Chapter 17

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Chapter 17 - Maddy POV

'What you doing tonight Maddy? There's a sick party, everyone's gonna be there!' As much as I appreciated Maisie inviting me out, I wanted to go home and see Joe. I wasn't actually sure if we were going home tonight or Saturday morning.

'I'll text Zoe, Mais. Don't know if we're going back to hers tonight or tomorrow.'

'Ok babes, if you come you'll get laid so easily! The boys will be lining up!' My stomach felt sicky suddenly, I didn't want to 'get laid', I didn't even want to kiss another boy. I didn't even know what get laid meant until yesterday.

Me: hey Zo, when we going home, tonight or tomorrow? Xx

'Look who's arrived! Hey Harry!' It was so obviously Esme had a crush on Harry, according to Mais they had sex like 6 times.

I felt my phone vibrate on my lap.

'Who you texting?' Why was Liam even interested?

'Just Zoe, Mais invited me to a party tomorrow.'

'Emily's party?'

'Yeah.' Maisie interrupted, I had no clue who's party it was anyway.

'Cool! Me and Harry are going as well, are you girls coming?'

'YES.' Esme shouted, it was so funny how badly she fancied Harry. We all burst out laughing.

'Yeah I'm going,' Harry smiled at Maisie. Esme was very loud and overexcited everytime I saw her, Maisie seemed a lot calmer and the boys were just laid back. I liked this little group.

Zoe: probs saturday morning but me and alf don't mind. Why? Xx

Me: Mais invited me to a party tonight, was hoping to go and make a few friends but don't mind if I miss it. Xx

'Yeah I can probably go as well, Zoe said we're probably not going back to Bath until saturday.'

'Cool, you can crash at mine tonight, Es does every weekend.'

Zoe: course u can darling! Just let me or alf no when u want to be picked up, joe and dad won't be home until saturday anyway, got to go to a meeting have a nice day sweetie xxx

'Zoe just texted me, that's fine, I can go!'

'Yay! Meet me by the gate at the end of the day, we can go back to Maisie's in my car and get ready.' I didn't know Liam drove, a thought suddenly popped into my head.

'I've got no clothes or pyjamas or nothing to even wear tonight?!'

'It's fine, I've got stuff you can borrow and Es has loads of clothes at mine. You can just sleep in your underwear like we do.'

'Oo, can I stay tonight as well? Three smoking hot girls in their underwear.' We all laughed at Harry's outburst, Esme's face lit up, she didn't realise he was joking.

'Of course you can! You can share my bed Harry!' We all laughed again at Esme.

'Nah you're alright babe, I was only joking.' Esme's face dropped as we all laughed again.

'Mad, your very happy!' Maisie was right, I was happy, I was seeing Joe again tomorrow. Even though we texted and talked on the phone everyday this week, I still missed him so much.

'Spill, now!' Harry demanded like a girl. Esme was still trying to get herself over the rejection of Harry which I guessed happened a lot. Liam hadn't said much, just sat there smiling at me for most of our break.

'Fine! I'm seeing my boyfriend tomorrow for the first time in a week!' Maisie and Esme gasped, Harry cheered and Liam looked down suddenly.

'We didn't know you had a boyfriend! What's his name, what's he look like?! Is he rich? What's his job?!' As expected Maisie and Esme were full of questions. I'm not sure why Harry cheered.

'Well he's not really my boyfriend, he's Zoe's brother and he's a roof thatcher and youtuber. He's called Joe and he's so lovely! He's also so funny and sooo good looking, oh my god!'

'Oooo Maddy's in looooove!'

'Shut up Harry! What even are you, a 13 year old girl?' Everyone laughed, Harry did act like a girl. He came across as a bit gay, like he would say how hot certain girls are and have sex with girls but he was very camp.

'Aw that's so cute Mads!' I smiled at Maisie. I noticed how quiet Liam was.

Liam POV

Looking at Maddy, I realised something. She is the most beautiful girl in the world. I really fancy Maddy, she seems like such a lovely person.

'Mad your very happy!' I noticed that as well, she was in a very good mood. Of course seeing her happy made me happy.

'Spill, now!' Oh course Harry was first to ask, he loved gossip. Although Harry had, had girlfriends and shagged half the school, he was so gay. He's always been like a girl and always been very camp. We were all actually surprised when he got his first girlfriend.

'Fine! I'm going to see my boyfriend tomorrow for the first time in a week!' My heart stopped, I looked down at the table. She had a boyfriend?! What about the feelings I had started developing for her?

I didn't even listen to what they were saying after, I didn't want to hear it. I shouldn't be this jealous, I've known her for a week now.

I tried to take my mind off it but it was hard as they were all sitting in front of me discussing it.

Maddy POV

After discussing Joe for about ten minutes, the bell rang loudly, me and Liam had drama, Harry had P.E and Es and Mais had law. We all went off to our lessons happily, I loved my life.

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