Chapter Eleven: Choices.

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Hiiiiii! Hope all is well! I may or may not take a break from writing this. I have to update on my Toji and Sebastian stories. But this story is getting interesting. Also this isn't a time skip. Happy reading!😊

I was in his guest room wide awake. I didn't want to sleep in his room. I wasn't sure who that man was in that room. I couldn't sleep. Every information he told me ran through my mind. I got up and left the room. I walked into his room and opened the door. I turned his lamp on. Levi was sleeping peacefully.

He looked like the same Levi I know and love. But the man before me, is also a killer. I started to wake him up. His eyes opened slowly.

"What's wrong princess?"

"Don't call me that."

"Want to cuddle with me?" He asked.

"No get up killer." I aimed his gun in his face. Levi jumped up.

"Y/N what the hell?!" He barked.

"I'd be careful if I were you." Levi had his hands up.

"Y/N put the gun down." I shook my head.

"I need you to listen to me."

"I'm listening."

"Right now I want to kill you. I don't know if you'll ever turn against me. It's kill or be killed right? On the other hand, I can't. You're the same man that I've grown to love and yet, you kill people.

I don't like violence. My father was killed by gang violence. Wrong place at the wrong time. I don't want anyone else to die. But I don't want anything to happen to you either. If I were to be out of your life how do I know that you won't become an obsessive freak and try to kill me?

You live a double life, I wouldn't be surprised if you have double personalities. I don't know why you killed that man. I can't judge if he deserve it or not. If I leave you now, I can live a normal life. Just be your ordinary assistant. Start dating again, possibly get rejected because I can't have kids.

On the other hand, if I stay, what am I actually getting myself into to? Am I going to be protected? Am I going to have bodyguards? Do I watch you kill people? Meet the family? Get married and reign as your Mafia Princess? What happens if you finally get caught? Would you sell me out? What if you die?

I'd have to bury my own husband. What will happen when you the Mafia Prince and I stand off in front of the police including Daiki? Would it look like I stepped over to the dark side? Poor little Y/L/N was so heartbroken by her breakup that she was easily manipulated by the mafia prince and ran over to the dark side. What happens when your father finds out I can't have kids? Am I now rejected? Or am I accepted?

What if you fall out of love with me? Yeah there's that possibility too. Levi Ackerman. Business man by day, killer by night. Do you trust your men? Do you know what happened to Jon Hanabi? His best friend his partner ratted him out so he won't get life. How do you know none of your men will turn on you?

They can swear their loyalty but that all unfolds once the feds offer them a sweet sweet deal. How do you know there isn't a rat right now double crossing you now? Well I guess I should tell you now. You do have a mole in your circle. I wasn't allowed to know who it was though. That's all the info my ex could give me." I pouted.

"Poor little Mafia Prince didn't know he was being double crossed. If I die, would you mourn me? If I was murdered would you avenge me? I would definitely avenge you. No one who took the love of my life away from me deserves to live. Hmmm...decisions, decisions..." I trailed off.

"Stay with Levi or leave him." I weighed my options.

I grew attached to that man to leave him. Still, a part of me wanted to leave. I sighed.

"If it wasn't for that cute face, that body, the hypnotic dick, my love for you and your personality, I'd leave you without second guessing. Oh well. Looks like I'm sticking by you. What can go wrong?" I announced.

I reloaded his gun, placing it on his nightstand.

"C'mere girl!" Levi grabbed me and yanked me on the bed. He hovered over me, pinning my arms to the bed.

"Don't ever do that again." He ordered. I laughed.

"Are you going to spank me?"

"I'm serious Y/N. How did you even find my gun?"

"I was with a police officer for four years. I know where guns are hidden."

"You scared the hell out of me. I really thought you were going to kill me."

"I can't even if I could."

"You standing there in my shirt holding my gun is so sexy." He started kissing my neck and pulled away.

"Were you serious when you said there's a traitor in my circle?"

"You know I'm a terrible liar. I never snooped through Daiki's things because I trusted him and he took advantage of that. Anyway, you do. If he completely rats you and everyone out, he's looking at ten years max compared to seventy years minimum. You need to be careful and sniff that rat out quickly. And remove them. By that I mean..."

I grabbed his gun and clocked it back. Levi's hand removed it from mine and placed it down.

"It's loaded Y/N. I don't want you to hurt yourself."

"I know how to handle a gun. I was trained on it. I'm giving you forty-eight hours to find the rat and eradicate him."

"You're giving me a time limit?" I nodded.

"If you fail this, we're not having sex for three years. And you can't jerk off either."

"You didn't need to threaten me." Levi got up and grabbed his phone.

He walked out, closing the door behind him. I got under his blanket and got comfortable. I heard the door open and close a few minutes later. I felt as Levi got in bed and pulled me close from behind. There was no point in rejecting him now. I also didn't have anything else to lose.

"I told them they have forty-eight hours to find that person starting now." Levi announced in a deep low voice.

"Good." I mumbled.

"You'll make a really good mafia princess. Get some sleep baby." He muttered in my ear. Mafia Princess. Is that really who I was becoming?

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