Chapter Sixty-Five: Coming Home

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Hiiiiii! How are you? Hope all is well. This is finally Y/N's POV. Happy reading!☺️

"Are you ready?" A nurse ask me. I nod. He grabs my suitcases for me and we walk out. Johnny was standing in front of the car. He hugs me. "Welcome back Boss." "It's good to be back." I pull away. He opens the door for me and I get in. He gets in and drives off. "Why didn't you call your husband?" "I want it to be a surprise." "What about your chauffeur?" "I don't remember his number. And you're the only number I remember besides Levi's." "Well I'm honored." I laugh as he drives. I look out the window. I haven't been in a car since Levi admitted me into rehab. "May I?" I ask. "You don't have to ask." I smile and turn the radio on. I'm Coming Home starts playing. "Wake up Boss." I feel as I was being shaken. "Hmm?" I ask. "You're home." He smiles. I look out the window. The familiar building was right there. Home. Where my family lives. Where I live. Johnny opens the door and I step out. He grabs my suitcases and follow me to the door. The front door opens. "Welcome home Mrs. Ackerman." Marcel greets. I smile wide and hug him. "Thank you." He chuckles and hugs me back. "Can you get Levi? Tell him it's important." "Right away madame." Marcel walks away. "What's so important Marcel I-" Levi stops in his tracks. I smile and wave. "Hi." I greet. "You're home?!" I nod. "Baby you're home?!" "Yes!" Levi run towards me and scoops me up. I wrap my legs around his waist as he kissed me deeply. "Oh my god you're home. Finally!" I laugh. "No more going to sleep alone. I love you so much." "I love you too." Levi looks at me with love. I kiss him. My husband. The father of my daughters. My protector. I jump down from him. I hear screams. We look to see Karina. She runs and jumps on me. "You're home! I missed you!" I laugh as I hug her. "I missed you too Karina." She gets down. "What're you doing here?" "We stayed over to help with the girls." "We?" "Me and my twinnem." Mikasa walks in. "Hey welcome back!" I hug her. "Daddy!" Karina calls. Kenny walks in. "There's my princess." I smile wide. "Kenny!" I run over to hug him. He embraces me. "Welcome home Princess." He kiss my forehead. "It's good to be home." "I'm glad my killer's better now." I smile wide. "Mommy!" I bend down to hug my daughters. "Hi babies!" I squeeze them. "I missed you so much!" "We missed you too mommy!" I stand up. "Why didn't you call me?" Levi ask. "I wanted it to be a surprise." "I'm very happy." Levi pulls me close. "Do you need anything?" "I already ate. I just want to lie down." "You two go upstairs. We got the girls." Kenny announce. "Thank you." Levi says. He guides me upstairs and into our bedroom. "This is better than the small room I had." "Good. This is your bed. Your home." I sit down on the bed. Levi takes off my heels. I get under the blanket. Levi gets in behind me. "Can we spoon?" Levi asks. I nod. Levi pulls me close and wraps his arms around me. I turn to face him. I look into his eyes. "I'm so glad to have you home baby. God I miss you so much." "I missed you too. I missed this house. The kids. The twins. Kenny. Everything." "They missed you too. A year without you felt like forever. I felt so helpless. Like I couldn't do anything. That I needed to do more." "You've done everything baby and I appreciate you. I'm sorry you had to go through that." "No don't apologize. It's my job as your husband to protect you and care for you." I stroke his hair. "What's wrong?" I ask. "It's nothing." "Levi." I press on. He sighs. "I put my hands on a woman. Heather-Asami. The one who looks like my mother. Her real name's Heather. She spoke ill of my late mother. I back handed her. I also burned her with my cigar." I was silent. "That bitch deserve it. Nobody disrespects Mrs. Ackerman." "I know. But I shouldn't have put my hands on her. I don't hit women. The Ackerman's protect their women. We protect, respect, love and cherish our women. No woman, no children my ass. It's a damn lie." "Baby stop. She doesn't count. She was the enemy. She's just like Chiara, Mei, and Caroline. They're all unhinged and deserve everything that came to them." "I know. But I have never put my hands on them. I'm just like my father." I grab Levi's face. "Look at me. You are nothing like your father. You are so much better than him. If you were anything like him, I wouldn't be with you. I'd still be your assistant." I tell him. I gently wipe the tears off his face. I lean closer and kiss him. He kiss me back. It feels good to kiss him. To be in his arms. To be in his presence. Levi grabs my hand and kiss my ring. "I killed those prison guards. Twelve of them. The twins killed Heather and her sister." "What?" I shake my head. "She had a sister?" "While you were in prison, Johnny dug deeper. Her sister Joyce was a former plastic surgeon. Never had a criminal history. Karina gave her a quick death without torture." Levi informs me. "So you killed those men?" Levi was quiet. "Good. They deserve it." I tell him. He smiles. "There she is." I smile wide. I let out a yawn. "Get some rest sweetie." "I don't want to. I feel like when I wake up, you won't be here." "It's not another illusion. This is real. You're home. When you wake up, I'll be right here. You'll be in my arms. So please get some rest." I nod and close my eyes. I feel as he rub my back and kiss my forehead.
Finally home🤧

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