Chapter Twenty-Five: I'm Sorry

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Hiiiiii! How are you? Hope all is well. This is a time skip. This is a warning that it will contain some triggers i.e trauma, depression etc. Feel free to skip. Happy reading!☺️

The past months was a constant struggle. Levi and Hise's grieving. Kenny surprisingly took it well. I guess knowing this is their lifestyle passed on to them from their father, he's accepted fate. Though he does wish it was him instead of her.

He's done far more things than she has. Hise ended up selling his home as he couldn't bare to walk in that same house he lived with her in without breaking down.

I ended up buying it because I don't think anyone else should live there. It's a good thing I did too because about one month after moving, Hise said he couldn't do it. That it didn't feel right living anywhere else except for the home he shared with his wife. He said his penthouse felt cold and empty.

Hise thanked me for buying it because he regretted selling and would've lost it if another family moved in. Hise's drinking became impulsive and I had to check him into an Alcoholics Anonymous group. A few times I caught Hise trying to take his own life to be with his wife. Levi had a really bad buying habit.

Buying things he didn't need. His sex drive went up off the walls and I knew that was from trauma and depression so I didn't entertain it. I was not down with sex three to five times per day knowing that pain is the root cause of it and not actual pleasure.

His mood changed a lot as well. One minute he was fine and the next minute he didn't want to be bothered. Didn't want me around him.

When I'd leave to sleep in the guest room, he'd beg me to stay. There were a lot of times where he'd pick a fight with me. Said a lot of foul things from his mouth. It was during the phase that he hated everyone including me. He asked me why is that Hise and I cheated death but his mom couldn't?

Why nobody had her back. Why Hise didn't tighten security. Levi even hated himself. Wishing he knew all along his ex wife was behind it. Wishing he never met her. Wishing he told his dad to beef up security.

Wishing he killed his ex wife. Mad because I didn't let him help take down his mother's killers. Blamed his mother for being weak because she never picked up a gun even though her life was on the line. I punched the shit out of him and checked him. He can say whatever he could about me...(okay he can't but anyway), he had no right to speak ill of his dead mother.

That woman deserved the world, not her son slandering her name through the mud. Helping Levi, Hise, and both businesses was exhausting. I was actually relieved Kenny finally helped with Hise. He definitely talks about his sister a lot. Sharing memories of when they were kids. I was afraid that he'd go off the rails too because he'd crack a lot of jokes in his way of coping. But he turned out genuinely alright.

Again he was prepared for this long before we were. That explains why he held the funeral service exactly how she wanted it. Grand like a holiday party. By the grace of God, Hise and Levi finally started to shift into better moods. Healing properly. Taking the next steps, going forward with their life. Levi and Hise put me through hell but I never dared to walk away during a crucial time like this.

How could I? Yes the things Levi said to me where hurtful. He wasn't himself. Neither was Hise when he tried to take his own life. Sending them to therapy was out of the question since we can't trust anybody. The best I could do was listen to them. Emphasize with them. I can't lie though, there were times when I broke down myself. I had nobody to talk to.

I talked to Kenny quite some times and he listened but it wasn't much he could do. I normally cried in the shower so the water can drown out my sorrows. It was overwhelming and taking a huge toll on me. I had all of Levi's pain on top of my own. The last thing I needed was Levi starting a fight with me because I was crying. Thankfully his nightmares came to a permanent stop. But that didn't mean I got any sleep. It was just one less thing off my shoulders.

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