Chapter Thirty-Nine: Mrs. Ackerman vs The Mafia Princess

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Hiiiiiii! Pfft I need to go back to sleep I've been up for hours. This is a warning that this chapter will contain HIGHLY gruesome content. I loosened some screws in my brain. Feel free to skip. Happy reading!☺️

 Happy reading!☺️~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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I hang up the phone. "Everything alright?" Levi asks. "Your wife is dying tonight." I tell Levi while glaring at him. He smiles. "That's all I ever want. There's just one thing." "What's that?" "It's Rose. I'm her only parent alive." "She is not yours Levi." "I know she's not mine biologically. But I adopted her." "You were forced to adopt her." "I know that too. But I've grown to love her like my own. I don't want her to go into the system. She's three. She doesn't know what's going on and she shouldn't suffer the consequences." "So let me get this straight." I sit up. "So you mean to tell me that this bitch snatches my man from me, gets pregnant by him, he proposes to her, and leaves me all because I can't have kids. I fall in love again, kill her husband and in return she snatches you away from me, drug you, raw dog you, convince you to sign a marriage license and adoption papers, plan on killing you after giving birth, put me through depression to the point I tried to kill all of you, and you want to take care of her daughter? The child that was conceived while I was in a relationship with her father? Because you don't want her to go in the system?" Levi sighs. "It's bad, I know. But Rose has nothing to do with this. She didn't choose her parents. She doesn't know and can't help that her mother is a conniving manipulating home wrecker and that her father is a low down dirty cheater." I close my eyes and take a deep breath. "Baby I know it's a lot to ask." "You can raise her. Alone." I take the ring off and throw it. Levi gets up and fetches it. He comes back and place it back on my finger after a struggling with me. "I'm not asking you to raise her. I'm raising her. Just please don't take your anger and hatred out on her. She's so sweet. Once you kill her mother, you've won." "That's not a victory." There's a knock on the door. "They're here." Seconds later, Kenny walks in with the twins. I hug them both and hug Kenny. "You!" Karina takes off, throwing punches at Levi. "Ow hey Karina stop it! What'd I do?!" He asks as he holds her down. "You got that bitch pregnant?! Y/N tried to commit suicide because of you!" Karina breaks free and jumps on him from behind. She puts him in a chokehold. "God dammit Karina!" Kenny rushes over and break them apart. Mikasa runs over and holds her sister down. "I'm fine I'm fine." Karina says. Kenny walks to me and hugs me. "What happened to your head Princess?" He ask as he kiss my forehead. I touch my head. There's a bandage wrapped around it. I turn to Levi and Hise. "Well?" I ask. Levi sighs. "I accidentally shoved her into glass and hit her." "What the fuck? Why?" Kenny asks. "Because I slept with her. Multiple times. And I fell in love with her." Hise explains. "You hit her?!" Karina takes off again, hitting Levi. This time, nobody stops her. Kenny whistles. "God damn girl what did you do to these boys?" Kenny asks. "I didn't do anything." "Kusheru would be so disappointed in you Hise." "I know. That's why I let her go. Y/N will never love me so I'm moving on." "Kenny get your fuckin daughter!" "You shouldn't have put your hands on Y/N." Kenny fires back. Karina pulls out a knife. "Karina no!" Kenny rushes over and pulls her off. "We don't kill family. We beat them up but we protect them." Karina laughs maniacally. When the fuck did she snap again? Kenny hugs Karina tightly, taking the knife out of her hand. "Count the kittens in your head sweetie. How many kittens are there?" "One kitty...two kitties...three kitties." Karina counts. Levi gets up, wiping his mouth. "It's what you deserve." Mikasa spat. "Alright alright. I didn't call you all here to jump Levi. But because tonight, I'm killing Mrs. Ackerman." I say. I sit back down. "Maybe we should postpone this until you're better Princess." Hise suggests. "Don't bitch out on me now just because you're in love with me and got to taste the magical pussy. She's dying tonight. No excuses. Mikasa, I need you to get a boat, chains and cinder blocks." "How many chains and cinder blocks?" "I don't know. But over buy them. It's best to be safe than sorry. Kenny, I need you to buy a blow torch, a scalpel, lanterns, and a disposable camera. Remember to buy everything in cash. Don't touch the cash with your bare hands. Levi, I need you to encourage her to have a girls night out or something and you volunteer to take care of Rose. And when she's in the shower, put a tracker in her phone. Hise, I need you to find an abandon building that's close to the beach. And I want you to buy gasoline, a portable blender, Chloroform, and a lighter. That building is getting burned down. When you get everything, I need everyone to stay here while Karina and I start the show." "I'm coming with you." Levi says. "No. I need you to stay here." "No. I want to see that bitch writhe in pain. And someone needs to bring you both into reality." I let out a sigh. "Fine you can record. And drive her car to the abandoned building so it can be burned too. Hise, you're babysitting your granddaughter. Sorry I'm not the mother who birthed her." Hise nods. "That's fine. She's family now." "We don't get to kill the baby?" Karina asks. "No!" We all scold her. "No women, no children. But her mother is an exception. She ruined my life. Twice. And she's going to pay with her life. Her daughter didn't do anything wrong. She's innocent Karina." I tell her. She pouts. "Fine." "Don't be so down. You can do whatever you want with her mother." "Yay!" I smile at her enjoyment. "Alright that's the plan." I announced. "Kojiro?" I call. He came in. "Yes Mrs. Ackerman?" "Oh no you don't need to call me that. But can you make us all lunch?" "Yes, Mrs. Ackerman." Kojiro says before walking away. "He's going to keep calling me that isn't he?" "Mhm." They all agree. "Whether you choose my dim witted cousin or my pillow talk uncle, you'll always be Mrs. Ackerman." Mikasa adds. I get up. "I need a shower. I know I smell...Hise you need a shower too." He nods. "You two are going to show together? Really?" Levi scuffs. "No! But we did fuck last night and this morning and haven't showered yet." I say. "Now that's not fair Princess." Hise says. Levi looks at me heartbroken. Like he was just gutted like a fish. "I mean he can always go back to fucking his pregnant wife." "Y/N that's low and you know that." Hise scolds."Damn girl that's cold." Kenny adds. "Um chile, anyways...I'm gonna go shower." I get up. "Come on, Daddy." I say as I walk up to Hise. I grab his crotch and pinch his nipple, causing him to moan. Levi gets up and walks out of the living room, completely defeated. I walk out and walk upstairs. I walk into the guest room I was in and take off my clothes, putting them away. I check the weather. I start the shower and get in. I sigh as the hot water hit my back. I hum as I shower. I wash myself and rinse off. I get off, wrapping a towel around me. I walk into the room. I scream. "Levi get out!" "I'm just making sure my father isn't showering with you." "And if he was?" "I'd beat his ass." "Get out." Levi looks me up and down. "You're not hiding anything I haven't saw." He says as he gets up. He pulls me close and kiss me. I start to pull away. "Don't. Please." "Levi..." I was trying so hard not to give in. I need to focus on taking her down. Levi starts kissing my neck. "Please don't be mad." I shake my head and pull away. "I'm not mad. I need to focus Mr. Ackerman." Levi looks at me. "Mr. Ackerman? You're serious?" I walk past him and walk to the closet. I pull out another red dress. I place it on the bed. "Please don't ignore me." I grab my new box of shoes and place it on the bed. I dry myself off and put on lotion. I start to get dressed in my shorts set. I sit down. Levi sits down and wraps his arms around me. I stand up and walk downstairs, with Levi on my heels. "Ah I was just about to call you. Lunch is served." Kojiro announce. "Good, I'm starving. Two sexual workout sessions can do a number to you." I reply. Levi sighs behind me. I walk into the dining room. "Gorgeous gorgeous girls, always make a grand entrance." I strike a pose. I take a seat next to Hise. We start eating. I grab Hise's crotch under the table. "This is really good Kojiro." I say. Hise hissed. I start to massage him as we ate. "Thank you Mrs. Ackerman." "So the storm is coming around earlier than expected. It's supposed to be at two am but now they're saying it's starting tonight at eight." I announce, sliding my hand down Hise's pants. He whimpers, fighting to hold back a moan. "Sh-Shit then we better get going now." Hise stutters. Levi was watching us the entire time. We finish eating. I get up. "Alright everyone knows what they're doing?" "Yes Princess, we do." Kenny says. "Good. Now let the games begin." I say as I walk out of the dining room.

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