Chapter Sixty-Seven: Hise vs Himari

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Hiiii! Hope all is well. Happy reading!☺️

There was a knock on the door. "I'll get it." Marcel say as he walks to the door. He open it. Hise was standing there. "Girls, your grandfather's here." I announce. "Grandpa!" Rose come running in. He bend down and scoop her up. "How are my beautiful granddaughter?" Himari walks in. She grabs onto my leg. "Are you okay?" I ask her. "Grandpa hurt you. Will he hurt me?" She asks. I pick her up. "No sweetie. He will never hurt you. Right Hise?" He nods. "Your mother's right. I won't hurt you. I promise." He reach out to Himari and she jerk back. He closes his eyes. "She doesn't trust me does she?" I take a step back. "Nope. And neither do I." I walk into the living room and sit with Himari in my lap. "When did she become so cautious and ask these questions?" Hise asks me. "Levi said the day you told him why I was arrested. When she saw her father violent." "This is all my fault." "You can say that again." "Where's Levi?" "He should be home soon." Hise nods. It was deathly quiet. "Look what I made!" Rose exclaims as she holds a picture up. I exhaled the breath I didn't realize I was holding. She broke the tension in the air. "It's beautiful Princess." He grabs the back of her head and plant a kiss on her forehead. I jump up in reaction. She giggles. "Are you thirsty?" I ask Hise. I turn around but Marcel already had a tray in his hands. Curse this very prestigious butler. Curse Levi and his prestigious lifestyle. I smile. "Thank you Marcel." I sit back down with Himari. "I started my mission. There's a lot of cases I can't even begin to count. So many of them walked. So many women not getting justice." Hise spoke up as he pours himself some tea. "I know you're tired of hearing I'm sorry so I won't say it. But I will make it up to you for the rest of my life. I can't even bring to imagine what you've been through. I wish I never hurt you." "Why did you hurt mommy?" Himari asks. "Sweetie this is a grownup conversation." "Answer her Hise." I spat. He sighs. "Because grandpa was being stupid. Your mommy was trying to help me but I wasn't listening to her. We some mean things to each other and I-well I hurt her." Hise explains. "Mommy say mean things to Kenny an he didn't hurt her." Himari points out. "Because Uncle Kenny isn't stupid. He would never hurt mommy." "Daddy said you hurt grandma. Why?" "I was being stupid again. And I'll always regret it." "When daddy hurt you, was he stupid?" "No sweetie. He did it to protect mommy." "How?" "It's kind of hard to explain." "Try." Himari press on. "Well...he made me feel what mommy felt when I hurt her. But hurting people is never okay. And daddy will never hurt you." "I know. He promised." "And I promise to never hurt you, your sister, your mommy or daddy." Himari was quiet. Hise looks up at me. "She doesn't believe me does she?" "I have no clue. Himari, do you believe grandpa?" "Mmmm...he hurt grandma and you." She shakes her head no. This is one smart girl. "I'm home!" I hear. The girls gasps. "In here." I call. "Daddy!" The girls run over to Levi. He bends down and hug them. "How are my princesses?" He asks as he kiss their foreheads. They giggle. "Good!" They reply. I get up. "Hey welcome home." I greet. Levi stands and pulls me close to him. He kiss me, wrapping his arms around my waist. "What is he doing here?" Levi snaps. "He wanted to see the girls." "Why didn't you call me?" "You were at work." "Did he hurt you?" "No." "Did he hurt our daughters?" "No but I think Himari hurt him. She asked him a lot of questions. And she told me she doesn't trust him." "She has every right to not trust him." Just then, Levi grabs my waist and swiftly put me behind him. I peak around him to see Hise standing there. "Son I don't mean any harm." Levi scuffs. "You expect me to believe that?" "Levi I'm fine." I say, stepping around him. He wraps his arm around my waist, gripping me tightly. "I've already failed to protect you. I won't let that happen again. I don't want to lose you." I look at Levi. "You won't lose me." Levi looks at me. He tries to read my face. His face softens briefly before Hise cleared his throat. "I should get going. I don't want to overstay my welcome." Hise walks back to hug Rose. He walks to Himari. She runs over to us. I bend down to pick her up. Hise sighs. "It was good seeing you Prin-Y/N." Hise leaves. I hand Himari over to Levi and run after Hise. "You need to work it out with your son. I know Levi. He was holding back right now because the girls are right there." I tell him. "I know. I will do whatever it takes." Hise raise his hand and I caught it. "I just wanted to kiss your forehead and tell you not to worry." I let go of his hand. Hise walks out and I lock the door. I walk back to Levi. "Everything okay?" I nod. "I was just telling him that you two need to talk it out." "No. I don't want anything to do with him. I don't like him in our house." "I know. And I also know how much you just restrained yourself just now. It's only a matter of time before you try to kill him again." I point out. Levi close his eyes. "I would rather go back to therapy." "And Hotaru will tell you the exact same thing I'm telling you." "Oh so you're a shrink now?" I snort. "No. But I don't like seeing you like this. I want you happy." "I'll be happy when he drop dead." "Levi!" "What?" I grab his face. "I want you to stop thinking like that. It's not healthy. I care about you. Just do it for me? Please?" I beg. "Fine." I smile and kiss him. Levi kiss me back. "I love you so much Y/N." "I love you too."
Sorry for the late update. I had a rough three weeks and in the misst of it, I found out the guy I had a crush on has a girlfriend LMAO🤧

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