Chapter Forty-Eight: Ride Or Die

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Hiiiii! How are you? Hope all is well. This isn't a time skip either. Happy reading!☺️

Levi sits up. "What's wrong?" I ask. "I'm just stressed." I get behind Levi and start massaging his shoulders. "You do seem extremely tense." I point out. "It's like the more I fight for us to have a peaceful life and a beautiful relationship, something happens. First it was the Sicilian Mafia, then it was the police, next was his wife. And now? It's both of their parents and my ex. To top it all off, Rose has been abused and gets nightmares from it." "I know baby, I know. We've gotten through everything and we'll get through this." "I don't like putting this all on you. You don't deserve any of this. That's why-" I crawl in front of Levi. "Hey, hey, hey, shhhh. Before you second guess anything, I am not leaving you. I'm with you because I love you." I cut him off while covering his mouth. "I want to be with you. Through it all, no matter what. I knew what I signed up for after I decided to be with you when I found out you're the Mafia Prince. I have no regrets. I never second guess my choice. I wouldn't want my life any other way. Baby you love me for me. Through my infertility and all. You took me back even though I slept with your father. So please stop doubting our relationship. Stop doubting me. It makes me feel like you don't want me anymore." I continue. Levi remove my hand. "Baby no. Please don't ever think that. I can't live without you." He says, wiping my fallen tear with his thumb. "Then why do you second guess everything?" "Because you deserve so much better. You can get out of this Y/N. I was born into it. I'm stuck in this for life. You can have your normal life back. Be happy." "I am happy. Why can't you see that?" "You turned into the killing machine today without any warnings. My father said you warned him. Kenny said you didn't warn him. You didn't warn anybody before you killed Mei. And didn't warn me. Something is triggering you to completely lose it without a warning and you don't even realize it. If you're slowly losing your happiness and your sanity, then it's best if you're out. Away from all of this. You can walk away Y/N. You can start over. Be free." "Levi! How could you say that?!" I scream. "I don't want you to sacrifice your own happiness for me! I don't want you to suffer." "I am not suffering. I am not sacrificing anything!" "Okay baby, please just calm down. I'm sorry." Levi wraps his arms around me. "I'm sorry for angering you. I love you so much and I will do anything to make you happy. Even if it means letting you go." I pull away and look at Levi. I wipe his eyes. "Levi James Ackerman, stop it! I am happy okay? I am happy with you. You want to know what I'm not happy about? I'm not happy about you doubting my love for you and pushing me away. I don't want out. If you're in it for life then so am I. So you better get used to it. I'm not happy about our relationship hasn't been peaceful in a while. I'm not happy our lifestyle has been hectic for the past what three years? But that doesn't make me love you any less. That doesn't make me want you any less. I can't tell you why I lose my shit and go all Terminator mode suddenly. I wish I knew. Maybe because I'm stressed too. But that's not important right now. Right now we have a daughter who needs us. We need to fight for her to keep her away from her grandparents. And I have a delusional ex girlfriend to kill." I say. "We live together. We ride together. We die together." Levi smiles, his eyes focused on the invisible lines he traces on my stomach. "Why is it, that you kill all my partners and I haven't killed yours? You even killed your own partner." "Because I'm your only partner as far as I'm concerned. And if I die, you better kill my murderer." "Don't talk like that. I'm not letting you die." I pull Levi down on top of me. "Then shut up and kiss me." Levi smiles and kiss me. "I have the best wife in the world." "And I have the best husband in the world. Come on. It's time to check on Rose." "Her first therapy session is tomorrow." Levi announced as we got dressed. "Good. I'm really worried about her." I say as I head downstairs. Levi was right behind me. "Mommy! Daddy!" Rose says. I bend down and pick her up. "Hi Princess." I kiss her cheek. "She just finished lunch." Maria announce. I nod. "Rose your first therapy session is tomorrow." "What's that?" "It's a doctor who will talk to you about the harm your mother caused you. And we'll be right there with you." "Otay!" I smile and kiss her forehead. I sit down on the sofa with Rose. "I'm going to call Johnny get him to find all hospital records for Rose." Levi announced before walking off. I place Rose in my lap. I put on Non Non Biyori. About thirty minutes later, Rose fell asleep in my lap. "I'll take her upstairs for you." Maria offered. "No It's okay. I got it." I rejected. I pick up Rose. I place her on my shoulder and walk upstairs. I walk into her room and pull the blanket back. I place her in bed. I place her stuffed teddy bear in her arms and cover her with the blanket. She snuggled with the teddy bear. I kiss her forehead. "Sweet dreams Princess." I whisper. I feel as arms wrap around me. "You're an amazing mother, Mrs. Ackerman." I smile. "Come on before we wake her up." I lowly say. We quietly walked out. I close the door behind me slowly.
They're active parents. It's just Maria's there to mainly help Y/N when Levi is at work. Gotta love a live in nanny. Rose is so cute.

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