Chapter Seventy-Five: The Photographer

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Hiiiii! Hope all is well. This will switch POV's. Happy reading!😊

Levi told me that Marcel recruited his team and after a tough interview, they qualified. They signed a non disclosure contract and passed a drug test. They all started working immediately. I don't remember their names.

"Alright say goodbye to mommy!"

"Bye mommy!"

I bend down to hug Rose and Himari.

"Have a good day at school you two."

I kiss their cheeks. I stand.

"I'll be back soon okay?"

Levi hug and kiss me.


Levi leaves with the girls. I'm still not used to Levi coming straight home after taking the girls to school. I should get to know everyone. But first, I was starving. I walk into the kitchen.

"Good morning!" I greet.

"Good morning Mrs. Ackerman. Would you like something to eat?" Marcel greets.


"What would you like?"

"Just some cereal."

"With all due respect, you are feeding for two. Knowing your appetite, you'll get hungry soon and cranky. I suggest we prepare a proper breakfast for you."

"I don't get cranky." I pout, folding my arms.

Marcel laughs.

"It's already starting. What should we make you?"

"Pancakes, eggs and bacon."

"Now that's more like it. In the meantime, there's some washed fruit in the refrigerator."

I walk to the fridge. I grab a green apple and begin to eat.


"Yes Mrs. Ackerman?"

"No sorry I just remembered your name. I'm trying to piece everyone's names with faces."

Jasper smiles. I eat my apple as Jasper cooks.

"Hey Marcel?" I call.

"Yes Master?"

I roll my eyes.

"Really you don't have to call me that. Anyway, can you round the team up? I want to get to know everyone."

"As you wish."

I finish my apple, throwing away the core. I start to miss the girls. I get up and walk into the living room.

"Maria, hey!" She was coming downstairs with Luna.

"Good morning Mrs. Ackerman."

Luna drops her ball and barks happily.

"Hey girl!"

I bend down to pet her.

"I'm just going to take her for a walk."

"Can I come?" I perk up.

"Sure. If you don't mind Shina coming with us."


"Shina. Your maid and bodyguard. Mr. Ackerman doesn't let me go anywhere without at least one person."

"Ohh okay. I'm still trying to get to know everyone. Levi keeps me on bed rest." I explain.

"You're five months pregnant. He's going to be extremely protective."

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