Chapter Eighteen: Recovery

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Hiiiiii! Hope you all enjoyed my last chapter. Happy reading!😊

I was released from the hospital a week later. Levi never left my side. I refused to make a report to the police, telling them they'll never find my killer just like they couldn't find my father's. "Levi you have to go back to work." I told him. "Amira's holding it down. I told her you're not feeling well so I'm going to be home." "Levi I'm fine." I sat up in bed. Levi strictly put me on bed rest. "Baby you were stabbed and killed. I'm not going anywhere until I kill that bastard. You're my everything." I looked at my empty finger, wishing I had my ring. Why did they even take it? What were they going to do? Pawn it? I then looked at the brand mark on my side. "You don't belong to them. You don't belong to anyone because you're not an object. But you are my wife. I will love and protect you." "It's really not worth it Levi." "What do you mean it's not worth it?" "You're doing all of this because of me." "Of course. They hurt you. They killed you. They robbed you and tortured you. They're not getting away with it." "I don't want you to lose your life over this." "I will jump in front of a bullet for you." "I need you here and alive." "I'm not going to die." "Then you better get those bastards and torture them so bad, they wish they were dead." I demanded as I gripped Levi's shirt, pulling him closer to me. A cocky smirk creeped on his face. "There she is." He said as he kissed me. "I'll get you another ring." "I kind of wanted that one." "I'll get you the exact same one." "No I mean, I don't want another one. I want that one. It's special." "I'll get that ring back. No matter what." I sighed. "It's probably retrieved by the police. It's fine. Just get the one that looks exactly like it." "I'll get it for you. It'll take some time though. The ring was custom made." My eyes grew wide. "I lost a custom made ring?" "Don't start. Your life is more important than a stupid ring. Value your life more than a replaceable ring. You're irreplaceable." I looked down. "The one time someone proposes to me, I actually lose the ring. How are you not mad at me?" "It wasn't your fault. You were held hostage and tortured. Stop talking about the ring. I don't care and that's final." "But-" "Y/N!" Levi scolded. He was frustrated and I was kind of getting turned on. His face was serious. "Scold me again Daddy Levi." I kissed him and pulled him closer. I wanted him so bad. I bit his lower lip, receiving a moan in response. "Y/N no. As much as I want to, I don't want to hurt you." My stab wound started hurting. I groaned. "Are you okay? Do you need anything? What is it?" Levi's face became worried. "I'm just in pain, that's all." Levi reached over and grabbed my medication. "Take your medicine baby." "What made you and your father make up?" I asked. "You. In the end we'll always come together during family emergencies." I smiled. "Good. I'm sure he learned his lesson." Levi looked at my brand mark. "Those horse fucking bastards. I'm gonna murder them. Every single one of them." He cursed under his breath. His dark impulse was coming back. "Levi look at me. I'm okay." I cooed as I gently grabbed his face. "You're not okay. You're in pain. They hurt you. They-They killed you. You had so much blood loss that you didn't make it during the blood transfusion. Thankfully those doctors didn't give up and you managed to pull through. It's not okay Y/N." I don't even think Levi was listening to me. At this point, it's impossible to convince him. His eyes were filled with pain, suffering, anger and hatred. It was scary but also sexy. To know that he will do anything to protect me was a turn on. It's like he will flip the world upside down for me. "When you kill them, I want to be there. I want us to be the last faves they see before they meet their maker." I said. "No. I'm not going to risk losing you again." "I'll be with you this time." Levi was silent for a minute. He sighed. "Fine. But if it gets too much for you, let me know immediately. I'll have one of my men escort you to the car and wait there with you. Or if you're in pain. Don't like and say you're not in pain. I don't want you to push yourself too hard. Deal?" I nodded and we locked pinkies.
Sorry this is so short y'all. I've been working on it but so much happened at my job and I lost sleep, I couldn't finish it properly.

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