Chapter Thirty-One: Acrimony

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bitterness or ill feeling.

mad; insane.

Unforgiving, relentless, unbending, inflexible

Hiiiiiii! Hope all is well. Happy reading!☺️

It's been a while since I was kicked out of my own home. I can't stop thinking about it. I didn't eat much. I lost my appetite no matter how many times Hise tries to make me eat. I just can't eat. It's like I can't do anything except work and drive over to Hise's. It's so foreign to me to be greeted by Kojiro and not Marcel. I created fake social media accounts and stalked that bitch. She posted consistently on her stories saying how her husband is recovering slowly. Them kissing. Him playing with her daughter. This bitch is blatantly laughing in my face. I spread all kinds of hate on her page. I didn't care. The world needs to know she's a home wrecker. She took everything from me. Everything went by in a blur. Days turn into weeks. And weeks turned into months. I park in front of Levi's house. The one I once called home. Levi's car was parked out front. I got out and put some gloves on. I grab the gasoline out of my trunk and pour it all over his car. I pour it on the front lawn and on the building. I put the empty gasoline in my trunk. I lean against my car, staring at the building. I take out a cigar and matches. I lit my cigar. I take a long drag. I throw the match onto the front lawn. I watch as the fire spread and rush towards Levi's home. I strike another match, tossing it onto Levi's car. I get into my car and pull off. I pull up to Hise's house and get out. Kojiro greets me and I don't speak. "Y/N is that you?" Hise appear into view. "Dinner's ready." "Not hungry." I say as I walk upstairs. "Y/N we need to talk. I'm worried about you. This isn't healthy." I stop at the middle of the stairs. I turn to see Hise at the bottom of the stairs. "If you care about me then you would leave me alone." I snap before turning back and walking upstairs. I walk into the guest room and slam the door shut. I turn on the lamp. I switched it to a color changing bulb. I turn it to red. I connect my phone to Bluetooth. I start my "Levi's Enemy" playlist. Rolling in the deep by Adele was playing first, blasting. I started throwing darts on photos of Levi and Mei on the wall. I printed them out and placed a huge red X on their faces. I lay on my bed and get on my phone. I look at a photo of Me's post from ours ago. It was a photo of Levi holding Mei's daughter. Die you hoe! Man stealer! Trick! He doesn't love you, you delusional bitch. Hahahahaha ugly ass whore. Home wrecker! You ain't his wife. You belong to the streets! I type those words and sent them. See-Line Woman by Nina Simone starts playing. I light another cigar. I put the song on repeat. I kept the cigar in my mouth as I clap to the beat of the song. I was jumping around, feeling nothing but pure anger and hatred. I'm going to kill all of them. Mei, Levi and her rugrat lookin ass toddler. If, they're not dead yet by the fire. I print out more photos of them and burn it. I dance around with the photo in my hand as it burns. I put the fire out and do the same to the next photo. I did the same thing repeatedly. I stop and take the cigar out of my mouth. I press the cigar on my arm, burning my skin. I laugh, enjoying the pain. There was banging on my door. "Y/N it's Hise. Open up." I ignore him as I put the cigar out and go back to clapping. I continue to dance and clap to the beat. I turn the volume all the way up, jamming to the song. I stop and print out another photo. I start to cut all over their faces on the photo. As I spin while clapping, I see Hise standing there. I turn down the song. "What do you want?" Hise looks around. "Oh my god Y/N this isn't healthy." He says. "I am perfectly fine." He walks up to the photo with the darts on it. "Talk to me Princess. I'm here for you." "There's nothing to talk about." "Y/N I know you're hurting but this isn't how you cope." I laugh without humor. "Hurt? I'm not hurt. I'm just enjoying music." "Then explain the photos." "I got bored." Hise sighed. He pulls me into his arms. "Y/N you're losing yourself. You have so much pent up anger. Please talk to me. We can get through this. You can rely on me." I shove Hise off of me. "All I want to do is hunt that bitch down. I'm going to kill him, her and that gremlin looking ass baby." "Listen to me. You will lose yourself more and more and you'll do something you'll regret. You love my son too much. You will hate yourself if you kill him." "Get out!" I scream. "Y/N please." I said get out!" I repeat myself in a harsher tone. Hise walks out. I slam the door behind him. I turn the song back up, dancing the night away.
I got this dancing scene from the movie Acrimony lmaoo. Great movie. Sorry this is short.

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