Chapter Sixty-Six: The Visit

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Hiiiii! Hope all is well. Happy reading!☺️

Levi was driving to the hospital. I didn't remember how to drive. Levi held my hand the entire time. I got a call from Kenny saying Hise is awake. Levi didn't want to see him but I basically begged. They need to talk this out. He pulls up and parks. We get out and he holds my waist. We walk in. Kenny walks up to us. "Come on." Levi finished signing us in and we followed Kenny and the girls. We get on the elevator. We get off on the thirty-second floor, walking down the hall. We walk into his room. Hise looks over at us. "Y/N oh my god!" Hise swings himself out of bed. Levi jumps in front of me, protectively. "Get your ass back in that bed!" Levi demands. Hise nods. "Levi I'm fine." I say as I move past him. I help Hise back in bed. He held onto me. "Thank you Princess."  Levi remove his hands. "Touch her again and you're dead." Levi warns. "Levi please." Karina starts hitting Hise. "How dare you hit her?!" She screams, as she continues to punch him. Nobody stops her. I pull her off. "Karina stop!" I hand her over to Kenny. "Y/N I just want to apologize for putting my hands on you. I truly am sorry." Hise apologizes. I nod. "I know, Hise. And it's okay." "Okay? Y/N why are you defending him?! He put his hands on you. Please don't defend this abuser like my mother did." "Levi I'm not." "You are Princess." Kenny chimes in. "Kenny!" I scold. "I'm a terrible person I know." "Did you realize this when you slapped her, punched her or when you slammed her into the dresser?" Levi spits, stepping closer. "Levi!" I pull him back. "Y/N he and his so called fiancée are the reason why you were arrested. Why you were raped." I sigh. "Don't remind me. I haven't forgotten it." "Then why are you on his side?!" Levi asks while pulling Hise's plug. "Oh my god Levi!" I take it out of his hand and plug it back in. "Baby he put his hands on you. Three times with every intentions of hurting you. That bitch called the police on you. And because of them I had to send you to rehab. Why are you protecting him?" "I'm not." "You are!" Levi snaps. "I am not protecting him. You don't know how hard it was on me. How it mentally fucked me over." I inhale and exhale deeply. "I made peace with it. I had too. It was the only way I could come home. Make peace with it and move on. For my sanity. I have a family. I have daughters I needed to get back to. I have a husband to get back to. I wasn't going to let what happened define me. I'm not a victim. I'm not a survivor. I'm not a recovering addict. I am me." "And you don't think this didn't fuck me over?! I was scared of losing you forever. I wasn't sure if you were going to recover. I hated going to bed alone. Waking up not seeing your face first thing in the morning. I didn't know how to handle everything. It wasn't easy for me either." "And look how you turned out! You hate him so much, you want him dead. Your only parent. I'm not saying forgive and forget. Hell no! I still want him mutilated and I still feel bad for him. But this ain't about him. It's about you. You have to get past this. You already lost control in front of Himari when your dark impulse kicked in." "Because he hurt the love of my life! I don't care if he dies!" I flinch and my eyes start to water. Levi sighs and pull me into his arms. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you baby. It's just that anyone who hurt you should be eliminated. Family or not. You are my family. I need you and our daughters. I don't need him. I'm good without him because I still have Kenny and the twins. Please stop crying baby." Levi wipes my tears. "Please don't-" "You're more important than he is and you're my top priority. You and the girls. That's final." He kiss my forehead. "And I'll start my therapy sessions. Because I love you and I don't want to lose you." "You can lose me Ackerman you should know that by now." Levi strokes my hair. "I do." I kiss him. He smiles into the kiss. "How can I make it up to you both?" Hise asks. "You can die. Maybe then I can forgive you."  "Levi!" I scold. He didn't even pull the plug this time. He was choking him out. "Levi!" I call, trying to remove his arms. "Stop he's going to die!" I beg. "Kill him!" I hear. "Karina!" I scold. "Levi listen to me. You've already lost your mother. Don't do something you'll regret. I'm better now baby please!" Levi wasn't even looking at me. "Levi!" I scream. I manage to pull Levi off. He finally looks at me. "No no don't cry. Please don't cry." Levi gets out of the bed and holds me. "I can't lose you too. I can't lose you Levi!" "Shhh you won't lose me. God I've made you cry twice. I'm so sorry." "I want you two to talk it out. Not now. Just find common ground." "There's no common ground. Two strikes and he's done." I let out a sigh. "Fine. But our daughters still need to see him." "They don't. I don't trust him around my daughters!" "Our daughters. He can visit them under our supervision." "He doesn't deserve to see them." "Do you trust me?" Levi looks at me. "Of course I do." "Then you should know that I would never let them get hurt under my supervision." "He attacked you." "I shot him." I reminded him. "I just want to prevent our daughters anymore trauma." "That's not happening on my watch." Levi sighs. "Fine. But he's not seeing them now. And they're never going to his house. One more fuck up and he's dead." I nod in agreement. "I know. And I agree with you one thousand percent." Levi kiss my forehead and wraps his arms around me. Levi pulls away and looks at Hise. Hise starts crying. "I'm so sorry Y/N. I have no excuses for my behavior. I wish I could undo what happened." I shake my head. "I don't want to hear anymore apologies. I really don't. They don't even have any meaning anymore. It's just an empty word. I already warned you that if you ever put your hands on me or Kusheru, you're dead by me or Levi. Did you not heed our warnings? At what point did you not see me as family but just some random? Or did you never once see me as your daughter?" "No you are family Princess." "Don't call me Princess. You don't get to call me that. Only Kenny. What happened to protecting your women? Did that go down the drain the moment you laid your hands on Kusheru? I've hit Kenny multiple times and he does nothing. I've had every three intentions of hurting him. I've held him at gun point and he does nothing. I've hit Levi right before we found out his mother was murdered. He's done nothing. You really couldn't handle a few foul words? You couldn't handle Kusheru digging her nails into her skin because you gripped her up with unnecessary force?" "I don't know what came over me." I nod slowly. "Abusers never have a reason to abuse. Once an abuser, always an abuser. I shot you in the stomach as a warning. You're lucky she was there to save your ass. Heed this warning Hise. Next time it's going to be a bullet to the head." I say before leaving out of his room. I storm down the hall. "Y/N wait up." I hear multiple footsteps behind me. Levi catches my arm. I stop in my tracks. "Are you alright?" "Are you alright? You tried to kill him back there. Twice." "I'm fine. I just want you and the girls protected. And safe." "We're gonna be fine." "If you don't feel safe around him, let me know okay?" I nod as Levi stroke my hair. He looked so concerned. "Levi I'm okay. I'm okay." He takes my hand, kissing my ring. We all pile into the elevator. "You alright Princess?" Kenny asks. "I'm fine." "Need a hug?" "No." I let go of Levi's hand and wrap my arms around Kenny. He chuckles and hugs me back. "It's really good to have you back Killer. It wasn't the same without you." "I missed you all too." We get off the elevator and walk out of the hospital. Levi opens the door for me and I get in. He gets behind the wheel and pull off. The ride was quiet. "When he heals, his job is to track down every rapist and kill them." Levi finally speaks. "You mean the prison guards? I thought you killed them?" "I did. I mean any other rapists that exist in this country." "Levi-" "The reason why you weren't out the same day you were arrested is because we had to let you go." "What?" "Johnny found the evidence truck. They were searching for the gun. In the truck was a small refrigerator which keeps all DNA from being ruined. He said there were rape kits. Approximately thirty. So instead of digging or taking the entire refrigerator with them, they had to let it go. Along with the gun that you shot Hise with." "Oh my god! Did they put them all back?" "Yes. He told me they triple checked. That's why Hise has to kill every rapist in this country if he wants to atone for his sins." I was silent for a minute. "I think that's a wonderful idea." "I'll have Johnny to report that over to him when he's fully recovered." I nod in agreement as Levi pulls up to our house. We get out and Marcel opens the door. "Welcome home Master Ackermans." I smile. "You don't have to call me master." "Perhaps would you like Madam Ackerman?" "No." "Lady Ackerman?" "No." "Mrs. Ackerman?" "How about Y/N?" "Mrs. Ackerman it is, My Lady." I shake my head and laugh. "We're home!" I announce. "Mommy!" Rose and Himari runs in. I drop down and hugged them. "How are my babies?" I ask, kissing all over their faces. They giggle. "Good!" "Daddy's here too." Levi pouts. "Is somebody jealous?" I ask. "Very." "Don't be jealous daddy!" Rose pulls away and goes to Levi. "Give Daddy some sugar." She kiss his cheek. I look at Himari. "Is grandpa okay?" "Yes." "Can we see him?" "Not now sweetie. He needs a lot of rest. "And then we can see him?" "Yes." "Okay!" I kiss her cheek. I pick her up and walk into the living room. I sit down on the sofa with Himari in my lap. Levi sits on the sofa with Rose. She crawls over to me. "Mommy you missed my birthday." "Mine too!" Himari chimes in. "I know sweetie and I'm very sorry. But I do have a gift for you both. The delivery is taking a long time to get here." I tell them. "Okay!" I smile and kiss their foreheads. "What do you guys want to watch?" I ask. "Hotel Transylvania!" Rose exclaims. "Yeah!" I laugh. "Okay." I put it on. Rose snuggle next to me as Himari lays in my lap. Levi moves closer to us.
Someone stole $47 from me y'all lmao. I'm not mad over it anymore but I will get it back🤧

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