Chapter Twenty-Two: Farewell Mrs. Ackerman

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Hiiiiiiii! Sorry I haven't updated this one. Been working on my MHA story Lmaoo. Happy reading!😊

I was sitting front row with Levi at his mother's funeral. We were listening to a speech from different family members. I held Levi in my arms. I occasionally wiped a tear that ran down his face. I knew he was hurting, but he was trying to keep his composure. I rubbed his back in circles gently. His hand was on my thigh, gripping the fabric. I rested my head on his shoulder as Mikasa spoke. During this time, I was learning a lot about Kusheru. She truly was a kind person. When Mikasa finished, Hise went up to speak. "Kusheru was a kind soul. Far too good for this twisted world. She loved hard and will continue to love no matter how many times you hurt her. When I first saw her, I knew she was the one. The one I wanted to call my wife. My love. My Forever. She loved throwing lavish parties for whatever occasion. Our wedding was royal because of her. I'll never forget the day we said our vows. When I saw her walk down the aisle. I cried like a baby. The most beautiful woman in the world, was my bride. Her favorite holiday was Valentine's Day. It was also the day we found out she was carrying our son." Hise paused. "I'll never forget the look on her face when we found out she was pregnant. Pure joy and bliss. She was very excited to be a mother. Her hormones were not as crazy as her cravings. Boy did she have unnatural cravings. But I gave her whatever she wanted. She was in labor for thirty-six hours. It was so painful for her. I wanted to bare all her pain. She had an at home birth. Her labor pains were so bad, she vomited and felt bad. We were sitting in warm water and she was embarrassed the vomit was all over me. I told her not to worry. I hated seeing her in so much pain. All I wanted to do was switch places with her. I felt helpless. In the end, we welcomed our beautiful son, Levi. All of that in the end, was worth it. She blessed me with the perfect human in the world. We loved him unconditionally. Raised him exactly how we had planned. To love, cherish, protect, and respect women. To love hard. To treasure the moments with your loved ones. The man Levi is today is because of her. Every successful man has a powerful mother behind him. Kusheru was a gift from god. A true angel. She wasn't supposed to leave us. Not like this. We were supposed to grow old together. Die together. I'll miss my beautiful bride." Hise kissed his two fingers and placed them in the air. He looked up at the ceiling. "Until we meet again, my love. Wait for me up there." Hise said as tears streamed down his face. His balled his hand into a fist. Kenny went up and hugged Hise. It was Levi's turn. As Kenny and Hise walked down, we walked up. Levi cleared his throat. "My mother was an incredible woman. She was so warm and inviting. No matter how bad my day was, her smile brightened it along with her embrace. I always told myself growing up that I will find someone exactly like her. As kind as her. As sweet as her. As loving as her. As beautiful as her. As strong as her. As smart as her. As supportive as her. I don't believe in perfect parents. But to me, she was the definition of of a perfect mother." I started rubbing his back. "I-" Levi looked down. "I-I'm sorry...I can't do this." Levi apologized before taking off. "Levi!" I calle, my voice cracking. I was holding back tears. I took off after him. Hise and Kenny followed as well. We rushed outside. We looked around. Dammit. Where did he go that fast? "You two split up." I instructed. I started walking after they went their separate ways. I looked around. Hise walked to the back of the building. I looked at the chauffeur. "Did you see Levi?" I asked. He opened the door and there he was. I got in and the door closed. "I'm sorry...I just can't do it. I'm not ready to say goodbye to her." I embraced Levi in my arms. Levi broke down. "I'm sorry Levi. I truly am. I wish you didn't have to go through this." "Why her of all people? Why do the good people...leave us? What did she do to deserve this?" I couldn't answer his first two questions. "Kusheru didn't do anything to deserve this. And I know this is painful but I think it was her time. She came into Hise's life to give him the love he wanted and placed you on this earth. Not only as her legacy but as a reminder of who she was. No I don't like how she was taken from us but as an angel, she fulfilled her duties. I want you to remember Levi, that your mother will always be with you. In your heart, your mind, and soul. She will never to looking after you. She will never stop loving you. And she will never stop supporting you. Your mother love you and your father dearly. She will wrap you in her love and embrace each night. You and your father hold a special place in her heart. I hope the brightest star you see each night, reminds you of her and symbolizes her love for you. She walks with a smile. Her soul filled with love. Her heart beats, filled with joy. Unconditional love. She spreads positivity to all. Heart of gold. Amazing friend. Amazing relative. Stunning beauty. High spirited. A cruel person does something cold blooded, under the orders of a deranged person. A broken faucet streams down everyone's faces. Stunned. Disbelief. Hearts broken. Lives turned upside down. A depressed family. Is this a nightmare? Or a devastating reality? A demon took away an angel. She lives within us now. Her love continues for infinity. She takes her hand of another angel and is guided towards the light. 'Darling don't be afraid.' She floats with a smile. Her soul filled with love. Her heart no longer beats. Hey, Angel. Do you know the reasons why we look up at the sky? Did you know that angels can be heartbroken? Kusheru raised an amazing, loving, successful man. She was an amazing wife, friend, mother, sister, and aunt. She wore her heart on her sleeve and shared it with the world. And for that, we are grateful. We may have known her for a short period of time, but it feels like forever. She was always happy. Even when she was hurt, she tried to put on a brave face. And on one fatal night, it was time. It was time for the fellow angels to retrieve her. 'But what about my husband and my child?' I'm sure she asked. 'You've raised an outstanding son and have a wonderful husband who will look after him. Your duties to this realm have been fulfilled, so come on my child.' And as she take their hand, she is guided away as the tears of her family fades. 'I love you all.' Were her final words. Hey Angel, do you know the reasons why we look up at the sky? Did you know that angels cry?" I asked as I wiped his tears. He pulled me closer to him. After a few minutes of crying, he came to a stop. I wiped my tears in the process. Levi looked up at me. Entire face red. "She's with you Levi." Levi grabbed my face and kissed me. Pain, sorrow, anger, passion, love, heartache, all mixed in the kiss. "I'm ready." He said when he fully pulled away from the kiss. I nodded. Levi got out from the other side and opened my door. He held his hand out. I took it, stepping out. We walked back hand in hand, as we finished the funeral service.
Ah reminds me of Hey Angel from One Direction. Ngl I stole that last paragraph or three from my old Harry account when Louis' mom died. These words still makes me wanna cry.

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