Chapter 89

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I didn't let myself feel sad once Maddy left. I stayed neutral and logged straight onto my computer and began editing a gaming video I'd filmed a few days before. The company had payed me to play the game on my channel and had sent me quite a few emails asking why I hadn't uploaded it yet so it was something that needed to be done.

The game was nothing exciting and the end was incredibly disappointing but I knew it would be alright as the hardcore fans of mine would still watch it. I was so blessed to have such supportive fans who didn't mind if my uploads were late or not of the highest quality, like this game.

'Hi!' I heard Zoe shout just after the front door slammed shut.

'Hey, Zo.' I called back.

Seconds later my bedroom door swung open and in walked a happy looking Zoe.

'I just had the best meeting!' She exclaimed happily.

'Really, how come?' 

'I'm going to write a book! I can't believe it!' 

'That's amazing Zoe! Congratulations!' I smiled, ecstatic for my sister.

'I want to make it about a girl like me, just a normal girl with a blog and a brother who she adores.' She joked.

'Well I can't wait to read it!'

'As if you'd read it! You getting out of bed before 9am is more believable!' She said, causing us both to laugh.

'Anyway, where's Maddy?' She asked, looking around my room. I suddenly felt very awkward, kind of wishing she hadn't asked.

'She's..gone.' I said, wincing.


'She's gone to stay with her friend for a few days.' 

I avoided eye contact with Zoe whilst I tried to work out how I felt about it. I wasn't sure how much Zoe liked Maddy, sometimes it was like she can't get enough of her and other times I'm sure she hates her.


'She needed independence..' I mocked her voice.

'What is wrong with that girl, seriously? Can she not see that you're the one good thing in her life?' Zoe said, the volume in her voice raising slightly.

'Don't, Zoe.' I warned. 'I get what she means, she needs to learn to live without me.'

'Why has everything with that girl got to be so dramatic? She's just turned 18, 99% of people her age are still living with their parents. How much bloody independence does she need.'

'Stop it. It'll be good for both of us; I have so much I need to get done.'

'Do either of you even want to be in this relationship?'

'Yes! We both do.' I defended.

'Could of fooled me.'

'I'm sick of talking and thinking about my bloody relationship. Pondering over whether it's right anymore. Why can't it be easy like it was a month ago?'

'Nobody is making it hard except you two.'

'It was going fine though until yesterday when she blew up at me for bringing Francesca home then again this morning when she thought Francesca had attacked her!'

'Wait, what?'

'She had a bad dream about Francesca attacking her.' I quickly covered, not daring to tell Zoe what actually happened.

'So what's the problem? Why has she left?'

'She just said she needed space and to clear her head. She feels trapped, like stuck behind glass.'

'Trapped in a glass box? Well aren't we all?' Zoe said before taking a long sip of her water and letting out a loud sigh.


'You are going to look so good once I'm done with you!' Maisie squealed, almost deafening me.

'She needs more eyeliner on the left Mais!' Esme directed.

I have decided I have the best friends in the world. I got slightly upset after leaving Joe but of course Maisie and Esme were on the other side with ice cream and movies to cheer me up, once again. They were currently doing my make-up, not because we were going out, just simply because they wanted to.

'You look so nice, Maddy!' 

'Yeah! Red is defo your colour.' Maisie agreed.

'Thanks girls.' I smiled, feeling overwhelmed by how loving they both are.

'Group picture, 3, 2, 1 - SMILE!'

As Maisie's phone made the camera, clicky noise, I heard my phone beep.

'Maddy, you're uploading this. You have the most Twitter followers out of the 3 of us and Joe can retweet it as well so we can go viral!' Esme laughed as I walked over to pick my phone out of my jacket pocket. A message was showing across the screen.

Unknown: Oh darling, Joe doesn't love you. Just give up now, won't you?

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