Chapter Thirty-Five: Levi Ackerman. The Mafia Prince

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Hiiiiiii! Okay this is the final chapter I'm dropping tonight. Hope y'all enjoy. This is another time skip. It also will switch  from Levi to Y/N's POV. Happy reading!☺️

~~~~~~~~~~~(Levi's POV)~~~~~~~~~~~~

Months have passed, and still no progressing in my memory. I wonder why? Mei's been helping me but it's not working. I'm really afraid of losing them forever. I want to remember the birth of our baby and our wedding. When we first fell in love. I want all of those memories back. I was currently in my bed, watching Me. "I'm gonna go shower. I'm gonna take Rose to see her grandmother." "I'll come too." I offer. "No it's okay. You look tired." "I'm just worried I'm never going to get my memories back." "Even if you don't, I don't think it's such a bad thing. I mean yeah it's horrible and I wish you do get them back but in the end, you fell in love with me just like you did the first time. That proves our love is unconditional and nobody can tear us apart." Mei smiles as she kisses me. She gets up and walks into the bathroom. She's right. Maybe I should stop dwelling on the past and move forward. My life isn't terrible. I'm happily married to the woman I fell in love with before. And we have a beautiful daughter. I hear the shower water going and Mei starts singing. Rose come into the room. "Hey there princess." I pick her up and plant her on the bed. I kiss her cheek. I notice a necklace around her neck. "That's a cute necklace." Rose giggles. "Tank you! Daddy got it for me." "I did?" She shakes her head no. "My other daddy. Mommy calls him Daiki." I stare at Rose blankly. I'm not surprised by her intelligence at three years old. I place Rose on her feet. "Go pick out the clothes you want to wear." I tell her. "Otay!" She takes off and I close the door. I grab Mei's phone. Of course it's locked. I don't know her password. Did she cheat on me? No. She would never. I start looking around for any clues. I open a box in the closet. There's a small ring box in it. I open it. I take out the beautiful ring. I start to feel hazy as my mind gets foggy. My brain then clears up. I put the ring in the box. Next to it, was a bottle of pills. I pick it up, reading the label. I hear the shower turn off and I place them back in the box, closing the closet. I get back in bed. Mei comes out and dries herself off. She gets dressed quickly. "I'm going to go see my father." "That's good honey. You haven't saw him since you were in the hospital. He probably thinks you're mad at him." "I doubt that. I still call him." "Yeah but still. I'm gonna go get Rose dressed and we'll be leaving." I pull Mei in for a hug and kiss her deeply. She walked out. About a half an hour later, Mei left out with Rose. I get dressed quickly and go back in the closet. I grab the ring box and the bottle of pills. I grab my phone and keys to my new car I bought. I lock the apartment door and get on the elevator. I ride down. I get off and get into my car. I sped off, towards my father's house using the address he gave me. I pull up and park. I bang on the door. A butler opens the door. "Good morning Mr. Ackerman." He greets. I greet back. "Dad?!" I call. "In the living room." I make my way to the living room. "Where is she?" "Who?" My father asks. "Please dad don't act dumb. Where is my wife?" He shrugs casually. "I don't know son. You live with her right? Shouldn't you know where she is?" "Where is Y/N?" I ask. He stares at me blankly. "Son, she hasn't bothered you anymore. If you came here to start trouble, leave." "God dammit where is my wife?! Where is my Mafia Princess?!" I yell. He looks at me shocked. "What did you say?" He lowly asks. I let out a sigh. I take out the ring box. "I proposed to Y/N with that ring. On a yacht. On New Year's Eve. When the fireworks happened after the countdown." I watch as he open the box. "Son you remember?" "It all came back to me when I touched that ring. I found it in the closet hidden away in a shoebox along with this." I take out the pill bottle and toss it at him. "Those are pills to keep my memory away. And it's been working. I didn't eat yet so she didn't drug me anymore." He looks at the pill bottle. "I heard of this. So you got your memory back?" I nod. "And I know that woman who lives with me isn't my wife and that's not my daughter. She said that her other daddy Daiki gave her a necklace." "So what are you going to do son?" "I want to get my wife back. The one woman who I truly love." I sit down. "But there's just one thing...she's carrying my baby." I lowly add. "I fucked up so bad. I don't know what to do. But I want her dead. Her and the fetus. She isn't showing yet, but I don't want any parts of them." My father stood up and let out a deep sigh. He sat down on the coffee table in front of me. "Son before you do anything, you need to know this. Y/N doesn't want to see you." "What? That's not like her. Why are you keeping me away from her?" "I'm not. Listen to me. Y/N went through a lot. She came to me at three in the morning when you physically threw her out of your house with her suitcases. She's the one who set your house and car on fire. She was dancing manically, burning photos of you and Mei she printed out. I saw the fake social media accounts writing hate comments and threatening you both. She wanted you both dead. Her depression was so bad. She stopped eating and sleeping. I couldn't help her no matter how much I tried. Kenny couldn't even help her. And I fucked up one day when I confronted her on the arson. I told her you fell in love with that home wrecker. She ran out into the ongoing traffic and I managed to get her out of harms way. Then I followed her to my office where she grabbed my revolver. She played Russian Roulette. She made a deal with me that if she lives, I can get her to therapy and if she dies, I throw her a funeral just like your mothers. Then tell you why it ended up the way it did. I watched her helplessly as she pulled the trigger. On the third round...the bullet went through. I got her to the hospital as fast as I could and through the grace of god, the bullet missed her heart by half an inch. I then spent weeks looking for a trustworthy therapist. I kept her under my watch 24/7, monitoring her every move unless she used the bathroom. I threw away all the chemicals and got Kenny to take all my guns. I had the bodyguards to guard my house and there were times she asked them for their gun. She's come a long way after months of therapy." My father explain to me. Tears rolled down his face. I was stunned. Oh my god. My beautiful wife went through so much because of me. No not because of me. Because I was brainwashed and manipulated into thinking that bitch at home was my wife. "Where is she?! Is she okay? I need to see her!" I ask as I jump up. My father got up and pulled me into a tight hug.

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