Chapter Thirty-Seven: The Other Man

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Hiiiii! I'm supposed to be asleep pfft. But this is more entertaining. This will contain explicit content. Feel free to skip. Happy reading!☺️

"Another date huh?" Hise asks as he zips my dress again. It's been twenty-four hours since my date with Dazai Osamu. "Yeah." "Same guy?" Hise asks. "Nah. That guy is crazy. He wants me to be his suicidal partner. And said he wish he was there when I tried to commit suicide." I explain as Hise straps my shoe again. "Did he try anything?" "No. But Levi followed us. He caught us making out in his car. God that was so embarrassing. They started fighting and drawing blood. It was Levi's dark impulse and the crazed look in Dazai's eyes." "You sure do know how to pick 'em." Hise chuckles. I roll my eyes. "So tell me about this one." "Well he's normal. I mean like really normal." "Normal's good." Hise straps my other shoe. "I'm not going to tell him about my lifestyle, if you're wondering." "I trust you Princess." The slit on this dress was higher. Hise grabs my other leg. He takes the holster and wrap it around that thigh. Hise grabs the gun and place it in the holster. "If he tries anything, shoot him." Hise orders. I place my foot on his chest. "You know I'll never hesitate." Hise smiles. "Good. I don't want you hurt. I'm sick of seeing you in the hospital. I'm tired of seeing you both in the hospital." "Tell me about it. That damn hospital is my second home." I joked. Hise glares at me. "Tough crowd. Anyway, I figure we chop her body up and throw it in the ocean. It has to be late at night during the storm. The boat is crashed and washed ashore. I'd leave evidence that points to her identity. Her body pieces will be chained with cinder blocks so it'll be at the bottom of the ocean so her body can't be found. Scuba divers can't go that far. Not even the coast guards. The water pressure will kill them." I say. "You are one crazy person Princess. That's what I like about you. You still scare me." I place my legs over his shoulders. "Then you know not to fuck with me." "Yes, I know that." He taps my thighs. I wasn't even choking him. Hise stands up. I get up as well. He stares down at me. "All black huh?" I nod. "I hate to tell you this now, but Levi is here." "Hise!" He plants a kiss on my forehead. "Have fun now." "If this date goes bad, I'm giving up on men." Hise chuckles and follows me downstairs. "Another date?" Levi asks at the bottom of the stairs. "Yeah and what of it?" "Why? I'm right here. Y/N please stop this madness. I'm your husband." I laugh. "Madness? I'm not mad. I'm just having fun." "You can have fun with me. Your husband." I look him up and down. "Ew. I'm sorry but I don't want a community dick. Used but not broken." There was a knock on the door. Levi speeds past Kojiro and opens the door. "No." He says before slamming the door closed. "Levi!" I scold. I open the door. "I am so sorry about that." I apologize to Nanami. He smiles. "It's alright. You look beautiful. These are for you." Nanami hands me a bouquet of red roses. "Thank you." I take them. "I think the fuck not." Levi says as he snatches them from me. He drops them to the floor and jumps in them repeatedly. "Levi Ackerman what the fuck?!" I scream. He storm up to Nanami. The height difference is astounding. Nanami is just towering over him. "Do we have a problem little man?" Nanami asks. Levi takes a swing, punching Nanami in his face. "Levi!" I scream. Nanami punches Levi back. They get into a full on brawl right in front of me. Hise starts breaking them apart. "Enough!" He yells. I grab Levi and slam him against the wall. "What is your problem?!" I ask. Levi's eyes was fixated with Nanami. I grab Levi's face, forcing him to look at me. His chest was heaving. He leans in and kisses me deeply. He pulls me close. I pull away and slap him. "Stop that. We're not together anymore. And you're married. This counts as cheating." "I don't care." Levi pulls me close again. "She said let her go." Nanami snaps as he pulls me away. "This is my wife so you better stay out of it, home wrecker." Levi spat. "Oh just like your wife wedged between us and you got her pregnant?" I fire back. "Y/N!" Hise scolds. "Y/N now that's not fair. I had no memory whatsoever and you know that! She drugged me." "Facts are facts. You're married. You have an adopted daughter and a baby on the way. Exactly what your father predicted." "Y/N you know I didn't mean it." Hise says. "Come on Y/N." Nanami wraps his arms around my waist. "You are not going with him!" Levi pulls me away from Nanami again. He place me behind him. "Just let me go Levi." I step around him. I make my way towards Nanami. I feel as Levi grips me and tosses me over my shoulder. "Put me down Levi!" "Levi stop this!" Hise struggle with me. He sets me free. "Go!" Hise encourages as he holds Levi back.

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