Chapter One: The Assistant.

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Hiiiiii! I'm writing another story. Season four Levi did a number on me and so now we're here. This is modern day Levi. There will be explicit content in this story. Feel free to skip. Minors DNI. Happy reading!😊

I was waiting for the coffee to finish brewing for Mr. Ackerman. He likes freshly made tea and coffee every day. Coffee in the morning and tea in the afternoon. I was his new assistant. I cleaned any spills I made in the process. I finished and headed over to his office. I placed it on his desk in its proper position.

I wiped the brim of his mug and placed paperwork on his desk as well. I left out and cleaned the coffee maker. I put it away. Levi walked through the door.

"Good morning Mr. Ackerman." We all greeted.

"Good morning." He replied in his deep voice.

He was fairly short but muscular build. He kept his hair trimmed to a certain length and was always need. I never see him wear the same thing twice. I watched as he walked into his office. I sat down at my desk and began to work.

"Y/L/N." Levi called. I quickly got up and shuffled to his office.

"Yes Mr. Ackerman?"

"You've done something different with my coffee."

Damn, he noticed.

"I'm sorry I jus-"

"Keep doing that from now on. I love it." He spoke over me.

"Yes, Mr. Ackerman."

"You're dismissed." I nodded and left his office.

I sat back down at my desk. I felt his eyes on me. He's so intimidating. I guess he makes up for it since he's so short. If he isn't intimidating, everyone will walk all over him. He doesn't come off as a dick, at least not to me. It's just his presence is very dominant and intimidating. I printed out more documents.

I got up and headed over to the printer. I grabbed them. The phone started ringing. I answered and greeted the caller.

"Please hold while I'll transfer you." I said.

I got up and knocked on his door.

"Mr. Ackerman you have a call on line one."

"Thank you. You're dismissed." I walked back to my seat. The elevator door opened and a tall man in a trench coat walked out. He walked past me. I got up.

"Excuse me? Mr. Ackerman is very busy right now. Do you have an appointment?" I asked.

The man looked down at me.

"Send him in Y/L/N." I heard Levi's voice.

I escorted the man to Levi's office.

"Thank you. You're dismissed."

I closed his office door behind me and walked back to my seat. I sat down. I continued to work. In the midst of it, I ordered Levi's food. It was filet mignon with risotto, and asparagus. He never eats low quality food. I make sure his steak is medium rare.

"What're you eating for lunch?" Amira asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

Levi and the tall man were leaving.

"I'm not sure yet. I'm not really hungry either."

"Well if you're up for it I'm getting pizza."

"Pizza sounds good. But first, I have to get his lunch."

"I'll text you which pizza place I'm at." I nodded as I got up.

I grabbed my jacket and his credit card. As his assistant, it was my duty to use his card when necessary. He doesn't like his food delivered. I walked out and got on the elevator. I pressed for garage. I waited. When I reached the garage, the door opened and I got off. I walked to my car and got in. I pulled off. I kept driving.

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