Chapter Six: Vacation

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Levi got off the phone shortly after. I didn't eavesdrop on his conversation as I was deep in my phone. Daiki was texting me. I didn't understand why he still had my number. But he was completely saying that I was sleeping with my boss during the last two months of our relationship before he broke up with me. That was absolute bullshit. Levi's hand plucked my phone out of mines. I glared at him.

"I know he's texting you. You don't need to waste your energy on him." He pulled up to my apartment building.

"Why are we here?"

"You're packing." He got out and opened my door. I got out.

"Why am I packing?"

"Don't ask." We walked inside. We got on the elevator. My phone vibrated multiple times. Levi looked at it.

"He's a brain dead idiot." He said before turning my phone off. We got off the elevator and into my penthouse. I went into my room and started packing. Levi walked in and helped me pack. He grabbed my bikini and packed those too. I was embarrassed that he was touching those. He didn't seem fazed over it. He filled up three suitcases and left my room. He didn't pack a single coat.

We got back on the elevator and waited. We got off and he placed my suitcases in his trunk. He opened my door and I got in. He got behind the wheel and drove off. The drive was silent. He pulled up to his home and parked. He opened my door and I got out. He grabbed my suitcases and I followed him.

"Welcome home Master Ackerman." Marcel greeted. We both greeted the butler. He went upstairs and I waited. I sat on the sofa. About twenty minutes later, Levi came downstairs with his suitcases. Marcel grabbed them.

"Let's go." Levi said. I got up and followed him outside. His chauffeur was waiting. Marcel placed our suitcases in the trunk. We were inside the limousine. The chauffeur got behind the wheel and drove off. I felt like I was being kidnapped.

"We're going to the States." Levi announced.

"For vacation." He added.

"We were supposed to have lunch."

"We both need this. Amira has everything handled. I have a beach home in Malibu."

"I can't just leave."

"As my assistant, you don't have a choice. Don't think you'll be working. This vacation is for the both of us." The chauffeur pulled up and parked. We got out and I followed Levi. I wasn't really paying attention but quickly, we boarded the private jet. Levi handed my passport over to me. I wasn't even sure when he got it. I sat down. The jet was taking off.


We finally landed in California. Levi got off first and I followed. Another chauffeur opened the door and we both got in. I looked out the window. I lowered the window and let some breeze in. About an hour and half later, the chauffeur pulled up and parked. We got out and grabbed our suitcases.

We were at Levi's beach house. We were actually on the beach. I've never been to the United States before. He unlocked the door and we walked in. It was beautiful. A lot smaller than his home back there but it was still beautiful.

"Pick any room you like." I nodded and walked upstairs, with my suitcases. I picked the nearest room. The flight was long and exhausting. I yawned and started to unpack. I was hungry again as I only ate once on the jet. I definitely needed a shower. It was actually in the evening here.

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