Chapter Forty-Three: Moving On

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Hiiiii! This is another flashback. It's a time skip flashback. A couple of months since the breakup. Happy reading!☺️

A few months has passed since Levi called off our marriage. I took it really hard. We didn't bother to contact one another. I blocked his number. I blocked his entire family. I blocked Johnny too. I didn't want to be bothered with them. They have no reason to contact me. I'm not family. I blocked Amira and Barry's number too. I didn't want to be reminded of Levi by any means necessary. I slept in my car while looking for an apartment to stay in. It took about a month due to nobody having an availability sooner, but I was finally able to move in. I didn't bother to decorate it, I just bought the necessities. I didn't even buy a tv, just a radio that I blast all day long. Thank god no one can hear it or there would be complaints. Today I didn't have the radio blasting. I heard my front door open. I throw two knives in that direction and pull out my gun that I bought. "You're gettin slow there Princess. Can't have my killer gettin all rusty on me." I sigh and turn the radio off. "What are you doing here Kenny?" I ask. "Well you're not answering our calls. That's because you blocked us." "How did you even, you know what? I don't even want to know." "We Ackermans can track down anyone. We're worried about you. I volunteered to come once we found out where you live. I figured you didn't want to see Hise since he's part of the problem." "You should be checking on your nephew. I'm not family." I said, putting my gun away. "You're still family. You'll always be family. And we do check on Levi. He was having a hard time too. I didn't come here to point fingers at anyone. I'm pretty sure you know that you and Hise were both at fault. More so him being in love with you." "I don't want to talk about it. I already lost everything. I have nothing left." "You still have us no matter what." "No offense but I don't want to be reminded of him at all. And you're all his family." "C'mon pumpkin, don't be like that." "He doesn't love me anymore. He couldn't even look at me. I just wish he'd leave when I told him to instead of doing this now when I thought we were passed this." Kenny sighs. "I can't tell you why it happened. I don't know how he felt back then. Maybe he did think he could move pass it until he couldn't. And that's understandable. But he moved passed it now." I look at Kenny. "What do you mean by that?" "You promise not to kill me because of this and solely because I killed your father?" I point my gun to his forehead. "Say it." I threaten. Kenny laughs. "Please do it Princess." He encourage. "Kenny!" I scream. "Okay fine! He moved on. With someone else." "What?" I ask quietly, putting my gun down. "It's only been six months." I say louder. "I'm sorry. I thought you should know." "Good for him. Now I know for sure I wasted years with him. Doing everything for him. S-send him my congratulations." I say. "Awe Princess. I'm sorry." "Can you stop calling me princess?" Kenny pulls me into his arms. "Aren't you afraid I'm going to sleep with you next?" I ask in a sarcastic tone. "Darling we would have slept together a long time ago." "Be serious Kenny." "Who said I was joking?" I look up at Kenny and he winks. "The last thing I want to do is give Levi another reason to hate me more." "You still need to address my brother. Find common ground. I know you resent him." "I don't resent him. I resent myself. His wife died two years ago. Levi is still alive. Brainwashed, but still alive. It's my fault we're not together and he moved on." Kenny kept me in his arms. "Well then maybe you should move on. Shit happens. I care about you and I don't like seeing you like this. I want you in a good headspace when you kill me." "I don't think I can ever move on. I love that man too much. And yet...I fucked up." "And that's your problem. You have to forgive yourself in order to move on. Hating yourself won't solve anything. It'll instigate your depression and you'll end up killing yourself." I look up at Kenny. "Since when are you so caring?" "I have two daughters Princess. I do have father instincts. I'm not that cold blooded." "Could've fooled me." "God you sound like Mikasa." "That's because she's right and you know it." Kenny takes my phone. "If you need me, call me. I'll always be there." He gives it back to me. He unblocked his number. Kenny kiss my forehead and walks out.
Pfft this is so short I'm sorry y'all.

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