Chapter Forty: Rose Ackerman

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Hiiiiii! Pfft by the time I publish this, I should have had my nap already. Happy reading!☺️

I wake up early the next morning. I was on top of Levi. My mind was hazy. I shiver and look around. We were in my car. "How did-" I sigh and sit up on top of Levi. "Good morning." He says in his morning voice. I start to get off him. "Baby please can we talk?" Levi asks. "There's nothing to talk about Levi. I'll get over it." I say as I get out the car. I unlock the front door and walk in. I walk upstairs. "Baby please." Rose wasn't in bed. I get under the blanket. "Y/N." "I would like to be alone Levi." I say. Levi takes the blanket off me. "I'm sorry that I didn't think about you or your feelings towards Rose. I didn't realize how much it would hurt you, considering the fact I'm raising a child by the two people who ruined your life. How I'm willing to be her father, knowing that's not our baby and you can't have any. I didn't know it would hurt you this much. That it makes you feel less than because you're infertile. I understand why you hate her, you have every right to." "Get out." "Y/N please!" I get up. "Fine. Then I will get out." I walk towards the door but Levi grabs me. "What do you want from me Levi?! Huh?!" I yell. "That even though she's an innocent three year old, her face angers me?! I'm the bad guy for taking it out on her, I know. Her mother won Levi. She managed to give birth to a child by my ex and get you to adopt her. She knew what she was doing. She knew that no matters what happens to her, you would never turn your back on a child. Considering the fact that she knows your family, I wouldn't be surprised if she knew you had a son from your first marriage. And she knew you wanted kids. She already knew that I couldn't have any. She played her cards right. And they're both laughing in my face in hell. She made sure you would fall for Rose just in case things go wrong, Rose has you. Or a part of you i.e a sibling. She secured the bag Levi. And I lost! That bitch has everything. She left back a legacy! A daughter that you're taking care of! I-I can't compete with that." I break down, falling down to the floor. "Y/N..." I feel as Levi wraps his arms around me. "I-I'm sorry I can't h-have kids!" "Oh baby no! Don't be sorry. It's not your fault, you know this. Please Y/N I'm begging you. Don't blame yourself for infertility." I cry into his chest uncontrollably. "I think it's best for you and Rose to move on. Without me." I eventually say. "What? No. We can get through this." I shake my head. "We can't. And after everything I've put you through, you deserve better. Just start your new life with your daughter. You're already an amazing father." "After all we've been through, you're giving it all up? Throwing it all away?" "Levi you'll be so much happier with someone else and you know it. You can have more kids. Levi I see the way you look at Rose. Like she's the best thing that has ever happened to you. You're ready to start a family and I'm holding you back." "How could you say that? Y/N I love you. I will always be with you with or without kids." "Levi stop. Expand your horizon. Don't settle and sacrifice your wants for me when you can do so much better." "I'm not settling. I don't want them. I want you! You're my everything. Are you really going to give it all up because of children?" I stand up. "One of us has to make the sacrifice. And I'll do anything to make you happy." "I am happy! Well I was! Until I heard the conversation between you and my father. Baby you are my life. I can't live without you." "Please let me go Levi. For your sanity. You'll be a lot happier." "No! I am happy! I love you. And only, you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you." Levi stands. "Goodbye Levi." I walk towards the door. Levi lifts me up walks to the bed. He toss me on there and climb in. I try to leave but he pulls me close. I try to break free. "Stop it Y/N!" Levi sniffs. "You're hurting me and you don't understand the pain I feel. I hate seeing you upset. I hate seeing you like this. I hate when you think I'll stop loving you because you can't have children. Why can't you see that I want you? What do i have to do to prove it to you?" Levi asks. He sniffs again. I turn to face him. He was crying. "No please don't cry Levi." "How can I not? The love of my life just said she wants to leave me. My heart is broken right now." Levi covers his face. "Levi?" He turns over. "Levi please!" I shake him. "Please I'm sorry!" I beg. I climb over him. I try to remove his hands. "Levi..." He was silent. I keep struggling to remove his hands from his face. "Levi please! I'm sorry!" I cry. I shake him. Levi pulls the blanket over him. "I'm sorry I made you hate me." I mumble as I crawl back to the other side of the bed. "I don't hate you Y/N. I love you so much but you're too stupid to see that." I get under the blanket, wiping my tears. I sniff. "I'm s-sorry." I whisper. I cry harder. I feel as Levi turn over and pull me close. He turns me to face him. He wipes my tears. "I love you so much Y/N. Please don't ever forget or doubt that." Levi plants a kiss on my forehead. "Are you still m-mad at me?" I ask. "I was never mad at you. Just pains me to know you think like that. You don't see what I see in you. And I wish you could. Your infertility will never make me love you less. Yes I do desire children. With you. With any kind of help we can get. Just like my father said, we have options. And I'm willing to try them...if you're willing to." Levi holds me and I wrap my arms around his neck. "Please get some sleep Princess. I'll be right here when you wake up." I close my eyes.
Pfft not me writing this instead of going to sleep first. And I'm still on my emotional train. Got me crying while writing this chapter too. Just like the ending of the last one🤧

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