as I felt the tears coming. I silently thanked god that the supermarket was empty, how embarrassing.

'Maddy? What's wrong baby?' Joe put his arms around my back and brought his head down to mind. He started to rub my back and try to calm me down.

It took me about 10 minutes to stop crying. I took my head out of Joe's chest and rubbed my eyes.

'You okay?' I nodded my head.

'What's wrong?' I took a deep breath.

'I really miss America. I just heard those girls, one called the other Megan and Megan was my best friend and I've not really thought about her until now. Sorry about that.'

'Don't worry Maddy. You have friends here though, what about Maisie, Esme, Liam and Harry?'

'I know, but I still miss the friends I left behind.'

'Can't you just ring them? You can use my phone when we get home?'

'They've forgotten about me Joe.'

'No they haven't! No-one could ever forget you Maddy, trust me.' I smiled at Joe. He was so sweet.

He took my hand as we walked around the supermarket together. Why was I so scared to lose him? He wasn't mine to lose..

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