Chapter Sixteen: Levi's Annual New Year's Yacht Party.

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Hiiiii! Sorry I haven't updated. I made a Gojo story and I just kinda got hooked on it. Now it's time to give Daddy Levi some attention. Happy reading!😊

I was looking for Levi. I couldn't seem to find him at all. "Marcel, have you seen Levi?" I asked. "Check the basement, Mrs. Ackerman." I furrowed my brows. "Did Levi put you up to that? Calling me Mrs. Ackerman?" Marcel remained silent. I went downstairs and into the basement. "Levi?" I called. No answer. I found him doing push-ups with one hand. He had a serious look on his face. He was fully motivated. I got on his back as he continued his push-ups. He was sweaty. He kept counting. I don't even think he noticed that I'm on his back. I got off. He was still counting. I got under him. Every time his got lower, he gave me a kiss. I giggled. "Ah so you do know I'm here." "Yes." He didn't stop counting. "Well breakfast is ready." He finished his final count and rolled beside me. He pulled me on top of him. "You're so beautiful." "And you're all sweaty." I pouted. My lingerie was getting all of his sweat. "Also you don't want to be late for work." I added as I traced his muscles. This man is so attractive. "How long have you been down here?" I asked. "Since three." "That was four hours ago. Come on. It's time to eat before the food gets cold." I got up but he pulled me back down. He kissed me. I felt as he got hard. "Levi!" "I can't help it. You're so sexy." I sat on top of him. "Well maybe you'll get lucky tonight." I winked as I got up. I felt as he slapped my ass hard. I walked upstairs and I heard him behind me. I felt as he wrapped his arms around from behind. "Take a shower with me after breakfast?" "Nope. I want you nice and hard tonight." "I'm always hard for you baby." "You have to focus. The Mafia Prince doesn't need to be losing his train of thought today." "Then send nudes." "So your men can accidentally see that? No. Besides I made plans to hang out with Amira today." Levi buried his face into my neck. "I'm going to be so lonely without you." "You'll survive." Levi pushed me against the wall, pinning my arms above my head. His eyes were filled with lust. "Levi..." I breathed out. "I'll make you scream my name louder than that tonight. I want everyone on the yacht to hear us." Levi pressed himself against me and started sucking on my neck. I started to moan. "You're playing dirty Levi." "Who said I play fair?" He whispered in my ear. I shivered. Levi walked away. "Damn you!" I screamed. I ran and jumped on his back. He chuckled and held my legs. He walked into the kitchen. I jumped down and we washed our hands. We sat in the dining table and ate. "So are your family coming tonight?" I asked. "If I see my father, he's dead." "Levi stop." "What?" "You have to move on from it. I did. I mean I don't want to see him so I meant more like your mom and cousins. And definitely not Kenny unless you want to see a bloodbath." "If I see Kenny he's dead too." "No you're not killing him. We've already discussed this. I'm killing him." "I know. I just love hearing you say that." He smiled. "So...about our kids..." he trailed off as he ate. "How many do you want? We can adopt, hire a surrogate, a gestational carrier, or try IVF. Your choice. I'm down with whatever." I held up my hand. "What?" "No ring, no baby." He smiled. "Don't worry about the ring baby. You'll get one." "Alright." I thought for a minute. "We could try IVF. I can't say it'll help and it's very expensive." "I don't care how much it is. I wouldn't care if you want to adopt ten kids." "Ten? Slow down. I can barely take care of myself." "I mean if you want, we don't have to have any kids." "No. I do. I want your legacy passed down. And to see a little mini you running around." "Our legacy." Levi corrected. I watched him. "You know the last time we were on a yacht together was during our first vacation?" "Yeah. We should take more vacations together." "You need it more than I do. Considering your double life." I looked around. "Are you ready to give up this peace and quiet for little toddlers running around?" I asked. "It's worth it. I don't care if I become insomniac if it means I have a wonderful family." "Looks like we're both losing sleep." I laughed. "My wife isn't going to be sleep deprived. I'm taking care of everything so she can get her beauty sleep." "I'm going to help you out. I'm still their mom." "You will. But I also want you well rested. But we can discuss more details later." I finished eating. Marcel grabbed our dishes. I got up. "Are you sure you don't want to shower with me?" "Go!" I playfully shoved him upstairs. I followed him. We headed into his room and I went to his closet. I picked out his suit for today. "You know you don't have to do that anymore." "I know. But I like doing it. Dressing you is kinda hot." I heard as the shower started. I looked through his selections. Everything's brand new. He still doesn't wear anything twice. I think that's slowly becoming a habit of mine too. I picked one out and placed it on the bed. It was a dark grey suit. I grabbed a box of his new shoes. I grabbed his gloves, watch, glasses, cologne, his socks and underwear. I placed them all on the bed. Today's cologne is called Replica: Jazz Club by Manson Margiela. I also had his white shirt on the bed as well. "Ooh!" I grabbed a brand new tie as well. I placed it on the bed. I smiled, very satisfied with my selection. Tonight he's wearing a tuxedo. I heard as the shower stopped. Levi came out seconds later, dripping wet. He didn't bother to wrap a towel around himself. "Don't tempt me." I said and he smirked. "Come get it then." "No. You have to focus. As much as I want to right now, I don't want you slacking." Levi started to get dressed. I put his tie on him. Levi held my waist. "You look so hot dressing me." "I'll look even hotter undressing you tonight." I winked. "Don't tempt me." Levi repeated. I helped him put his watch on. He started rubbing my breasts. "For memory." "Get it all out now." I said as I fixed his collar. "Sit down." Levi sat on the floor. I got on the bed and started styling his hair. I wrapped a towel around him. I grabbed the clippers and touched up on his hair that was shaved. I slicked his hair back and removed the towel. He got up and looked in the mirror. He ran his fingers through his hair. "Well this is different. I like it." He smiled. "Makes me look younger." He walked to me and kissed me. He took a good look at me. "I want you so bad right now." "Tonight." I reminded him. "I know I know. Alright I'm off." I helped him put his trench coat on. He put his gloves on and grabbed his gun. "Is that necessary?" I asked. "Always best to be safe. You're going to be carrying one too." Levi kissed me again and walked out. I took a quick shower and got dressed. I went for a pant suit. It's hard to break out of this habit and go back to casual clothing since I've became his assistant. I put on my trench coat. I walked downstairs and Marcel opened the door. "Thank you." Amira pulled up. I got in. "Hey." I greeted. "Hey. Where's boss man?" She asked me. "Oh he's busy. Getting ready for tonight." I told her as she pulled off. "Where are we going?" I asked. "To the mall." "On a holiday?" "Yes. They're closing early so that's why we're going there now." I nodded. "I need you to help me find the perfect outfit for tonight." "Well are you wearing a dress or a pant suit?" "I can't decide." I rolled my eyes. "You're always so indecisive." I laughed. After about a half hour, she parked. We got out. There were so many cars parked. "Looks like we're not the only ones last minute shopping." I pointed out. We walked inside. The mall is packed. We walked around. "Ooh this is cute." Amira grabbed my hand, dragging me into a store. We looked at an emerald green suit. "Okay if you plan on wearing a suit, get like a push-up bralette and a hat." I suggested. "I like the way you think." We found the suit in her size. Amira wasn't done shopping. I knew we'd be here for a while. We continued to browse. It had to be at least an hour before she ended up only buying the suit. We walked out. "Alright now we need to get you a black bralette and heels." I looked around, trying to find a lingerie store. "Don't look now but Daiki's here. With his fiancée and baby." I think that's what Amira said. I was still looking around. My eyes fell on Daiki. "Y/N. It's good seeing you again. I see you're doing well." He greeted. I finally took off my sunglasses. "Do I know you?" I asked. "It's Daiki. I was your boyfriend for four years, before we broke up." "He's the one who cheated on you, got her pregnant and proposed to her, Y/N." Amira added. "I'm sorry I don't know him. My man will never stoop to such trifles and cheat on me." I replied as I put my glasses back on, turning my head. I pulled Amira along as we walked inside of the lingerie store. "Y/N!" "What?" "That was so badass. Pretending to not know him. Who are you?" "I'm not going to waste my time on small talk with the likes of him. The moment he left me and Levi confessed his love for me, the moment I no longer acknowledge his existence." I told her as I started looking. We finished shopping and ate at one of the restaurants.

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