Chapter Eight: Yacht Life

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Hiiiiii! This is a warning that this chapter will contain explicit content. Feel free to skip. Minors DNI. This also isn't a time skip. The POV will switch from hers to third person POV. Happy reading!😊

I suggested we go back on the yacht. I didn't know why but being on the waters felt freeing. I was bathing in the sun, not that I really needed to tan. That's why I had on sunscreen. I was in my favorite bikini that I bought.

"You look hotter than the sun." I heard Levi's voice.

I screamed and wrapped a beach towel around me. He's never saw me this exposed. He chuckled.

"You don't have to cover yourself around me." He said while slowly removing the towel.

His fingers danced around my bikini top and he pulled on it, the knot instantly untying. I gasped as I sat up, covering myself.

"Mr. Ackerman!" I yelled.

"I told you to call me Levi." He said as he kissed my neck.

It still felt surreal. Just yesterday I only saw him as my boss and a few hours ago he confessed his love for me.

"I ran the bath water." He told me.

"Is that an invite?"

"It certainly is." Levi got up, heading back towards the bathroom and I followed.

I had the beach towel wrapped around me. By the time I was there, he was already in the tub.

"Don't be shy. Come on in beautiful."

"Pfft I'm not shy." I lied. Levi yanked the towel off me.

"Do I need to strip you?" I shook my head no.

"Turn around."

"So you are shy." He chuckled as he turned around.

"Well you're my boss." I reminded him as I got undressed.

I climbed inside of the tub. Levi turned to me and smiled. He pulled me closer to him.

"Are you always this touchy? This isn't like you."

"I'm always hands on around someone I want to be with."

My back was against his chest as his arms were wrapped around my waist. I played with the bubbles. Levi started kissing my neck again. I felt as he nibbled on my neck. I was fighting back a moan.

"You're being stubborn aren't you?"

"I am not." I lied again.

"It's futile to lie. I can see right through you." He said.

Levi wrapped his right hand around my throat as his left hand trailed down my body.

"M-Mr. Ackerman?!"

"Shhhh....I told you to call me Levi."

I felt as his fingers started playing with my pussy. His fingers slowly went up and down. I let out a moan.

"That's a good assistant." He mumbled in my ear.

"God you're getting wet already for me."

His fingers started rubbing faster and focused on rubbing my clit. I was completely under his spell. My legs started to shake.

"Levi!" I screamed.

"Let's see how long you can last."

"Huh?" I asked.

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