Chapter Three: Business Success

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Hiiiii! Thank you so much on voting for your favorite chapters. It truly means a LOT to me. This is a one week time skip. Happy reading!😊

It's been about a week since the party. I don't remember anything past the alcohol setting in. I wasn't blacked out drunk but my mind was hazy. It's been extremely hectic at work, especially doing everything for Levi. He'd call all hours of the night and I jumped to get it done. I can see why others quit, it's exhausting. But they knew this during the interview and this is the position as an assistant. Barry wanted to do the twelfth anniversary for Levi and I arranged it.

Amira will be there so I'm really interested into seeing what Barry is going to have them do. I had driven myself there. I was currently making sure everything was running smoothly. I already picked up his custom made suit that I bought with his card. He was currently getting his hair styled. It was that same hairstyle but a bit more sleek. Today's suit was a silver one with matching shoes and gloves. He took a sip of the coffee I made him. Amira came in. She was wearing a tuxedo with stilettos.

"You look hot." I complimented. Her hair was down in curls. She smiled wide.

"Thank you. Why aren't you dressed?" She asked while eyeing me. I was in my usual suit. I looked down.

"I am dressed." She looked at Levi.

"You didn't tell her?"

"Tell me what?"

"You're going to be on the front cover with us upon Barry's request." Levi spoke up.

"Oh no no no nooooo. I'm not doing that. I have to make sure everything runs smoothly. And besides that's for you two. I haven't earned the respect as your assistant yet." I rejected. Levi looked at me completely confused.

"What I mean is I don't deserve it. I can be replaced at any time." I explained.

"Nonsense. You've been doing an amazing job." Amira chimed in.

"Now go! Barry will be disappointed if you're not changed." Barry walked in.

"Is everyone ready?" He looked at me.

"You're not ready?"

"Oh no. Sorry but I can't do it. I haven't made a name for myself yet or earned it." I politely declined.

"Okay. Fair enough." He turned to Levi.

"She's an honest and humble one." He turned back to me as he grabbed my shoulders.

"It's a shame you won't be joining them but I respect your wishes. But please, take the gown home."

"What gown?"

"The one I had made for you."

"No that's okay."

"No I insist. A gift. From me to you." I sighed.

"Alright." I gave in. He clapped.


"Places everyone, places! We are running out of time." The photographer yelled. The stylists finished touching up on Levi as I walked out. I wasn't really sure what to do but I overlooked everything. I was sitting next to Barry as Levi and Amira entered. The photographer was giving them instructions. He started taking photos.

"I hope to see you up there with them one day." Barry said to me.

"Maybe some day."

"You know he talked to me a few days ago. He called me personally. He said he didn't like that I was pressuring him into settling down. It was you, wasn't it?" I remained quiet.

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