Chapter 42

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Chapter 42 - Maddy POV

I woke up and felt my thigh being crushed. I didn't even open my eyes or sit up.

'Joeeeee.' I felt the crushing go and sensed Joe sitting up.

'You awake Mads?'

'Mhmm.' I opened my eyes and sat up.

'How you feeling?'

'Fine, just my thigh is crushed from you sitting on it!' Joe laughed.

'How long have I been asleep?'

'About 14 hours, it's half 11.'

'Bloody hell.'

'It's Christmas Eve Maddy!!!'


'Santa's coming tonight!'

'Yay! What time we going to your mums?'

'Well for lunch, I said we'd be over at half 12 so we need to get up really.'

'Ok, can I have first shower?'

'Of course, I need to check Alfie and Zoe are up anyway.'


Maddy went off to have a shower whilst I went into Zoe and Alfie's room. They were sitting on the bed, on their laptops.

'Morning Joe.' Zoe said nothing.

'You still coming to mums?'


'Can me and Maddy come in your car Zoe?'

'But you promised to drive?'

'Zoe, you're not going to want to come in my car.'

'Why not?'

'Maddy was sick in it yesterday.'

'Lovely. You haven't even bothered to clean it?'

'Zoe I've only just woken up! Give me a chance.'

'Why haven't you made her clean it up?'

'Because it's my car.'

'And it's her sick!'

'Zoe has a point Joe, she's the one who got drunk and was sick.'

'I've already told her I'll clean it.'

'You utter idiot. We're leaving in 45 minutes whether you're with us or not.' I nodded and walked out. I was still in yesterday's clothes. I didn't want to get changed until I'd had a shower.

I went downstairs to make some breakfast.

'Morning dad! Happy Christmas Eve.'

'Morning Joe.' I grabbed 4 poptarts and put them in the toaster. My phone vibrated in my pocket.

Caspar: alright Joe? New Years party at mine, you better be there, bring Maddy x

Joe: wouldn't miss it for the world. Cheers mate x

'Who you texting?' It wasn't like my dad to ask. He normally just leaves me to do my own thing.

'Caspar, just been invited to his New Years party.'

'Good for you.'

'And you, I was going to ask if I could have one here!'

'Well we both know that wouldn't happen.'

'True.' The toaster popped up. I grabbed mine and Maddy's poptarts, put them on a plate and headed upstairs.

Maddy was sitting on our bed with a towel around her, drying her hair.

'We've just been invited to a New Years party Mads.'

'We? As in me as well?' I laughed.

'Yes Maddy.'

'Who's is it?'


'Great. Guessing your dad said no about you having one?!'

'I never asked him, I completely forgot and now there's no point if we're going to Caspar's.'

'Yeah, can you pass me my phone please, I haven't checked it this morning.'

'Yeah sure. Here's breakfast by the way.' I put the plate down on our bed and sat down.

'Oo I have a text from Megan!!'

'That's great baby, what's it say?'

'Hey babes, I'm coming to England for the National Dance Finals in January, any chance I can stay with you? Miss u loads xx.'

'Told you she wouldn't forget about you!'

'Is it alright for her to stay?'

'Of course! She can stay in the room you were meant to stay in.'

'Yeah, she can drive as well so she'll probably hire a car and drive down to wherever it is.'

'That's fine Maddy, just make sure I know all the details and everything.'

'Of course.'

'Breakfast now.' I needed to make sure she was eating, not just saying she would eat to try distract me from her not eating.

We ate the four poptarts together. I was really proud of her for looking after herself better.

'I'm going to have a shower, get dressed so we can go out. We're going in Zoe's car and she won't wait for us.'

'As soon as we're back, I'll clean your car out.'

'No, I'll do it Mads.'

'No you won't, it's not fair on you.'

'How about we both just do it together?'

'Ok, I'll buy you an air freshener.'

'No Maddy, just help me clear it up and we can forget about it.'

'Thanks Joe.'

'That's alright. Go on, I'm gonna get in the shower.' She nodded and got up to get her clothes. I went into the bathroom and started running the shower.

It was Christmas Day tomorrow and I was pretty much weeing myself with excitement. I couldn't wait to give her her presents and ask her to be my girlfriend. Zoe had helped me to wrap them up and make them look nice. I signed all the labels;

'Happy Christmas Maddy, all my love, Joe x'.

I just couldn't wait to see her face.

Sorry this chapter was a bit dull but there you go, I didn't want to skip straight to the meal at mummy Suggs house :)

1225 reads and 61 votes, that is mental! Thank you so much everyone!

I'm so excited to get more into this story as I have SO MANY ideas! I just can't wait to put them in.

Hope you're all enjoying it, I've had more lovely Twitter messages today which honestly just make me so happy! I know I always say this but it really is such a nice feeling to see something you've worked so hard at and something you've put loads of effort into, pay off. It has been hard work writing this story, especially as I've written it all on my iPhone as my laptop charger is completely broken and I can't afford a new one at the moment!

My Twitter is @sugg_sunday

Love you all!<3

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