Chapter Ten: Mafia Prince

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Hiiiiii! Hope all is well. This is a one month time skip. Happy reading!😊

In the past month, so much has happened. Daiki finally recovered. I didn't care at all but it was the biggest news. I've been sneaking around with Levi a lot. I still didn't want anyone to know. Barry noticed major changes in Levi and asks me constantly if I happen to be the cause of it. From the time Daiki was in a coma to he woke up, it's been known that he has a fiancée and a baby.

Somehow they've managed to mention my name because I haven't made a statement. I don't need to. I never show any interest in it or ask if he's alright. His police friends still speak when they see me on the streets. They try to give me sympathy but I tell them I don't need it. I've been really happy lately as I've developed major feelings for Levi.

It was close to the end of my shift and Levi didn't come back from wherever he went. I finished up my paperwork when my phone rang. It was Levi calling.

"Yes, Mr. Levi?" I answered.

"Come get me." He said before hanging up.

That's weird. I haven't picked him up in a long time considering he has a chauffeur. His tone was cold again. Sighing, I grabbed my things and left. I got on the elevator and pressed for garage. When I got off, I got into my car and drove. Levi's text came in. I pressed it into the GPS. Once again, he was in another unfamiliar location. I drove.

I pulled up to the location and parked. Levi wasn't there. I double checked the GPS and the text. It was the exact same address. I called him. No answer. I got out of the car and walked down the alley. There were a group of guys. I tiptoed. It was pretty dark outside and the alley is even darker. There was a short man in a trench coat. He aimed the gun at someone and pulled the trigger. I just witnessed a murder. I gasped and covered my mouth. I heard a click.

"Don't move." A male voice said behind me. My breath hitched to a stop.

"Walk." He ordered. I walked towards the group of people.

"I found this one lurking in the alley. What should we do boss?" He yelled.

The short man looked at me. As I got closer, I recognized his face. It was Levi. Everyone drew their guns at me except Levi.

"Lower your guns. She's with me." Levi said.

I was close to Levi as I slapped him across his face. The men drew their guns again.

"Lower your guns." He ordered again.

"What the hell is going on?! Why did you just kill someone?" I asked.

"She knows too much boss. Should we kill her?"

"I said stand down Charlie. You know the rules. No women. No children."

"Who is she boss?"

"She's my girlfriend."

One of the guys laughed.

"Oohohoho looks like you've found your Mafia Princess."

"You're the Mafia Prince?!"

"Y/N..." I slapped him again, making his red cheek even more red.

"I am not his mafia princess. And I'm definitely not his girlfriend."

"Y/N can we talk when we get home?"

"No. I don't want anything to do with you."

There was a cigarette in his hand.

"And you're smoking. Again!" I raised my hand but Levi caught it.

The Mafia Princess: Levi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now