Chapter Thirteen: Launch Party

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Hiiiiii! Hope you enjoyed my last chapter. Happy reading!😊

Levi pulled up to his home and parked. We both got out. We were completely covered in blood. We walked up to the door and Marcel opened the door.

"Good evening." He greeted.

"Hi." I greeted back.

Levi took off his trench coat and mine. He took off his gloves.

"Marcel burn these for me."

"Of course." He said as he grabbed our coats.

Levi took my hand and lead me upstairs into his bedroom. He sat on the ottoman and pulled me close to him. His hands held my waist. Levi was watching me.

"You are so beautiful." He said in awe.

"Enough admiring me." I checked the time.

"It's getting closer to the launch party. Can't have the man of the hour arrive late."

I pulled away and went in his closet. I pulled out one of his brand new tuxedos. I placed it on his bed. I grabbed his new pair of shoes and placed the box on the bed as well.

"I would rather skip this party and spend the night cuddling and making love to you."

"Come on Levi. I'm serious. Barry postponed it because we went on vacation. Don't hurt his feelings. As much as I want to be here too, we have to go." I said.

Levi tackled me onto the bed. He started kissing my neck.

"Levi..." I trailed off.

He unzipped my pants and I felt as he started rubbing my clit. I moaned. I started breathing heavily. I snapped out of it and removed his hand.

"You go to this party and I'm all yours tonight." Levi got up and quickly undressed.

He put his clothes in the hamper and walked into his bathroom. He started the shower. I grabbed my gown from his closet. It was a black gown revealing the front and back. I grabbed a pair of black heels. I placed them in the bed. I called for his chauffeur to pick us up. Levi grabbed my waist.

"Shower with me." He lowly said in my ear.

"You want shower sex." I replied.

"I can't help myself."

"Fine I'll give you a taste of something for when we get back." I followed Levi into the bathroom.

After our ultra steamy shower session, we got out and got dressed. I helped to make sure he was picture perfect. Levi buttoned the top back of my gown after zipping the lower half. He placed my shoes on for me and strapped them up.

"You're so beautiful I want you right now."

"Come on Levi we have to go."

I placed everything I needed in my clutch. He took my hand and lead me downstairs.

"My beautiful partner." He said as he kissed my hand.

"You know it's nice to see this side of you."

"You bring out the best of me."


"The limousine is here." Marcel announced.

"Thank you."

He opened the door for us and we walked out. The chauffeur opened the door for us and Levi got in. I got in after him. He closed the door and got behind the wheel. He drove off. Levi grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers.

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