Chapter 43

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Chapter 43- Maddy POV

The car journey to Joe's mums house was rather long and awkward. It was complete silence in the car apart from the few times Alfie would say something to Zoe.

We finally arrived. We got out the car and walked towards the door. Before the door was even open, I could smell an amazing smell of cooking. A very pretty, slim, brunette lady opened the door. She was very cheerful.

'Hello everyone! Come in!'

'Joseph! Give your mum a kiss!' I laughed as I watched Joe try to avoid his mums kisses.

'Alright mum, that's enough now!' She turned to me.

'Oh darling! You must be Maddy! Wow, even more beautiful than joe described!'

'Aw, thank you! Lovely to meet you Tracey.'

'Lovely to meet you too darling!'

'Hurry up and go inside.'

'Zoe, don't be so rude!' She greeted Zoe and Alfie as me and Joe made our way through to the living room/dining room, it was all one room.

The table had been laid out all Christmassy with name tags and crackers. Tracey was sitting at the end, me and joe on one side and Zoe and Alfie opposite.

'Anyone want a drink?'

'You got any beers mum?'

'Yes Joseph, i'll get one. Maddy do you want a drink darling?'

'Yes please, do you have any coke or lemonade or anything like that?'

'I've got both!'

'Can I just have a coke please.'

'Of course my darling.' Me and Joe sat down at the table opposite Zoe and Alfie.

'Joe and Alfie, could you help me bring the food in please my darlings?' Joe and Alfie got up to help Tracey. It was just me and Zoe. She looked up at me.

'You really love my brother, don't you?' I returned her look.

'More than anything.'

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