Chapter Fifty-Three: New Beginnings

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Hiiiiii! Hope all is well. This is a two year time skip. Happy reading!☺️

Colombian necktie;

A Colombian necktie is a form of post-mortem mutilation in which the victim's tongue is pulled through a deep cut beneath the jaw and left dangling on the neck.

I've been living in Paris, France for two years now. I just took my passport and left. Before I left, I had to make Caroline Sunshine disappear. She didn't have any parents. I ended up taking her baby after killing her. She had a baby girl. When we arrived to Paris, I legally changed her name to Himari Kaori Y/L/N. I raised her in Paris. She's two years old now. Life's been a breeze. I've spent a lot of time healing. I didn't bother to date as I prioritized Himari in my life. It actually has taken me a long time to get over Levi said in the recording. Day in and day out I missed Rose. I hope she was doing well. At one point I did come back to my home country. That was when I legally changed Himari's name and adopted her. We stayed in a hotel and I paid extra to speed up the adoption papers. Checking on Levi never crossed my mind. I'm sure he has moved on from now. He has every right to. There were times I missed him dearly. We were currently on the private jet, on our way back home. Himari was asleep in my lap. The plane starts to land. I pick up Himari when the plane stopped moving. From a pay phone I called for a limo to come get us. I was severely jet lagged. I place Himari in the car seat and strap her in. I get in as well. The driver gets behind the wheel after placed our suit cases in the trunk. He pulls off. I close my eyes as I lean my head back. I'm going to miss Paris. Such a beautiful city. So much to see. No matter what, Paris isn't my home. The driver pulls up and parks. I grab Himari and walk out. She clings to me as she sleeps. I walk up and the front door opens. "Welcome home, Mrs. Ackerman." I smile at Marcel as I step in. "Thank you." "Mommy!" And there she was. Rose running to me. I bend down and hug her with one arm. "Mommy misses you so much. How's my princess?" I kiss her face. "Good. I miss you mommy!" I smile wide. "Who is that?" I shush Rose quietly. "This is your new baby sister. Her name is Himari. She's two. That makes her three years younger than you." "I have a baby sister now?" I nod. "Where's daddy?" I ask. "He's upstairs." "Okay sweetie why do you go back to what you are doing and I'll go see him okay?" "Okay mommy." I walk upstairs quietly, holding a sleeping Himari. I walk into the bedroom. "Knock knock." I say as I knock on the open door. Levi glance at me. He does a double take. "Y/N!" Levi scrambled out of bed. He falls onto the floor and gets up. He runs to me and swings me around. I hold Himari tightly. He sets me on my feet. He kiss me deeply. "Oh my god I thought I lost you." He says when he finally break free. He keeps a hold on me, afraid of letting go. "Am I dreaming?" I shake my head. "Nope." "You're here for real?" I nod. "Baby you don't know how sorry I am. The day you left, my world was shattered. Every day I prayed you would come back to me. Each day I slowly lost hope." I walk to the bed and sit down. I take off Himari's shoes and place her in bed. I pull the blanket it over her. Levi gets on his knees in front of me. He place his head in my lap. I stroke his hair. "Every day I thought about that recording. And every single day I wanted to hurt you." "Y/N-" "Let me finish. It was a long journey I needed to do on my own. Finding myself. Love myself. Enjoy my own company. I've done a lot of things in Paris. Sight seeing, shopping, you name it. I even went to Bali Indonesia for a vacation. Once a month I stayed in a hotel for a week as a healing retreat. I had spa days, I hit the gym, I ate healthy and went to a lot of beaches. Paris is really the city of love. Not just falling in love with a significant other, but with yourself too. It was a long journey of healing. Every day I worked on bettering myself. Every day I took a step closer to my own personal happiness. It was hard. I cried, scream and throw tantrums. I tried to hurt myself but I-I didn't have it in me anymore. Not when Rose needed me. I thought about her every single day. I knew that Himari needed me as well. I am a mother of two now. Two precious little girls who need me in their life. I want to see them grow. I want to see them go to school, graduate, date, get married and have kids of their own. I want to be called grandma. I want them to be proud to call me their mother. I couldn't miss those milestones in life. Seeing Himari take her first steps, filled my heart with joy. Hearing her call me mama for the first time, made me cry. A beautiful soul looks up at me with her big pretty eyes and called me mama." I sniff as I run my fingers through his hair. Levi's arms were still wrapped around my waist. "Throughout my journey, that's what kept me going. Kept me motivated. That these tiny little human beings need me. Rely on me. And I will do everything in my power to protect their innocence in this cruel world. The first eight months was hard. I thought about multiple ways of killing you. I was delirious. In my mind, it was kill or be killed. Even when I came back here to change Himari's name legally and adopt her, all I kept thinking about was 'how can I kill the man who hurt me?' I thought about torturing you. Giving you a Colombian necktie. Or simply make you a smoothie with a certain amount of apple cores equal to your BMI and watch you die from cyanide poisoning. I was on guard thinking you may show up to my house to kill me." "No baby I would never." I laugh maniacally. "That's when I thought you deserve to live with the guilt and let it fuck you up psychologically." I went on. "When I moved on, I felt like I was reborn. I had a fresh start. And because of that, I can sit right here and face you." I finish. Levi looks at me. He was crying. "I've learned my lesson. I wish I never said those horrible things to you, let alone mean it. It killed me every day. Especially when you gave me the silent treatment. But I too have done a lot of thinking. About all of our fights. How we treated each other so poorly. Screaming at each other. Well...we didn't scream last time. I'm sorry for talking about you behind your back. I even held a grudge against you when you left. I even hated you all over again." Levi wipes his tears. "Why does she leave me every single time? I thought maybe you never loved me. But that was a silly thought. Looking back at it, you left me once or twice. I left you once. We both dogged each other so I thought it was best that you left. I think we needed this two year break. I dated again, but that did no good. I blamed you so much. I was mainly confused. Were you mad at me because I fell in love with my girlfriend? I remember seeing the look on your face. I told you before we left I had nothing to hide from you. I in fact did hide that from you. To protect you. And I wanted to forget about it. I never thought she recorded that. When you didn't talk to me I knew it had to be because I bad mouthed you. I'm not perfect and I never will be. Neither one of us is perfect. Baby I'm tired of fighting. I'm tired of the breakups." "So am I. I realized all of that last year. It doesn't bother me that you talked about me. I gave you a reason to. All of that doesn't matter to me anymore." "Mama!" I look over to see Himari awake. "Who's this?" Levi asks. I grab Himari and place her in my lap. "This is Himari Kaori Y/L/N. I adopted her from Caroline." "Did you kill Caroline?" I nod. "At the end of the day, no bitch is going to scam you out of money or fake a DNA test and get over it." "Where's the father?" "He left her when she told him she was pregnant. And he's in prison for murder. I visited him. He told me to keep the child and he wanted no parts." "So when did you do all of this?" "The same day I left Kenny's house. I didn't catch a flight until at least around five in the evening. It took a lot of work of hunting him down without help. I didn't torture her. Just gave her a Columbian Necktie for being a rat. She should've never recorded that confidential conversation, let alone play it in court. I obviously burned her house down." "Holy fuck you're crazy." I smile. "Mama who's that?" She points. "I'm your father." Levi says. He looks at me. "I-if that's okay with you." I shrug. "That's fine by me." Levi smiles wide and kiss me. "Rose!" I call. I hear footsteps seconds later. "Yes mommy?" "Come here please." Rose came closer. I pick her up and place her on the bed. "This is your baby sister Himari. Himari, this is your older sister Rose." "Hi Himari!" Rose hugs her tightly. I watch as Himari hug her back. "Sissy!" Himari says. My heart filled with joy. Levi takes my hand. He grabs my face and makes me look at him. "No more fighting. No more secrets. No more people wedging themselves between our relationship. No more bad mouthing each other." Levi's hand trailed down to my throat. "And if you ever leave me again, I'll kill you." I smile wide as he kiss me. "You being another bitch into our lives and I'm killing you both." I warn. "Never. I'm sure we both learned our lesson. Just stop leaving me." "You should know that I always come back." Levi place his head back in my lap. "This feels like a dream. Like I'll wake up and you're not here." "I'm here Levi, and I always will be."
Welp there's that I guess.

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