Chapter Thirty-Six: Love like Kusheru Ackerman

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Hiiiiii! Hope all is well. Happy reading!☺️

"Why did you have to go and tell that boy that we slept together?" Hise asked. I laugh. "You heard that?" "You were loud about it." "I just wanted to hurt him. Now zip me up, will ya?" I feel as Hise holds the back of my waist, zipping up my dress. "Two wrongs don't make a right Y/N." "And who's side are you on?" I ask, turning around. "Yours of course. But he's still my son. I don't want to see you two fight." Hise strap my shoe for me. "I want him to feel what I felt." "You still love him." "I know but he doesn't need to know that. He's not off the hook that easily." Hise shakes his head as he strap my other shoe. "You are so damn stubborn Princess." "He got her pregnant Hise. He cheated on me." "He didn't even know he was cheating." I scuff. "Do you know how crazy it sounds? My fiancé cheated on me and got another woman pregnant. Oh but don't worry, he didn't know he was cheating." "Y/N he had amnesia. He was brainwashed and manipulated into thinking he was married to her. Don't forget that." "I know. That's why I don't hate him. I hate that bitch more. And Johnny gave me some information." "Really?" I nod as Hise's hand slides down my leg when I take it off his lap. "This bitch has been planing this for a long time. She's the one who crashed into him. It was all part of her master plan, to take him from me. Best part of it all, she convinced him to sign a marriage license and adoption papers. So they're legally married and that is his daughter. And she plans on killing him after getting birthing his baby." Hise lets go of my leg and looks at me. "What?" I nod. Hise grabs my face. "You better torture that bitch. Make her wish she was dead. Slow and painful. For hours. Make her scream in agony. Film it. And then kill her." The look in Hise's eyes were cold. I smile and laugh. "You know she's going to get it. She fucked with the wrong wife." I tell him. I press my shoe against his chest. Hise grabs my leg. "I want you to turn into that killing machine. You and Karina better mutilate that bitch until she's unrecognizable. And dispose of her body properly." "This is a dark side of you Hise. I like it." "She fucked with my son. She fucked with my daughter. She secretly got him to sign the marriage license. And adoption papers. She made sure she got pregnant by him. That bitch is done." Hise grabs a holster and slides his hand up my thigh. He moves my dress. He straps the holster around my thigh. "This was Kusheru's." He says. He grabs a gun. "You trust me with a gun now?" "Do you plan on killing yourself?" "Nope." "Okay then. If he makes one wrong move, kill him. Show. No. Mercy. And if it gets out of hand, call me or Kenny. We'll pull up, strapped and ready." "Hise I'll be fine." "I trust you, but I don't trust him. He's a lot crazier than my son." "Why are you even encouraging me to go out with another man?" "You are a grown woman. I just want you happy. You're the best daughter I've ever had." "What if I never get back with Levi?" "You will. And even if you don't, I'll always consider you as my daughter. I've been through this with my wife." I look at him. "You lost your memory and started a new family?" "No. But we broken up once. I can't even remember what the fight was about, it was so long ago. Anyway, she wanted out. She told her father she wanted a normal life. I was heartbroken but I respected her wishes. She lived a normal life. With another man. They dated. They got into a relationship. They even got engaged. We remained friends so I supported her the entire time. I even went to their wedding. When she made it to the alter, she told him she couldn't do it. I went after her and she told me she was making the biggest mistake of her life. That she didn't want to marry the wrong one. And when our eyes locked as her father walked her down the aisle, she had a lot of regrets. She never stopped loving me." Hise explains. His hand lingers on my leg. "Does Levi know this?" "No. But if he doesn't let you go, I'll tell him. If you come back like Kusheru, then you do. And if you don't, I just want you happy. Just like when Kenny let his wife go." "I love your son too much to let him go. And I'm way in too deep. I'm happy his memory came back, but he has a lot to make up for. Right now I can't see him as my lover. I don't even like when he touch me. Not only is it so foreign, I know he touched her the same way." "Don't get yourself riled up Princess. Don't you ring the alarm." Hise pulls my dress down. I stand up. Hise stands as well. "How did you know I still love your son?" "Because even through all of this, I can see it in your eyes. You look at him the same way Kusheru looks at me." "Oh." "You look beautiful. Now go have some fun. You earned it." Hise plants a kiss on my forehead. Hise opens the door and I walk out. "Johnny just told me everything about her motive. And sent me the photo of the documents he signed." Hise says. I walk downstairs, with him on my heels. "Wow you look beautiful." Levi says. "Yeah, but not for you." I say. There was a knock on the door. "Right on the dot. I like this guy already." Hise comments. Kojiro opens the door. "Dad!" Levi scolds. "Mrs. Ack-" "Just call me Y/N." I cut Kojiro off. "Your date is here." He continues. Levi storms over to us. "You're going out with him? Him of all people?" "What's wrong with that?" "Y/N he's the Port Mafia." I shrug. "And? You're the Ackerman Mafia." I say. Dazai press a long kiss on my hand. "Shall we go beautiful?" "She isn't going anywhere with you!" Levi snatches my hand away. "Levi!" I scold. "Don't worry about him." I tell Dazai. Levi grabs my waist, holding me back. "Let me go!" "You are not going out with him." "Son let her go." I step on Levi's foot and he release me. "I'm sorry about that." I apologize to Dazai. "Ready to go, my beloved?" Dazai snakes his arm around my waist. Levi pulls me off and grips Dazai. He punches him. Dazai starts laughing manically. "Levi let her go!" Hise says as he holds his son back. "Let me go!" Levi struggles. "I'm sorry. He thinks I'm his wife. You see he has amnesia. He completely forgot he has a wife and daughter. Oh and another baby on the way." I explain to Dazai. "She's not my wife. And that's not my daughter. Y/N please! Don't do this." Levi's eyes were filled with tears as he begged. "Oh didn't she tell you?" "Tell me what?" "Son, you and I need to have a little talk. And you're not going to like it." Hise says. He nods towards us. I leave out with Dazai.

~~~~~~~~~~~(Levi's POV)~~~~~~~~~~

"Why'd you let her go dad?! Huh? Do you not want us to be together?!" I snap, once he let me go. "Of course I do. I'm rooting for you. But I also want her happy. Sit down so we can talk." "No I'm going after her." "Sit. Your ass. Down." He demanded. I sit down on the sofa. My father pours two glasses of whiskey. He hands a glass to me. "There's two things we need to talk about." He says as he sits on the coffee table in front of me. "About?" "Your wife Mei and your mother." "She's not my wife." "Technically she is. Johnny found out that she got you to sign a marriage license and adoption papers. That makes you legally married to her and the father of her daughter." "What?" I ask in disbelief." My father pulls out his phone and shows me a photo. And sure enough, my signature were on both papers. "That conniving bitch!" I bark. "It was her plan all along. She crashed into your car, took you to the hospital when you were unconscious and when she found out you had amnesia she brainwashed you into thinking you two were married. She planned this for months. And the final part of her plan is to kill you after she gives birth to your child. Tit for tat. Y/N took her husband away from her and she took you away from Y/N." "But she took Daiki away from Y/N he was never hers to begin with." "That doesn't matter in her logic. She loved him and started a family with him. And she knows Y/N can't conceive so she took that opportunity to be the one to carry your child." "I'm gonna kill her!" I yell. "Don't. Let Y/N be the one to do it. She's got it all under control." "But she hates me. How do you know she won't change her mind and call off the plan? How do you know she won't kill me herself? She already burned my house down with me in it." "I'm not going to justify her setting your home ablaze but I understand why she did it. She won't change her mind." "How can you be so sure? She just went on a date with another man and you let her." I bark. "Because Y/N is a lot like your mother. We've bonded a lot since she moved in. And she reminds me of your mother so much. Which takes me to my next story. Your mother and I broken up once. We were very young and it was before you were born. Anyway, she wanted out. She told her father she wanted a normal life. I was heartbroken but I respected her wishes. She lived a normal life. With another man. They dated. They got into a relationship. They even got engaged. We remained friends so I supported her the entire time. I even went to their wedding. When she made it to the alter, she told him she couldn't do it. I went after her and she told me she was making the biggest mistake of her life. That she didn't want to marry the wrong one. And when our eyes locked as her father walked her down the aisle, she had a lot of regrets. She never stopped loving me." "I'm not following you here." I admit. "You're a smart man Levi. Figure it out." I thought for a minute, processing what he just said. "So you're saying Y/N will come back to me?" "I'm not saying she will, but I'm also not saying she won't. It's all up to her son." I finish the last bit of whiskey. I nod repeatedly. "She still loves me. And she's going to come back to me." I get up and start pacing. "We'll get back together. And we'll get married. And we'll have as many kids as she wants." I say loudly. "Levi don't spin after drinking." I stop and the room spins rapidly. I stumble and my father helps me back to the sofa. I lean my head back and close my eyes. "It's a phase. She's rebelling against me just like mom. Only difference is, she's teaching me a lesson. For cheating on her. And getting another woman pregnant." "I wouldn't call it a phase. Nor punishment for you. She genuinely wants to spread her wings out there." "Call it what you want, but we're getting back together. I'm not letting her go. I'd rather die than let my wife go. She's the love of my life for a reason. She's the Mafia Princess for a reason." "You can take that information I just gave you with a grain of salt. So what are you going to do son?" I look at my father. "I trust Y/N. I'm going to go back home and keep up this charade until Y/N handles that bitter bitch." "And the little girl?" "I-I can't leave her. She's already mine and I love her. I'll be her only parent alive. I just hope Y/N understands." "She will. She's not heartless. Or you wouldn't have fallen in love with her." I get up. "Tell her that I love her and that I'm waiting for her." I say before leaving out. I get behind the wheel and pull off.
Dazai is so fine. Him and Chuuya. I wasn't even supposed to update but this was already on my mind the moment I finished my last chapter pfft🤧

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