Chapter Five: Changes.

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Hiiiii! Hope all is well. This is a two month time skip. Happy reading!😊

My life has changed in the past two months. I buried myself with work while moving into my new place. Two months since Daiki told me he was leaving me. Two months since I saw him. I still didn't have a breakdown like I thought I would. Haven't shed a tear. I was making Levi's coffee. I placed it on his desk and wiped the brim of it.

"Good morning." I greeted in my monotone voice. I placed the papers in front of him. I walked towards the door.

"Y/N." I stopped in my tracks.

"Is there something you need?" I asked more aggressively.


"Then I'll be at my desk."

"Turn around and face me." I sighed and closed the door. I faced him.

"This coffee tastes like complete shit. I know you can do better than that."

"Then don't drink it and make it yourself." I snapped. He looked at me shocked.

"What's going on with you? You haven't been yourself lately."

"Nothing." I turned for the door again.

"We're not done!" His voice boomed. We looked at each other.

"Something's bothering you. You haven't been yourself for the past two months. My coffee and tea has been tasting like complete shit. Your tone has changed. Your eyes no longer sparkle with happiness. You've been wearing your hair in a ponytail for two months. You've been staying here after hours doing work. Your eyes have bags under them from lack of sleep but you try to cover it. You've stopped wearing the perfumes that makes you smell fruity. You've stopped getting manicures. You're no longer wearing jewelry. Your attitude changed. You've lost motivation in everything."

"If you're going to fire me then I'm save you the trouble and pack my things now." Levi placed his papers down and stood up.

"I'm not firing you. Just tell me what's going on."

"You don't care. Nobody cares."

"Amira came to me completely concerned. Although I told her I've already noticed in the changes in you." I grabbed his mug.

"You don't need to tell me a life story just to tell me the coffee was disgusting." Levi grabbed my wrist.

"I don't care about the coffee. Tell me what's wrong? Something is bothering you Y/N." He took the mug from my hand and placed it back on his desk. He kept his grip on me.

"Why does it matter? It's not like telling you would solve anything. Why are you pretending to care so much?"

"I'm not pretending."

"Yeah because someone as important as you are care about his assistant's feelings." I tried to break from his grip.

"I do care. I don't know why but I do. You haven't smiled for two months Y/N. What happened to it?"

"Why are you so damn complicated? Why can't you just leave me alone? You won't be the first man to walk out of my life." I spat.

"He left you? Is that why you've been acting like this?"

"So he left me after announcing he got engaged to someone else and their baby is almost due. It's not the end of the world. He got something I can't have. Kids. Can I go now? I have work to do." Levi dragged me to the chair and sat me down. I got up.

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