Chapter 73

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Chapter 73 - Joe POV

Monday came round quickly, far too quickly. Before we knew it we were saying goodbye to Megan and then each other.

I had to work this week which meant I couldn't stay in London. I clearly couldn't go back to Graham's either so I was staying with a good mate of mine, Tom. He conveniently lived in Bath, a few minutes away from my childhood house.

As I pulled my work clothes on, I heard my phone vibrate on my beside table.

Maddy: sleeping alone is crap. I miss you x

Ismiled, I missed her too, more than anything.

Joe: I know love, only a week though. Miss you more x

Maddy: a week is too long. What you doing? Xx

Joe: I know baby. Getting ready for work, you?xx

Maddy: trying to force myself out of bed :/ x

I smiled, typical Maddy.

Joe: haha! Ive got to leave now, I'll call you later. Have a nice day xxx

Maddy: you too xxx

I hated having to tell Maddy I had to go, I hated the fact I had to work. I had considering giving up roof thatching so many times, it wasn't if I didn't make enough from YouTube to live on but I didn't want to let my family down.

The roof thatching is a family business, it's what I've wanted to do since I was 15. It just seems such a shame to give it all up.

YouTube takes over your life.

Maddy POV

I pulled my hair back into a high ponytail in frustration, it just wouldn't go right. I tried straightening it, curling it, re-washing it and everything I could but it just wouldn't go right.

'Bad hair day?' I turned around to see Zoe in the doorway.

'You could say that.' She smiled.

'Here.' I let Zoe do my hair. She really sorted it out and made it look amazing.

We chatted whilst she brushed it through.

'It's weird Joe not being here. It's too quiet!' I laughed.

'Yeah, I really missed him last night.' She smiled.

'I know the feeling, when you've slept in the same bed as someone else for so long and then they're just not there the next night.'

'And you feel horrible and empty!'

'Yes! Why don't you call him?'

'I talked to him this morning, we sent each other a couple of texts but he's busy getting ready for work now.' Zoe nodded.

'It won't be long.'

'Hopefully not.'


I sorted Maddy's hair out before leaving her to finish getting ready. I felt bad at how much she missed my brother but we both knew I could do nothing.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

Joe: look after her. I swear if anything happens to her i will kill you, family or not.

I rolled my eyes before shoving my phone back in my pocket. He's so possessive, jealous and anxious. She's not 5 years old.

Maddy POV

 I walked through school to get to the usual spot my group of friends sat in. As I walked, I felt all eyes on me - everybody stared at me. This was because half of them didn't know who I was and the other half knew I was dating Joe Sugg. When I lived in America, I was the most popular girl in the school. The whole school knew exactly who I was and they knew not to mess with me.  I loved the attention, I couldn't  get enough of it but here, I hated it. It made me feel so insecure and awkward.

As I pushed the door to the sixth form centre open, my friends had spotted me.

'MADDY!' Esme yelled and ran over to me, nearly making me fall over.

'Tell us the goss then, how has your Christmas been? We want all the details.' Harry said excitedly. God, he really was worse than a teenage girl.

'My Christmas was good..'

'What happened?!' Maisie butted in.

'Have you had sex with Joe yet?' Harry shouted, causing the whole table to erupt in laughter. Harry looked around confused. 'What? I only asked what we were all thinking?'

'No Harry, me and Joe have not had sex yet.' I laughed.

'Are you a Virgin Mads?' I looked at Maisie and thought about the question. I thought about how I had a fresh start since I moved to England. I saw Harry whisper something to Liam but didn't hear what. Liam made no effort to react or reply to Harry.

'Yes, I'm a Virgin.' I announced proudly.

'Nah no way.. Maddy. No boy in this school can take his eyes off you, I swear I've even seen some of the girls having a cheeky look.' Harry replied which again made the whole table laugh. I went to speak but I was interrupted by the sound of the bell ringing loudly.

'What's everyone got?' Maisie asked. Everyone replied saying what lessons they had. Me and Liam had a free period so decided to remain sat in the sixth form room.


'Yeah Liam?'

'You know you said you are a Virgin?' He gave me a suspicious look.


'Well the other day, I was on Twitter and I saw a link to an article about somebody called Maddy Taylor and I thought it might of been about you so I opened it..' My stomach suddenly felt like it had 2 million butterflies flying round it, I knew exactly where this was going. 

'I've left America and I want to leave my past behind. I'm having a fresh start and I'd really like to keep it that way.'

'Who wrote that arcticle Maddy.' Liam said sternly.

'I'm not sure.' I sighed. 'I've been trying to work it out but I'm just not sure. So many people from my old school didn't like me. Please don't tell the others.' I made eye contact with him.

'I won't, of course I won't. I'm just so glad you have changed.' I thought for a second, not breaking the eye contact.

'So am I.' I said and I meant it.

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