Chapter 60

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Chapter 60 - Joe POV

Me, Maddy, Jim and Tanya sat in the car in silence. The radio was playing but there was no other sound.

I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened earlier, I felt bad overhearing their conversation, I knew it was private but they! were talking about me, how could I not stop and listen?

We pulled up outside Caspar's house.

'Thanks for the lift Joe!'

'Cheers mate.' The 3 of them went to open their doors.

'Maddy, wait.' She closed the door again. 'Jim and Tan, you go in, we'll be in, in a minute.' They nodded and left.

'Yes Joe?'

'I'm really sorry Mads.'

'About what?'

'I overheard your conversation with Tanya earlier, I know what you said about me.' Maddy sighed.

'I bet you hate me now.'

'What?! Why would I hate you?'

'Well I pretty much admitted that I still think of other boys.'

'Yeah and I still think of other girls. Sasha rarely leaves my mind.'

'I thought you were over her?'

'Look Maddy. I'm over her and you're over Jack but it's only natural for us to still think of them.'

'Don't tell me about my own life! Don't tell me if I'm over Jack or not!' Maddy started shouting.

'You wouldn't be here with me if you weren't over him Maddy!' She looked at me with such disgust and left the car. I sighed and undid my seatbelt. I'll check on her later, I decided.

Maddy POV
'You wouldn't be here with me if you weren't over him Maddy!' I looked at my boyfriend, who does he think he is?!

My instinct was telling me to get out of the car. It was saying leave whilst you can, before Joe says something about Jack that you're really not going to like.

My mum taught me something before she turned against me. She told me to always go with my instinct, so that's what I did.

I opened the door and ran.

Caspar's back gate was open so I went through it. The garden was hard to see in the dark light but there wasn't anyone in it. I sat down on the bench.

I knew tonight would be hard. It's exactly 4 years since I first kissed Jack. We were at a party with Gabby and we kissed. What else can I say?

I wanted to go home, I didn't want to be out tonight. I didn't even know why I felt this shit, but I did.

I picked my phone up from out my pocket and scrolled down to 'G'. I got to 'Gabriella'. I pressed the phone icon.

'Hey this is Gabriella! I'm sorry I can't take your call right now but leave a message and I'll call you back.'

'Hey Gabriella, it's me, Maddy. I miss you so much, it hurts. I'm at a party, sitting outside on my own. You'd be shocked if you saw me right now! I miss you loads Gabby, come back soon? I love you.' I sighed and ended the call. I took a deep breathe to stop myself from crying.

I saw Graham written underneath Gabriella. I wanted to go home so badly, I had no other choice.

I pressed the phone icon again.

'Hi Maddy.'

'Hi Graham, erm would you be able to pick me up?'

'What, right now?'

'Yes please.' I held back my tears.

'Everything ok Maddy?'

''s fine.'

'Where's Joe?'

'In the house, we're at Caspar's.'

'Ok, I'll be 10 minutes.' Graham hung up, I felt proud of myself. It's not often that I'm able to call someone like that.

I was having such a great night seeing friends old and new. Caspar always knew how to throw a good party.

Maddy hadn't even crossed my mind all night, I'd been so busy. I didn't really care anyway, I knew she'd just be in the other room with Tanya or something.

Maddy POV
10 minutes later, a car pulled up next to me. I had moved myself from the back garden to outside the front of the house. I looked through the window and saw Graham so I climbed in.

'Rubbish party ay?'

'Yeah, something like that..' I felt like I was going behind Joe's back talking to him but I didn't have a choice.

We spent the rest of the journey in silence. We reached the house and climbed out the car. Graham turned his key in the front door.

I took my coat off and hung it up. I went to run upstairs but something grabbed my hand.

'Where the fuck do you think you're going darling?' I was shocked at Graham.

'Upstairs, Graham let go?!'


'GRAHAM, THAT'S BETWEEN YOU AND JOE, IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ME. LET GO!' I tried to pull away put Graham was too strong. He pinned me up against the wall and punched me over and over again.


'YOU NASTY, SPITEFUL, UGLY GIRL! NO WONDER YOU FEEL THE NEED TO MAKE YOURSELF SICK! YOU'RE THE FATTEST PERSON I'VE EVER COME ACROSS! NOONE WILL EVER LOVE YOU!' Graham punched me once more and then let go. He walked towards the kitchen. I felt my legs give in and my back sink down the wall. I sobbed into my knees. Where was Joe when I needed him?

I somehow found the strength to pull myself up and get up to my room. I pulled my laptop open, in hope to cheer me up. I had more Twitter notifications than normal, I was hoping they'd just say Happy New Year but no, I was very wrong.

Nearly everyone of them said 'slut' or something along the lines of 'you don't deserve Joe, he could do better.'

I was still in a lot of pain due to Graham and was still half sobbing. I typed 'Madeline Taylor' into google. A news report that had been uploaded half a hour ago, popped up. I opened it.

The title said 'Vlogger's Girlfriend's Slept With Over 300 Boys.' I sobbed more and more as I read the article. It was obvious that someone from my old school had gone to the papers with my old life. This wasn't me anymore. I didn't want people to see me for my old self.

I felt sick from crying, everyone is going to hate me so much. This reminded me of how I felt after Gabriella and Jack died, I had never felt so shit.

I only slept with boys to try get over Jack but even that backfired, after a while I just couldn't stop myself.

I knew I needed to talk to Joe, he'd know what to do.

I pulled out my phone and rang Joe.

'Helloooo! You've reached Joe however I am not currently available to answer your call. You know the drill, they'll be a beep and you record your message.'

I heard the beep. I took a deep breathe and tried to hold the tears in, it didn't work.

'Hi Joe, I don't know if you really care but I'm feeling really alone and upset right now. I really need you right now..'

My sadness got the best of me and I started crying loudly.

'I need you Joe, I can't do this.'

I ended the call and slammed my phone down. I wanted to die.

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