Chapter Sixty-Eight: The Confrontation

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Hiiii! Hope all is well. Happy reading!☺️

"Hey can you take the girls out?" I ask Maria. "Sure thing." I hand over my card. "I'll call you when we're done." I drop down and hug them. "I'll see you when you get back." I kiss Rose and Himari's cheek. "Okay mommy." Levi hugs them both as well. Maria leaves with them. "Why did you invite him over?" Levi asks. "He's your father and you two need to talk it over." "I don't want him in our house!" "I know that. That's why Kenny and the twins are here. I'm not saying forgive him. I'm saying I don't want you to try and kill him whenever he visits his granddaughters." Levi sighs. "I'm only doing this for you." Levi pulls me close and kiss me. "But if this doesn't work, I'm killing him." "Levi! He's your father." Levi pulls out a cigarette and lights it. "He's no longer my father." I snatched the cigarette. "Why are you smoking?" I ask, putting it out on the back of my hand. "Don't burn yourself!" Levi takes it from me and looks at my hand. "Lord Ackerman has arrived." Marcel announce. "Lord?" I whisper to Levi. He shrugs. Kenny and the twins walk into the living room just in time. "Mm." Mikasa roll her eyes, walking pass Hise. I walk closer to Hise but Levi yanks me back. I look at him. He didn't even look angry. His face was stone cold. He pulls me to the chair across from the sofa. Levi sits down and place me on his lap. He wraps an arm around my waist. "Levi-" "I don't want you here. I hate you. I wish you were dead. I want you dead. The only reason why you're not is because my wife wants you alive. To be around our daughters. I don't want you around them. What I don't understand is why didn't you trust her word. Some random bitccccch walks into your life and you forget your morals? Your values? Family comes first. Always. She wasn't family and she never will be. The Ackerman's protect their women. We protect, respect, love and cherish our women. No woman, no children. Do you even stand by that? It's obvious you don't. You see, you have a thing for putting your hands on women. Who challenge your authority. My theory is you never liked Y/N. Or you wouldn't have slapped my mother over it. I trust her with my life and you never accepted it. Even when you said you fell in love with her, I don't think you did. You don't hurt the people you love. Y/N was wrong for slapping you, I'll admit that. But you as a man should have shook it off. No wait, you didn't hit her because of that. You hit her because she said you would catch a disease for sleeping around recklessly. Over some words. Do you know how many foul words Y/N has said to me and not once did it ever cross my mind that I should hit her? Not once. Because I'm not a coward like you. You knew she wouldn't back down but you still hit her. Did you not learn your lesson on Christmas Eve? All because you put your hands on my mother? Your wife?!" Levi takes a deep breath. "You know...I used to look up to you. Thought you were the greatest man to ever walk on earth. I idolized you. But you blew it. Time and time again." "Son I'm-" "If you say sorry I promise you I will unload on you." Levi pats my thigh and I get up. "Does anyone else have anything to say?" Levi asks as he get up. Kenny shakes his head no. Levi looks at the twins. "He disgusts me." Karina spat. Mikasa nods in agreement. Levi turns to me. "Are you going to listen to what he has to say?" I ask. "Nope." Levi pulls out a gun. He opens the cylinder and empty it. He place one bullet back in. He walks up to Hise and shoved the barrel in Hise's mouth. "Levi what the hell?!" I scream, rushing over. I try to pull him off. "This isn't want I meant!" "Let's play a little game show we? It's called How I felt when my wife was taken away from me in less than twenty-four hours." Levi pulls the trigger. I flinch. Levi spins the cylinder again. "Levi!" I pull him away. Levi grabs throws me over his shoulder and place me back in the seat. He looks at Kenny. "Make sure she doesn't get up." Kenny nods. Levi walks back and shove the barrel back in Hise's mouth. He pulls the trigger. "No!" I scream. Levi laughs. "You're getting real lucky dad. Let's make it more interesting, shall we?" Levi lights another cigarette. He opens the cylinder and adds another bullet. He spins it and close it. "Levi please!" I beg. He pulls the trigger. Hise closes his eyes. I start crying. I jump up. Kenny holds me down. "Real lucky." "Levi stop! Please I'm begging you!" I scream. He looks at me. "Do you still love him?" He asks me. "No!" "Good." Levi hands the gun over to Hise. "You know what to do." Hise takes the gun and spin the cylinder. He close it and points it at his head. "Hise don't!" "It's okay Princess. I'll do whatever it takes to make things right. Thank you for loving my son. I truly am sorry." He pulls the trigger and I scream. "Levi stop this please!" "Are you sure you're not in love with him?" "I said no!""Then why don't you want to see him die?!" "Because I don't have a father! He's a father. He's your father. He's a grandfather. Rose and Himari are never going to to meet my mother. And they can't meet my father. Please don't rob them of that. Hise is the only grandparent they have alive. My mom died from childbirth and you know that. Kenny killed my father and your ex wife killed your mother." I explain. "Again." Levi demands. Hise spins the cylinder and place the barrel into his mouth. I kick Kenny, sending him flying. I snatch the gun from Hise. I aim it at Levi and pull the trigger. The bullet went right past his ear and into the wall. "Y/N pull the gun down." "No!" I open the cylinder and place it on the remaining bullet. I close the cylinder and clock. I aim it at the tv and shoot. The bullet goes through. Levi rushes to me and grabs the gun. I hold onto it. I yank hard and smack him with it. "I wanted you to find common ground but I don't think there is one. That man has suffered time and time again. I almost killed him. You put him in a coma for over a year. You tried to kill him again. He's killing every rapist to atone for his and his fiancée's sins. Haven't he suffered enough? Why must you insist on torturing him? This isn't like you. This isn't the Levi that I love and want to marry. I don't know who you are anymore. You need therapy sessions with Hotaru. If you don't speak with him and learn to grow from there, then there's no point in spending the rest of my life with you. You still have pent up anger and hatred. I don't think it's just about Hise anymore. But lashing out on him unnecessarily solely because he's still alive is not only sloppy but so unlike you. Control your dark impulse. Hise isn't the real villain. The real villains are all dead. I promise you that if whatever her name is wasn't there that day, I would've never went to jail. I know Hise wouldn't rat me out even after shooting him. Please work on bettering yourself because I don't want to lose you. No, I'm not in love with your father. I don't know why you don't believe me but that's fine. Maybe it's because I tortured you when you got your memory back. I'm sorry. Talk to Hotaru about that too.  Hotaru asked me if I felt safe around you. I always tell him yes. And right now, I don't feel safe around you. So I'm leaving. With the kids. I'm not leaving you, I just need to go somewhere safe. Our home isn't safe for me. Or the girls. This isn't a breakup either. When you've finally progressed and still don't want your father around, then he's out of our lives forever. But right now, you're acting out of multiple mixed emotions. Just like you were there for my therapy sessions in rehab, I'll be there for yours. I love you Levi. I really do. Please...get better." I say as I throw the gun. I walk upstairs. Levi was hot on my heels. "Y/N wait." I slam our room door and lock it. He knocks on the door. "I'm sorry! Please open the door." I grab my suitcase and pack. "Don't leave me Y/N please. I can't sleep without you. I've done that for a year and it was hell." I open the door. "I'm not leaving you." I say as I walk into the girls room. I start packing their suitcases. "Can we talk this out?" "I don't think you're capable of doing that." I grab our suitcases and walk downstairs. Levi grabs my arm, turning me to face him. "Please don't be mad at me. I know it's my fault. I'll make it up to you." "I'm not mad at you. It's not even your fault." I look at Kenny. "Come on Kenny." He gets up off the sofa with a beer in his hand. "Where are we going?" "To your house." "Don't beat my ass Princess." "Don't piss me off." We walk to the door. "Y/N!" I stop in my tracks. I turn to face Levi. I grab his face and kiss him deeply. "Please get better." I lowly say as I rest my hand on his cheek. He place his hand on top of mine and nod. "I will." He removes my hand from his cheek and kiss the palm of it. I leave and get into Kenny's car. I noticed the suitcases are in the trunk. Kenny drives off. "So why my house? You know the twins don't mind you staying over." "Because they'll be with their husband and it'll make me miss Levi even more and I'd go home. I probably wouldn't last an hour." "Fair enough." I call Maria. "Hi Mrs. Ackerman." "Hey, whenever you're ready bring them over to Kenny's. We'll be staying with him for a little while." "Everything alright?" "Yeah. Levi just need to work on his mental health." "Okay. I'll send them over soon." "Thanks." I said before hanging up. The ride to his house was silent. He pulls up to his house. He grabs my suitcases and I get out. We walk to the door and his butler Inamura opens it. "Welcome Home Master Ackerman." He greets Kenny. "Hey." We greet. "Take These upstairs to the spare rooms." Kenny instructs. Inamura nods and takes them. "Do you think I made a mistake by leaving?" Kenny shrugs. "It's your call Princess. If you don't feel safe then it's best you leave before it turns into fear. He's been lashing out a lot for the past year. I've been trying to get him to talk to the therapist but he refused because he wanted Hotaru to focus on you solely." "Since when are you into therapy?" "I'm not. But I know that's what he needs." "I keep running out on Levi for every single thing." "Don't start blaming yourself Princess. This is justifiable. It's clear you still have some trust issues and it's those guards fault. It's okay that you left. You're not leaving him for good. But you feeling safe around Levi and in your own home is very important. He'll understand. He's a smart kid." I let out a sigh. "I feel so bad. I've only been home for a short period of time and I'm gone again." "Don't. It's going to be hard. But it's for yours and his own good. That boy hasn't been himself for over a year. Rightfully so. Like you said, he has mixed emotions and it's all falling on my brother every time. I know you're not defending Hise but I too think that most of his anger is for many different reasons. There's a lot of hate and anger. Probably resent. And a lot of that is towards himself too." I look up at Kenny. "Really? You think so?" He nods. "Of course. He kept blaming himself for going to the hospital and not down to the station first. He couldn't protect you. He didn't go with you to see Hise to prevent it all from happening." "It's not his fault. He should know this. He was in panic." "Let me ask you this. Why didn't you call him? Or me? Or the twins?" "Because you're all wanted criminals by the police. If I go down, I could go alone. I didn't want to risk anyone else going down." I explain. "Oh Princess. We're not scared of those cops and we don't care. We will risk our lives for you no matter where you are. We love you. You're family." Kenny pulls me into his arms. "We got you for life Princess." "Levi dropped out of therapy. I believed he was better. I missed the signs." "Don't blame yourself." "Lady Maria has arrived." Inamura announces. "Mommy!" Rose and Himari runs to me. "Thank you Maria." I say as I hug them. "Uncle Kenny!" The girls ditch me for Kenny. He chuckles and hug them. "I'm gonna go unpack." I tell Kenny. I walk upstairs and search the rooms. I find a guest room with the suitcases. I start unpacking. I've never been in Kenny's home. I hope I can adjust. I know I'm going to miss Levi like crazy. I hope I'm doing the right thing.
Dark impulse Levi strikes again🤧

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