Chapter 55

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Chapter 55 - Maddy POV

'So what do you want to do?' I looked at Joe confused.

'What do you mean?'

'What do you want to do, when you leave school.'

'I don't know Joe! I've already said I don't know.' We were in Joe's car on the way back from Nandos.

'You said you were thinking about going to university in America, what were you going to study?'

'I'm not telling you.'

'Why not?'

'You'll laugh.'


'You just will ok.' Joe sighed, keeping his eyes on the road.

'Maddy, I'm not going to laugh at you for fucks sake. You're my girlfriend, what you want to do with your life is important to me, I want to plan my life out. Just tell me, I won't laugh.' I sighed and rolled my eyes.

'Fine, I was going to do fashion journalism with fashion design.'

'I didn't know you were interested in fashion! That's great Maddy, I really think you should do it here!'

'Nah, I'm not good enough.'

'Don't fucking start.'


'I'm not having you putting yourself down, just shut up.'

'Joe, what the fuck?'

'I'm so fucking sick of having to listen to you put yourself down, I've told you so many times how perfect you are but you never listen.'

'Well sorry?' Joe sighed and rubbed his face whilst driving.

'No, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you, I'm just worried about Zoe and dad, you know.'

'No, you have a point. It isn't fair on you for me to put myself down.' I took his other hand and held it tight. 'Relax Joe, you're so tense. You need to stay calm, it's not good for you to stress like this.' Joe sighed.

'Let's change the subject now, tell me more about your fashion dream.'

'Well, I don't know really. I've wanted it for a while. I've always been really into fashion and I always read Vogue and fashion magazines, that's where the idea came from. I love fashion and designing and talking about it so much. I've designed a few of my own dresses and clothes and I'd love to have my own clothing range one day.'

'I think that's great Maddy! Have you ever thought about having a fashion blog?'

'No, I wouldn't have a clue where to start!'

'When we get home I'll show you Niomi's fashion blog. If you like the idea, I'll have a word with Gleam, my agency and then Zoe could help you set it up. What do you think?'

'Yeah it sounds great! What do Gleam have to do with it though?'

'Well they'll arrange for you to be sent stuff to review, they can arrange for you to do fashion photoshoots and they can even help you get your own clothing out! Honestly, all us YouTubers would be nothing without Gleam, they open doors to so many new oppurintues, they can make nearly anything happen for you and if they can't do it, then they'll know someone that can.'

'Thank you so much Joe.'

'That's my pleasure love.'

'How are you feeling about talking to your Dad then?'

'Really, really nervous..'

'Yeah, I can tell.'


'Clenched muscles, you're really tense and the way you're sitting.' Joe sighed.

'Well my back really hurts as well, it's not just nerves, I think I pulled a muscle when I went to the gym the other day.'

'Well you should have said something, I'll give you a massage if you want?' Joe's face lite up, I laughed.

'You do massages?'

'Yeah, I know how to but I only do them on special occasions.' I winked at Joe.

'Do you do erotic massages?'



'You'll have to wait to find out.' I winked at Joe.

'Fuck sake.'

'Why are we talking about having sex Joe, we've been together for a week..'

'It just seems a lot longer Mads. I will wait as long as you want, honestly.'

'Well I don't mind, it's not like I've waited any longer than a week to have sex with a boy. Whenever you're ready Joe.'

'I'm ready and you're ready but our relationship isn't ready. It's too soon babe. Anyway, I'm not even going to think about it until you're 18, it's not right otherwise.'

'I don't want it to seem like we're just with each other for sex, I want a proper relationship, I'm sick of no strings attached.'

'What are we even talking about, we have a proper relationship?'

'I don't even know Joe.' We both laughed. We pulled up outside the house, Zoe's car was already outside.

'Come on you.' I got out of the car but tripped over on the way. Me and Joe both laughed.

'Please try not to break my car!'

'Yeah Joe, I'm fine thanks!' Joe laughed and walked over to me.

'Are you alright my darling?' I sniggered at him called me his darling. Cringe.

'I'm fine hunny.' I mocked his Wiltshire accent. Joe put his hand behind my knees and arm around my back. He picked me up and carried me to the front door bridal style.

We laughed the whole way. He put me down to get his key out his pocket. I turned around and put my arms around his neck. He jumped as he didn't expect it. I laughed and put my forehead against his.

'I love you, you muppet.' Our lips touched, I got the usual fireworks feeling.

We pulled away when we were breathless and dizzy.

'I love you more, you muppet.'

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